Blood Bank from Osler Flashcards
Stronger agglutination IgM vs IgG?
Extravascular hemolysis raises what lab?
What are the two Antiglobulin reagents used?
IgM agglutinates more (Pentamere)
Anti-IgG and C3d: polyspecific
Anti-IgG and be poly or mono
If no agglutination what must be done?
Check cells; RBCs with IgG attached to them
Which ABO groups Enhance with enzymes?
“A Rotten Kid”: ABO/H, Lewis, I, P, Rh, Kidd
Decreased: “My Dog Lassie” MNS, Duffy, Lutheran
Unaffected? Kell, Diego, Colton
Anti-P1 neutralized by?
Anti lewis?
Anti-Chadio and Rodgers?
P1; Hydadid cyst fluid, prigeon dropping, turtledoves egg white
Lewis: Plasma or serum, saliva
Chadio/Rogers: Serum (complement)
Sd: Urine
I: Human breast milk
What lechtin binds A1?
O and H?
T, Tn?
A: Dolichous biflorurus
B: Banderiraea simplicifolia
O: Ulex europaeus
N: Vicea gramlnea
T: Arachis hypogea
T/Tn: Glycine Max
Tn: Salvia
ABO Chr, Rh?
Warm antibodies are IgG or M and do they cause HDFN or HTR?
ABO 9; Rh 1
IgG and do cause HDFN and HTR
Cold tends to be IgM and “natural” BUT EXCEPTION IS ABO!!!
Type 1 or 2 most common on red cells?
Type 1 chain has what type of linkage, seen in?
Type 2 linkage, seen in?
What gene adds FUT to type 2 to make H; Type 1?
Type 2
Type 1; Beta 1-3 linkage; Gal to GalNAc; seen in secreations glycoprotein/glycoplipids
Type 2: Beta 1-4 Gal-GalNAc; RBC membrames and glycolipids
FUT1 added to type 2 makes H antigen (RED CELLS); FUT2 adds Fuctose to Type 1 (SECRETING CELLS)
FUT1 found on ~100% of people and FUT2 in 80% of people
Blood group A has fuctuose on what sugar?
Which group has the most H?
Least H?
A: GalNAc conntect to Gal with Fructose
B: Gal to Gal with Fructose
Most: O (Auto recessive), Least: AB
Do ABO antibodies deacrease during life?
Which Anti-A, B, AB antiboies are IgG, why do we care?
Most common blood types?
Yes; drops in elderly
Anti-A, and Anti-B, Not anti-A,B; CROSS PLACENTA
Percent of group A1 and A2?
Why do we care?
What lectin can be used to detect this?
80% A1; 20% A2
Anti-A1 at 37 degrees can cause reaction to A blood
Dolichos biflorus detects A1 but not A2
Reasons that Forward cell grouping does not equal serum grouping?
ABO Subgroups
Acquired B (AB patient with bacterial infection)
What is acquired B?
Associated with?
Forward and reverse type?
A1 RBCs contact enteric gram negative organisms; End GalNAC deacytylated to Gal-amine similar to B
AW: Colon cancer, GI obstruction, gram - sepsis
Forward: AB (strong A and weaker B), Reverse A
What phenotype lacks H?
What gene is missing?
Forward and reverse screen?
What is Para-Bombay?
Both need?
Bombay (Oh); NO H, A or B
Lacks FUT1 (H) and FUT2 (Secretor)
Forward O, Reverse: O; Screen: POSITIVE
Para-Bombay: Ah, Bh, ABh, Nonfunctional FUT1, at least one Functional FUT2, may have Anti-H
H negative blood
What gene makes the Lewis?
What makes the Lewis system different from other Blood groups?
Is it clinically significant, what type of antibody?
Neutralized by?
Who tends to lack Lewis antibodies?
FUT3 makes lewis (Lewis A; not secreted); FUT2 secretor can make lewis b (secreted)
Lewis is Adsorbed; LeB is better than A; Adults normally Le(a neg, b positive)
Not really significant, IgM
Secretor saliva
H. Pylori and Norwalk virus attach to what antigens?
Le A and B negative kids susceptibilitiy increased to?
H and Le b
E. Coli and UTIs
I system has what type of chains?
Who is I and i seen in?
Auto-I seen in?
Auto-i seen in?
ABO type 2 chains; related to chain complexity
I: Adults (branced) i: babies (linear)
Big I in big people
Auto-Anti-I: Myoplasma pneuomonia and cold agglutinin
Auto-Anti-i: EBV
What receptor is for Parvo B19?
Why do we care about this group?
What is paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria association?
How to collect tubes?
99% patients are P1+, 1% P2 and have anti-P1 antibody which can cause Acute HTRs and spontaneous abortions
Biphasic IgG hemolysin from Auto Anti-P; Syphilis and viral infection
Collect at 37 degrees C; lyses at room temp
What antigens are in Rh blood group?
Common cause of D negative?
Capital R indicates, little r, and 1 or ‘ and ‘’?
D, C, E, c, e; Rh+=D
R/r=D or d
1 or ‘: C
2 or ‘’: E
What race is more common to be R zero (Dce)?
Who has more R1 (DCe)?
(Dce) seen in Blacks and less common whites
R1 most common in whites (DCe) and least common in blacks
Rh antibodies IgG or M?
What percent of Rh- who get Rh+ make antibody?
Why do we care?
Warm IgG
20-30% with single unit of RBCs
Severe HDFN, extravascular
What is weak D?
What is partial ?
Weak: D detected at IAT and 37 degree C and not at immeidate spin or 37 degree!
Partial: Lack soem D epitopes; may have Antibodies to missing parts: Might need molecular testing; test as Rh positive but give Rh+ blood and they develop Anti-D