Blood Bank Flashcards
How long are blood donor records kept?
How many weeks to notify for post donation deferals?
Can rare products be donated without meeting all allogenic requirements?
10 years
8 weeks
Yes! IgA-deficent, antigen negative, etc
How long to defer for plt collection if on asprin?
Retinoid deferals?
Granulocyte amount to be effective?
2 days!; Rest of drugs are at discretion of medical director
Varies from 1 month for finasteride/isotretinoid upt o forever for etrelinate
Donor Packed RBC required hemoglobin at end of donation; amount collected on avg?
Donor required hemoglobin?
RBC donor interval suggestion?
NONE!; 450-500 mL
12.5 g/dL, 33%
8 weeks
Apheresis platelet products must contrain how many platelets; donation interval?
Whole blood platelets must contain; donation interval?
Dose of granulocytes/unit that produce responsein adults?
3x10e11 per unit
5.5x10e10; 2 day interval; 2/weekno more than 24/12 month period
How long can Additive Solution RBCs be kept (AS) , CDPA-1, CPD/ACD?
Temp of RBC storage?
42 days, 35 days, 21 days
1-6 deg C
FFP is frozen in X hours?
What factors decrease after 8-24 hours?
T/F Thawed plasma can be make from FFP/FP24?
Cryoprecipitate has decreased levels of?
6-8 hrs?; must be given w/i 24 hours of thawing
V and VIII
Yes; 1-6 deg C up to 5 days; VIII levels drop
VII, vWF, XIII, Fibrinogen
What is cryoprecipitate used for?
True or false: Cryo is pooled?
AABB standards for what cryo should contain?
Most common use of cryoprecipitate reduced plasma?
Fibrinogne replacement or factor VIII hemophiliacs
True; 5 single units pooled; 4 hrs to transfuse
8-100 U VIII, 150-250 mL fibrinogen, vWF, XIII, fibronectin