Block 3 PUFAs Flashcards
What is the formula for oleic acid, linoleate?
Oleic: c9-18:1 (18:1 d9)
Linoleate: c9,c12-18:2 (18:2 d9,12)
What are formulas for arachindonic acid and DHA? What are they synthesized from?
AA: 20:4 w6, by elongation and desat of linoleate (18:2 w6)
DHA: 22:6 w3, by elong, desat of a-linolenate (18:3 w3)
What is the makeup of lard?
40% sat fat, 45% oleic acid, 9% linoleic acid (w6)
What are dietary sources of w3 FAs?
Soybean, canola oils (a-linolenate), cold water marine fish (DHA and eicosapentaenoate 20:5 w3)
NOT corn, safflower oils
Why are PUFAs important in infant formulas?
80% fetal brain 22:6 w3 acc b/w weeks 26-40; w3, w6, C20-22 polyenes, C18s in human milk
What are trans FAs?
Partial hydrogenation PU veg oils, microbial metabolism in ruminants, and dairy products/meat; makes more solid, atherogenic and ^ plasma chol (MU and PU oils protective)
How are w3 and w6 obtained?
Linoleic and a-linolenic essential; longer chain synth by desat, elong these 2
How do FA elongation and synth differ?
Microsomal vs. cytosolic, substrate acylCoA vs. acylACP
What is d9 desaturase?
AKA stearoyl-CoA DS; stearate -> oleic acid (c9-C18) & palmitate -> palmitoleate (c9-C16). *Stearoyl-CoA preferred substrate; adds cis C9=10; on ER, uses O2 and removes 2 e- from both stearate & NADH
How is dietary linoleic acid converted to AA?
2 desats with d5 desat, elong with malCoA, d6 desat (all substrates acylCoAs)
What are the formulas for EPA and DHA? How are these created?
From a-linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3 d9,12,15) -> desat, elong, desat -> EPA (20:5 d5,8,11,14,17) —> DHA (22:6 d4,7,10,13,16,19)
Why are excess w3 or w6 FAs bad? Which is better?
Excess 18:2 w6 inhibits desat of 18:3 w3; replacing w6 with w3 alters eicosanoid synth and protects from athero
What are the products of B-ox? How might any PUFA be oxidized?
AcCoA, reducing eqs; additional enzymes and NADPH to rearrange double bonds
How are odd or even-numbered double bonds handled differently? Why is this important?
Odd: isomerase
Even: reductase & isomerase
Chain shortening w/o synthesis of FAD/NADH so each double bond = less ATP from B-ox
What fats decrease risk of heart disease?
Sat FA ^ plasma chol, CHD mortality, trans also ^ plasma LDL = atherogenic
MU and PU oils protective
How does AA cause inflammation? How does EPA resolve inflammation?
AA -> LTB4 -> BLT1 activates PMN
EPA -> RvE1 –| BLT1 on PMN to inhibit NFkB activation and IMN infiltration; RvE1 act ChemR23 on mono (increase MAPK act) and DC (decrease IL-12 production and migration)
What is classic PUFA deficiency?
Lack of dietary linoleic acid bc of fat-free TPN -> dermatitis, flaky skin. Tx: parenteral lipid emulsions
What is EFAD?
Normally linoleate w6 is major PUFA desat/elong substrate; oleate -> 20:3 w9; dx by increased 20:3 w9 to 20:4 w6 ratio
What is w3 PUFAD?
ALA def worse bc ^ linoleum acid intake; distal numbness, paresthesia, vision blurring
What are w6 FAs/linoleic acid essential for?
Maintaining membrane fluidity and fxn; AA precursor to PGs and LKTs; 22:4/5 w6 required for brain/testes
Def: fragile RBCs and dehydration through skin
What are w3 FAs for?
DHA (22:6 w3) for brain dev, retinal fxn; lower req than w6; fish oils (20:5 w3, 22:6 w3) v risk CAD, plasma TG in hyperTG patients
What happens when there is an excess of PUFA?
Add calories to diet, stored in adipocytes or B-oxed; vulnerable to ox, ROS production -> may increase cancer risk