Blood: blood groups and components Flashcards
Describe the constituents of blood
- blood is composed of a clear, watery fluid called the plasma
- the plasma makes up 55% of the blood volume
-plasma contains electrolytes, nutrients, plasma proteins and enzymes - erythrocytes make up 45% of the cell fraction
- less than 1% of thrombocytes and leucocytes are in the blood
Give a detailed description of erythrocytes
- they have a biconcave disk shape and a flexible membrane which allows them to squeeze through capillaries also increase surface area for gas exchange
-lack nucleus and organelle which allows more room for haemoglobin
-carries some carbon dioxide
-Hb is found in the cytosol of the cell
-membrane is made of certain glycolipids these are antigens responsible for differences in blood groups
-haemoglobin is a protein which carries oxygen
-live for 120 days due to wear and tear
give a detailed description of leucocytes
-function in defence and immunity, identifies foreign or abnormal material and destroys it
-have a nucleus
-plasma membranes have major-histocompatibility antigens used for immunological purposes
different classifications of wbc:
granular (eosinophils, basophils and neutrophils) filled with granules
granular (lymphyocytes and monocytes) they develop into macrophages in tissues
outline the procedure of erythropoiesis
- The process starts in the bone marrow as a pluripotent stem cell
- pluripotent stem cells differentiates into pro erythroblast
- synthesis of haemoglobin and ejection of the nucleus takes place =reticulocyte
-reticulocyte matures over 1-2 days after leaving the bone marrow
- erythrocyte if the matured cell
what is erythropoiesis triggered by?
-juxtaglomerular cells of kidney detect low o2 levels
- secretion of erythropoietin into blood
-inc of maturation process speed in the bone marrow
-more rbc’s produced
what two types of stem cells do pluripotent stem cells differentiate into?
differentiate into bone marrow as:
-myeloid stem cell
-lymphoid stem cell
Give a detailed description of thrombocytes
-formed from fragments of megakaryocytes under the influence of thrombopoietin in red bone marrow
- disk shaped
-life span of 8-11days
- no nucleus
- cytoplasm is packed with granules containing substances essential for blood clotting, which causes haemostasis (cessation of bleeding).