Blood Components Flashcards
What is the Buffy coat in terms of blood components?
White blood cells and platelets
What are red cell donations commonly used for?
Used to replace lost red cells due to acute anaemia where alternatives are inappropriate or ineffective.
How much approximately is a unit of packed red cells?
What temperature at packed red cells stored at?
Between 2 and 6 degrees
What is the maximum storage time for packed red cells?
28 to 49 days
What is the maximum storage time for packed red cells according to NHSBT?
Up to 35 days
How long are irradiated packed red cells allowed to be stored for?
14 days
How long can washed red cells be stored for?
14 days
How long can red cells be out of the blood fridge if they are being returned to the fridge?
30 minutes
If packed red cells are out of the blood fridge for longer than 30 mins, how quickly but it be donated to a recipient?
Within 4 hours of leaving the fridge
What is irradiation of cells?
Stops lymphocytes from being able to reproduce but it does not greatly affect other blood cells. Can cause damage to the membrane of red cells.
How does irradiation affect red cells?
IT can cause damage to membranes.
When are Granulocytes often needed in a donation?
Often in patients with life-threatening soft tissue or organ infection with bacteria or fungi.
In people with low neutrophil counts.
When do people often have a low neutrophil count?
After chemotherapy
What must happen to Granulocyte donations before they can be accepted and why?
They must be irradiated due to the high risk of white cell engraftment and graft vs host disease.
What is engraftment?
New cells are working properly and starting to rebuild your immune system.
How much does a unit of pooled Granulocytes cost?
What temperature are granulocytes stored at?
20 to 24 degrees
What is the maximum storage time for granulocytes?
How long can Granulocytes be outside of their storage temperature?
No specific rules given
When is a platelet donation often needed?
Used for treatment or prevention of people with low platelet count or platelet dysfunction.
What is the term for low platelet count?
What does a standard dose of platelets cost?
What is the storage temperature for platelets?
20 to 24 degrees Celsius