Blood Brothers Flashcards
Plot summary
Mickey is brought up with his seven older siblings by his struggling single mother, Mrs Johnstone. His twin brother, Edward, however is brought up as the only child of the wealthy Lyons family, who live nearby, after Mrs Lyons persuaded Mrs Johnstone to hand over one of her twins at birth. Mickey and Edward don’t meet each other until they’re seven years old, but immediately become best friends and blood brothers. The bond continues when the boys are teenagers and both live in the countryside, despite them both being in love with Mickey’s neighbour Linda. However, as they get older, the huge difference in their backgrounds pulls them apart and eventually leads to their tragic deaths.
One of the brothers, goes to jail, kills Eddie
Other brother, separated at birth, goes to a rich family, has an affair with Mickey’s wife
Mrs Johnstone
Has 8 children, lives on a council house, works as maid
Mrs Lyons
Eddie’s ‘mom’, doesn’t like Mickey and Mrs J
Mr Lyons
Doesn’t know that Eddie is not his son
Mickey’s wife has a daughter and Eddie’s person who he had an affair with
One of the oldest Johnstone children, kills someone in a robbery