Blood Flashcards
Which blood type is the most common in all ethnicities?
Which blood type is the most rare in all ethnicities?
What type of antibodies are ABO antibodies?
IgM constitutively expressed
In a patient with A serum antibodies, exposure to A antigen will cause what?
What type of antibodies are anti rhesus antibodies? And what is the significance of this?
IgG so can cross placenta
What is the dominant rhesus haplotype?
CDe - rhesus D
What needs to happen in order for anti rhesus D antibodies to be expressed?
Need to be exposed to RhD
What cells are present in a blood transfusion?
Packed RBCs
No plasma
What are the principles of blood donation relating to antigens and antibodies?
Selection of donor is based on antigens present on their RBCs
Recipient can only receive blood which does not express antigens they have antibodies to
What is the universal donor blood group?
O negative
No antigens
What is the universal recipient blood group?
AB positive
No antibodies
Describe the process of cross matching
how long does it take?
Blood group recipient determined
Screen for abnormal recipient antibodies
Each unit tested against patients blood
Takes 1 hour
Describe the process of group and save
How much time does it save from cross matching?
Blood group recipient determined
Screen for abnormal recipient antibodies
Takes 45 mins but means that first steps of cross matching are complete so rest of process can be done in 15 mins
How long are group and save records kept?
7 days
What steps should be taken for taking blood for pre transfusion testing in order to ensure that it is safe?
Positively identify patient at bedside
Label sample tube and complete request form after pt identity confirmed
Do not label or write forms in advance
What safety steps should be done when administering blood in a transfusion?
Positively identify patient at bedside
Ensure identity of each blood pack matches patient
Check ABO and RhD of each pack compatible with patient
Check each pack for damage
If in doubt, return to blood bank
Complete forms to document transfusion of each pack
What records should be kept in relation to transfusion?
Record in notes: reason for transfusion Product given Dose Adverse effects Clinical response
What observations should be performed when a transfusion is performed?
BP, pulse and temp before and 15 mins after each pack
If conscious, further monitoring only if adverse reaction
If unconscious, pulse and temp at regular intervals
What percentage of transfusion errors are avoidable?
Give some clinical problems with transfusions
Haemolysis Other immune responses: TRALI (transfusion related acute lung injury), anaphylaxis Infection Volume overload Endotoxaemia
How many genotypes and phenotypes are generated by the ABO system?
6 genotypes
4 phenotypes
What are the contents of the normal LFT panel?
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
Alanine transaminase (ALT)
Serum Albumin
What tests of liver function could be requested?
Clotting tests e.g. Prothrombin time (PT), APTT Gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) Iron studies Hepatitis serology Auto-antibodies
What can be analysed from an LFT panel?
Hepatocellular damage
Biliary excretion
Liver synthetic function
What could cause a raised ALP result?
Damage to bile ducts, e.g. obstruction, cholestasis, infiltrative liver disease
Release from bone turn over, e.g. fracture healing, bony metastasis,
Paget’s disease
Highest in third trimester of pregnancy
Where is ALP produced?
Bile ducts
Placental tissue
Where is gamma GT produced?
Relatively specific to damage to the liver ducts
What could cause a raised gamma GT result?
Chronic alcohol abuse
Where is ALT produced?
Mainly liver
Also heart, muscles, kidneys, pancreas
What could cause a raised ALT result?
Damage to hepatocytes: hepatitis, chronic liver disease, drug induced liver damage
What does total bilirubin measure?
Combination of conjugated and unconjugated bilirubin
What are the 3 categories of causes of raised total bilirubin?
Prehapatic e.g Haemolysis
Hepatic e.g. Liver disease
Post Hepatic e.g. Bile duct obstruction
What may cause reduced serum albumin?
Sepsis, chronic disease states and cirrhosis
Where is AST produced?
Liver parenchyma, kidneys, heart, brain and skeletal muscle
What does prothrombin time measure?
Extrinsic pathway of coagulation, main rate limiting step is
availability of Factor VII, which is produced by liver, hence increased PTT is an indirect measure of liver function
What can cause an increase in transferrin saturation?
What can cause a decrease in transferrin saturation?
Iron deficiency anaemia
What can cause a raised serum ferritin?
Iron overload
Liver disease (reflecting damage to ferritin containing hepatocytes)
What secondary blood tests would commonly be requested to look at the underlying cause of intrinsic liver disease?
Hepatitis serology
List key features to check in the history of a patient you suspect of having an acute liver disease
Pruritus Jaundice Oedema Abdominal pain Fever Changes to urine and stool Drug and sexual hx Foreign travel Recent food poisoning Fatigue Family Hx Previous Hx - gallstones
List key features to check in the history of a patient you suspect of having chronic liver disease
Weight changes – gains as well as losses Anorexia Jaundice Changes to urine and stool Alcohol consumption Gynaecomastia Easy bruising Arthralgias Family Hx Mental state changes Haematemesis Previous hospital admissions
Excluding Hepatitis virus A, B, C, D & E list three other infectious causes of hepatitis
Glandular fever/EBV
Amoebic/parasite infections
In pre hepatic jaundice, what colour will urine and stools be? What pattern of hyperbilirubinaemia is this?
Urine normal
Faeces normal/darkened
Unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia: not water soluble
More bilirubin produced than can be conjugated and excreted
What will the urine and stool colour be in hepatic jaundice? What pattern of hyperbilirubinaemia is this?
