Identify the two steps in the nursing process.
- Collection of information
2. Interpretation and validation of information
Subjective data is…
What the PT tells you
Objective data is…
What I observe
Identify the variety of sources where data can be obtained.
- The patient
- Family/Friends
- Caregiver
- Health professionals
- Medical record
List the communication skills needed to effectively communicate.
- Courtesy
- Comfort
- Connection
- Confirmation
What are open-ended questions?
Questions that allow the patient to describe things in their own words
Why are leading questions an issue when conducting an interview?
They can limit information or may tell you what you want to hear.
What is back channeling?
Verbal responses to acknowledge what the patient is saying as well as establishing eye contact.
What is probing?
A way of encouraging a patient to give you more information.
What is core temperature?
Temperature of the deep tissues
What is thermoregulation?
Mechanisms that regulate the balance between heat lost and heat produced
What is the purpose of the hypothalamus?
Controls body temperature
What is Basal metabolic rate ?
The heat produced by the body at absolute rest
What is the purpose of shivering?
The involuntary response to temperature differences in the body
Nonshivering thermogenenis occurs in _________. Why?
Occurs in neonates because they cannot shiver
What is radiation?
The transfer of heat from the surface of one object to another surface without direct contact between the two
What is conduction?
The transfer of heat from one object to another with direct contact
What is convection?
The transfer of heat away by air movement.
What is evaporation?
The transfer of heat energy when a liquid is changed to gas
What is diaphoresis
Visible perspiration on the body
The skin regulates temperature through what 3 methods?
Insulation of the body, vasoconstriction and temperature sensation
What is pyrexia?
What are pyrogens?
Viruses and bacteria which elevate the body by acting as antigens to trigger the immune system
What is hyperthermia?
Elevated body temperature related to the inability of the body to promote heat loss or reduce heat production
What is malignant hyperthermia?
A hereditary condition of uncontrolled heat production that occurs when susceptible people receive certain anesthetic drugs
What is heat stroke temp?
Temp of 40 degrees Celsius or 104 degree Fahrenheit
What is Heat exhaustion?
Profuse diaphoresis resulting in excess water and electrolyte loss
What is hypothermia?
Cold that overwhelms the body’s ability to produce heat
Frostbite occurs when…
The body is exposed to subnormal temperatures
Two common sites to assess pulse rate?
Radial and apical
When assessing radial pulse what should be considered?
Rate rhythm, strength and equality
When assessing apical pulse what should be considered?
Rate and rhythm only
Is inspiration passive or active
Is expiration passive or active?
Define blood pressure
The force exerted on the walls of an artery by the pulsing blood under pressure from the heart
Define systolic blood pressure
The peak of maximum pressure when ejection occurs
Define diastolic blood pressure
When the ventricles relax, the blood remaining in the arteries exerts a minimum pressure.
First Korotkoff sound
Clear rhythmic tapping corresponding to the pulse rate
Second Korotkoff sound
Blowing or swooshing
Third Korotkoff sound
A crisp and more intense tapping
Fourth Korotkoff sound
Muffled sounds
Fifth Korotkoff sound
Sounds disappear
- List the five nursing purposes for performing a physical assessment.
- Gather baseline data
- Support, confirm or refute subjective data
- Identify and confirm nursing diagnoses
- Make clinical decisions about patient’s changing health status and management
- Evaluate the outcome of care
To address cultural diversity the nurse needs to do what 5 things?
- Consider patient’s beliefs
- Use of alternative therapies
- Nutrition and health habits
- Relationships with family
- Comfort with physical closeness of exam
Proper preparation for examination should include what 6 things?
- Infection control
- Privacy
- Equipment
- Physical prep of patient (draping)
- Position
- Psychological (educate PT of the procedure)
Regarding auscultation, describe frequency
the number of sounds per second by a vibrating object
Regarding auscultation, describe amplitude
Regarding auscultation, describe duration
the length of the time that a sound lasts
List specific general appearance observations and behaviors
- Gender
- Age
- Sign of distress
- Body type
- Gait
- Posture
- Gait
- Body movements
- Hygiene
- Dress
- Body odor
- Affect/mood
- Speech
- Sign of patient abuse
- Substance abuse
List three actions that should be taken in order to get the accurate weight of a patient.
- Weigh patient at the same time everyday
- Weigh patient on the same scale
- Weigh patient in the same clothes
The purpose of the Mini-mental State Examination is to measure what?
Orientation and cognitive function
The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defines pain as.
An unpleasant subjective sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage
The 5 goals of effective pain management are.
- Improves quality of life
- Reduces physical discomfort
- Promotes earlier mobilization and return to previous baseline function
- Results in fewer hospital or clinic visits
- Decreases length of stay resulting in lower health care costs
Describe pain tolerance.
The level of pain a person is willing to accept
What are the physiological factors that influence pain?
Age, fatigue, genes, neurologic function
What are the social factors that influence pain?
Previous experience, family and social support, spiritual factors
What are the psychological factors the influence pain?
Attention (is the PT focused on the pain), Anxiety/fear, coping styles
What are the 5 components of nutritional assessment?
Screening for malnutrition risk factors, Anthropometry, Lab tests, dietary history and physical exam