Blood Components Flashcards
- citrate: anticoagulant
- phosphate: buffer that maintains pH; ATP
- dextrose: energy source
** red cells are stored for 42 days in the fridge **
red cell rejuvenation solution
- saline: solution
- adenine: ATP
- glucose: energy
- mannitol: membrane stability
red cell prodcts
- RBC, leukocyte reduced (packed cells or PCs)
- washed RBC
- frozen-thawed RBC
- irradiated RBC
washed red blood cells
A unit of packed red blood cells (PRBCs) is washed to reduce plasma proteins. This reduces the risk for allergic transfusion reactions. Washing reduces immunoglobulins, such as anti-IgA that could cause anaphylactic transfusion reactions in persons with selective IgA deficiency.
leukoreduced rbcs
Red blood cell and platelet units may be filtered to remove most of the leukocytes (white blood cells). This may reduce the risk for febrile transfusion reactions, may help prevent alloimmunizaton to MHC (HLA) donor antigens, and help reduce the risk for cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection.
irradiated rbcs
Irradiation is needed to destroy all nucleated cells and living leukocytes (white blood cells), particularly lymphocytes that could cause transfusion associated graft versus host disease (TAGVD).
- frozen plasma
- frozen within 24 hrs of collection
- 225 mL
- fresh frozen plasma
- frozen within 8 hrs
- 225 mL
- apheresis fresh frozen plasma
- 500 mL
- cryosupernatant plasma
plasma products
- used to replace volume + all coag factors, liver disease, when someone is bleeding (acute blood loss = need everything)
- stored at -18 C or lower; ours = -30C
- 12 months storage; labeled with ABP group of donor; no Rh as there are no residual cells
- fribrinogen, FVIII, vWF, FXIII
- used for hypofibrinogenemia, etc.
- thawed at 4C for 16hrs
- only give when <1.0 g/L fibrinogen
- don’t give when JUST FVIII or vWF def
- ultimate goal = stop bleeding
pooled platelets
- prepared from whole blood collected into a buffy coat collection set (B1 method) with CPD anticoagulant
- buffy coat layers from four donations of the same ABO blood group, along with plasma from one of the same four donations (a male donor), are pooled together and processed further, including LR by filtration, in order to produce one pooled platelet unit or dose
- The pool is labeled as Rh negative only when all the donor units within the pooled component are Rh negative.
- pooled platelet units are produced within 28 hours of collection and have a unique pool number identifier
- stored a 20-24C (hypothermic; DONT put in fridge)
- shelf life of 7 days
- constant gentle agitation
apheresis platelets
Apheresis platelets are collected and prepared by an automated in-line process using apheresis machines that separate and extract platelets (suspended in the donor’s plasma) from other cellular whole blood components by centrifugation
T or F. PLTs do not have Rh antigens
T! only on RBC membrane
People that need PLTs
<10 x 10^9/L
viral inactivation steps
- solvent detergent: lyse lipid envelope of viruses
- ultra filtration: physically remove viruses, bacteria, etc.
- pasteurization: 60C heat for ten hrs
manufactured product: albumin
- 5% = iso-osmotic = same conctn as plasma
- 25% = hyperosmotic
- store ayt RT (10-30C)
- each manufacturer designates shelf life
- used for ppl with liver disease or burn patients w fluid build up (albumin)
> not enough plasma protein = not regulating fluids well = leak out into tissues
manufactured product: fibronogen
- a concentrate; use when u only need fibrinogen
- must be ABO compatible
- RT storage (cryo is frozen)
- decrease bacterial contamination
- fewer transfusion rxns
iimune globulins
- IVIg (expensive)
- RhIg
- HBIg
- VZIg
- expensive
- intravenous immunoglobulin
- broad spectrum Ab, IgG, IgM, IgA (BAD!)
- used for immunocompromise to give passive immunity
- for people with auto-immune disease (ex: ITP against PLTs)
- Hep B Ig
- if poked accidentally with Hep B needle
- newborn with mom with hep B