Urine darker Stools lighter Mixed hyperbilirubinaemia Hepatocytes function poorly, so have difficulty conjugating and excreting bilirubin
What colour will urine and stools be in post hepatic jaundice?
What pattern of hyperbilirubinaemia is this?
Urine dark
Stools light
Conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia, water soluble
Biliary obstruction: conjugation occurs, but bile cannot be excreted, as outflow is blocked
When does jaundice become clinically apparent?
When bilirubin levels rise >40unol/L
What is the normal process of bilirubin metabolism?
Bilirubin is conjugated in liver
Released into intestine
Converted to urobilogen (colourless)
Oxidized by bacteria in bowel to stercobilin (dark brown pigment)
What are the possible mechanisms underlying the change in stool colour seen in certain types of jaudice?
Pale stool is due to absence of stercobilin in stool, due to blockage of passage of bile, or failure bilirubin conjugation in liver
Hepatic picture: decreased production of conjugated (water soluble) bilirubin, but there may also be a decreased excretion due to inflammation blocking bile caniculae, less bilirubin getting
into bowel, hence lighter stool
How does a head of pancreas tumour lead to jaundice?
Obstruction of the common bile duct by pancreatic neoplasm
What classification system is commonly used to assess liver failure?
Child-Pugh Classification: used to determine degree of liver failure and need for transplantation
What is an enzyme inducer?
Increases metabolic activity of an enzyme, either through
activation or upregulation of gene expression
Impact on other medications metabolized through same pathway, by increasing their breakdown, thus requiring dose adjustments
Give some example of enzyme inducers
What is an enzyme inhibitor?
Reduces activity of an enzyme
Normally through binding to enzyme
Break down of medications through that pathway is slowed, potentially causing overdoses
Give examples of enzyme inhibitors
Erythromycin Fluoxetine Amiodarone Fluconazole Diltiazem
David Smith is a 56 year old man with known lung cancer. He attends for his routine oncology review. He has been feeling a bit low and has constipation, anorexia and nausea. What are the differentials?
Chemotherapeutics Paraneoplastic syndrome Depression Cerebral metastasis Biochemical abnormalities: hypercalcaemia, hypokalaemia
How does parathyroid hormone affect calcium levels?
Increase levels of serum calcium
What disease processes leads to primary hyperparathyroidism?
Abnormality in parathyroid glands
Common causes: parathyroid adenoma or parathyroid gland hyperplasia
What are the common non-PTH mediated causes of hypercalcaemia?
Malignancy: haematopoietic or solid organ with mets or ectopic hormone secretion
Elevated vitamin D: vitamin D intoxication, sarcoidosis, HIV or other granulomatous disease
Drug induced: Lithium, thiazide diuretics
What is the basis for the appearance of metastasis on a radionucleotide bone scan?
Performed with technetium-99m–labeled diphosphonates
Compounds accumulate rapidly in bone, degree of radiotracer uptake depends blood flow and rate of new bone formation reflecting osteoblastic activity
How can malignancy cause hypercalcaemia?
Osteolytic metastases with local release of cytokines (including osteoclast activating factors)
Extopic secretion of parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP)
Ectopic production of active vitamin D
What are the common symptoms of acute leukaemia? How do they relate to the underlying pathological abnormality?
Evidence of failure of tri-lineage haematopoiesis:
Anaemia: tiredness, shortness of breath, pallor
Thrombocytopaenia: easy bleeding and bruising
Luekopaenia: increase infections
What are the major types of acute leukaemia?
Acute myeloid leukaemia- commoner in adults
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia- commoner in children
What is the major acute complication of chemotherapy in a patient who has an acute leukaemia, with a high proportion of cells proliferating?
Tumour lysis syndrome, reflecting the breakdown of a high number of cells, which are in the cell cycle Hyperkalaemia Hyperphosphataemia Hypocalcaemia Hyperuricaemia Lactic acidosis
What can be given prophylactically to reduce risk of tumour lysis syndrome in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia chemotherapy?
Allopurinol is usually given to cover against the renal impact
What is the mechanism of action of allopurinol?
Competitive xanthine oxidase inhibitor that reduces amount of uric acid produced by inhibiting conversion of hypoxanthine to xanthine and xanthine to uric acid
Reduced uric acid secretion leads to an increase in urinary excretion of hypoxanthine
What are the 3 most common neoplasms that are associated with cerebral metastases?
What is the normal intra cranial pressure?
Opening pressure of the CSF is 10-20 cm H2O
How do cerebral metastases cause raised intra-cranial pressure?
Presence of a physical space occupying lesion
Haemorrhage into or around the met
Oedema into or around the met
Obstruction of flow of CSF
What is the most significant potential consequence of raised intra-cranial pressure?
Herniation leading to cardiorespiratory arrest
What are the major types/sites of herniation of the brain?
Uncal (transtentorial)
Cerebellar tonsillar
What 3 factors are required for successful haemostasis?
Vessel wall
Coagulation factors
What is DIC?
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Pathological process, widespread activation of clotting cascade that results in formation of blood clots in small blood vessels
Compromise of tissue blood flow, can lead to multiple organ damage
Consumes clotting factors and platelets, normal clotting is disrupted and severe bleeding can occur from various sites
How are endothelial cells anti thrombotic in health?
Physical barrier to the pro-thrombotic sub-endothelial tissue
Produce: Prostacyclin and Nitric Oxide, Protein C activator (thrombomodulin), Tissue plasminogen activator (TPA)
How are prostacyclin and nitric oxide anti thrombotic?
Vasoldilation and inhibition of platelet aggregation