Block 5 - Phase 1 Chemical, Biological, Radiological Warfare Flashcards
What are the different types of Chemical Warfare?
Nerve Agents
Blister Agents
Blood Agents
Choking Agents
Whats the purpose M9 Chemical Agent Detector Paper?
Detects presence of liquid chemical agents, turns red/reddish color but does not detect chemical agent valors
What is the purpose of Atropine/2-PAM-chloride Auto Injector?
Therapy for nerve agent casualties, injection, self-aid or first aid
What is biological warfare?
Use of agents to cause disease, sickness or death
What the two types of biological agents?
Pathogens - bacteria and viruses
Toxins - what organism produce
Define IPE?
Individual protective equipment
What IPE is used for chemical/biological warfare?
Protective mask MCU-2P Garment ACPG Gloves and liners Over boots and laces Decontamination kit
What are the different types of Radiological warfare?
High altitude - altitudes of 100k ft, damage ionosphere
Air burst - fireball has no contact with surface
Surface burst - worst fallout, most damage
Shallow underwater burst - water contamination
Deep underwater burst - less visual effects but worst water contamination
What are the different types of shipboard shielding stations?
Ready - minimum shielding from nuclear radiation and close to battle stations
Deep - maximum shielding from nuclear radiation
Define MOPP?
Mission oriented protective posture
How many MOPP levels are there?
5 MOPP Levels
Explain MOPP level 0
MOPP level 0 - issue IPE, accessible within 5 minutes
Explain MOPP level 1
MOPP level 1 -
Afloat: JSLIST, MASK, Gloves readily accessible
Ashore: Don protective equipment, M9 tape
Explain MOPP level 2
MOPP level 2 -
Afloat: mask carried, Devon supplies stage
Ashore: level 1 plus protective over boots
Explain MOPP level 3
MOPP level 3 -
Afloat: GQ, install filters, don boots
Ashore: fill canteens, activate decon stations
Explain MOPP level 4
MOPP level 4 -
Afloat: don mask/hood, gloves, circle William, countermeasure washdown
Ashore: gloves with liner, untie bow in retention cord, loop between legs and secure web belt