Blood Cells Flashcards
Name the three types of granulocyte?
Basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils
what are the functions of a neutrophil?
chemotaxis, phagocytosis, killing phagocytosed bacteria
how are granulocytes and monocytes derived?
Mutipotential haematopoetic stem cell –> common myeloid progenitor –>myeloblast–> specific cell type
What are monocytes precursors of?
tissue macrophages
What is the function of an eosinophil?
Kills parasites and engulfs immunocomplexes
What is the function of a basophil?
Immune and inflammatory responses
Stores histamine, heparin, proteolytic enzymes
During maturation of granulocytes, what happens to the cells?
Smaller and develop granules
What do monocytes do?
Migrate into tissues –> macrophages
Present antigens to lymphoid cells
Phagocytic and scavenging function
neutrophil functions (chemotaxis. phagocytosis, killing some microorgansims) plus antigen presentation
Describe the origin of a lymphocyte
Haematopoetic stem cell -> lymphoid progenitor -> stem cell -> NK cell/small lymphocyte -> T cell/ B cell
Link types of infection with types of leukocytosis
Bacterial - neutrophilia/monocytosis
Viral- lymphocytosis
Parasitic - eosinophilia
List 5 common causes of lymphopenia
HIV Chemo Radiotherapy Corticosteroids Severe infection
Describe 3 specific abnormalities of neutrophil morphology
Left shift - non segmented neutrophils/ precursors
Toxic granulation - heavy, coarse granules
Hypersegmentation - more than 5 lobes
List possible causes (non infectious) of lymphocytosis, and neutrophilia/basophilia/eosinophilia
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and chronic myeloid leukaemia
List 4 common causes of neutropenia
Describe the pathway for erythrocyte production
HSCs -> myeloid stem cell -> erythroblast ->erythrocyte
How does the biconcave shape benefit the erythrocyte?
Manouevrability through small blood vessels
How many haem groups and globin chains does haemoglobin have?
4 haem groups, 4 globin chains 2 beta and 2 alpha
Which type of chains does foetal haemoglobin contain?
2 alpha and 2 gamma
How many erythrocytes are produced per day?
500 billion
How many days do red blood cells remain in the circulation?
120 days
Where is erythropoietin produced?
When is erythropoietin production increased?