Block 2 Soc Pop Flashcards
What are the 3 main models of doctor-patient relationship?
1) Paternalistic - doctor led
2) Shared - partnership
3) Informed - patient led
Describe the paternalistic model and it’s pros and cons
- Dr makes a systematic enquiry: asks specific questions
- Patient is passive; answers the doctor’s questions
- Information flow: largely from doctor to patient, often minimal
information given - Doctor makes the decision about what is best for the patient:
underlying assumption is that the doctors is best placed to make it - Expectation that patient will agree as ‘doctor knows best’
- Supportive – good for when patients are very sick, vulnerable
- Relief for patient – implicitly trust doctor
1. Very asymmetrical – patient does not have much input – patient values
Describe the Shared doctor-patient relationship model and its pros and cons
- Two way exchange of information between patient and doctor at all stages
- Both participants are seen as bringing expertise
- Patient and doctor reach a decision together about best course of
action/treatment - Depends on building a consensus
- Role of doctor: create an environment in which patient feels able to
express treatment preferences - If disagreement, process becomes one of negotiation.
Patient has an opportunity to get a good understanding of condition. Dr understands patients values.
Better decision making – collaborative
Patients capabilities of making decisions?
Describe the informed/patient-led model and its pros and cons
- Doctor communicates all relevant information and treatment options, and the risk and benefits, to patient
- Doctor communicates sufficient information for patient to make an informed treatment
- Patient is active and expects to make the decision
- Decision making is sole prerogative of the patient
Patient has the power to challenge decision making
Burden/stress of making decision
What is the current stance on doctor patient relationships?
- Shared model advocated:
a. ‘Partnership’ idea evident in policy and professional discourses
b. Shared decision making is seen key element of person-centred
care - But need a ‘repertoire of doctor-patient relationships’: one shoe
doesn’t fit all, nature of relationship may change within and across
consultations - Need to be guided by patient preferences and clinical condition
Why is infant mortality seen as an indicator of health?
- Easy to measure
- Under 1 year of age
- As conditions change very rapidly see a change in infant mortality
rates. - Important marker for population health.
- Dramatic fall in mortality rates since 1988
- Slight increase in infant mortality rate, don’t know if it’s significant yet
What does life expectancy at birth mean?
Life expectancy at birth is a measure for the average number of years that a newborn baby can expect to live if they pass through life subject to the age specific mortality rates of the time.
What is meant by healthy life expectancy and what it indicates?
Is the average number of years an individual born in a particular year can expect to live in a state of general ‘good’ health
indicates the healthy life expectancy versus life expectancy of the population i.e. number of years a population will not be in good health.
What are the key features of epidemiological transition?
Denotes historical changes in:
- demographic and disease profiles of countries
- as they move through economic and social development
- Deaths from acute infections and deficiency diseases decline
- Deaths from chronic and non-communicable diseases increase
What are the main causes of death in the UK for men?
- Ischaemic heart disease
- Dementia and Alzheimer disease
- Lung cancer
- Chronic lower respiratory diseases
- Cerebrovascular diseases
What are the main causes of death in the UK for women?
- Dementia and Alzheimer disease
- Ischaemic heart disease
- Cerebrovascular diseases
- Chronic lower respiratory diseases
- Lung cancer
What are the main causes of cancer deaths in the UK for men?
- Lung
- Prostate
- Bowel
- Oesophagus
- Pancreas
What are the main causes of cancer deaths in the UK for women?
- Lung
- Breast
- Bowel
- Other sites
- Pancreas
- Ovary
What is the definition of health inequality?
- Health and illness are not randomly distributed across the population
- There are systematic health inequalities across socio-economic groups
- These systematic differences between social groups are called health
inequalities - Groups include:
i. Gender
ii. Ethnicity
iii. Geography
iv. Socio-economic position
v. Age
vi. Sexuality
What is meant by the social gradient in health?
- Stepwise (Linear) gradient in health
- With each step down the socio-economic ladder, health becomes
poorer - Evident across many indicators including general health and morbidity
e.g. socio-economic classification: managerial/professional lower mortality and morbidity as opposed to routine/manual occupation
What are the general patterns of health inequality of main causes of death/health indicators?
- Infant mortality rate- Children in lowest socioeconomic status households have highest infant mortality rates
- Cancer mortality – both male and female, most deprived have higher mortality rate compared to least deprived.
- Cancer incidence rates – more cases in many forms of cancer (e.g. larynx, lung) in deprived, male and female except, malignant melanoma, fewer cases in more deprived
- Geography - Morbidity and mortality rates consistently higher in north and west and in urban areas (UK)
- Occupation - poorer health in those who are classes in the lowest occupational group
How can socio-economic status be measured?
In a number of ways:
1. occupation,
2. income,
3. education,
4. access to or ownership of assets (housing, car)
5. index of multiple deprivation
Registrar General’s socio-economic classification
Based on occupation
Proxy for status, income, access to material resources, education
Name the three theories for inequalities (social gradient)
- Behavioural/cultural
- Material/neomaterial
- Psychosocial
Describe the behavioural and cultural model for social inequality
- Proposes: Health inequalities are as result of variations in health behaviours and lifestyles e.g. smoking, diet, exercise etc.
- Health behaviour choices is seen as result of:
Individual choices or
Knowledge or Culture
Evidence: Most important health behaviours follow the social gradient: smoking, lack of physical activity, poor nutrition are higher in lower socio-economic groups
Describe the material/neomaterial model for social inequality
1. Health inequalities are the result of differences between socio-
economic groups in access to material resources (social inequality) –
2. direct effects of poverty and material deprivation
3. Access to material health resources is shapes by broader structural
factors: place in society, policies etc
• Lower socio-economic status is associated with poorer access to material health resources (Marmot Review, 2010)
• E.g. Income, food, fuel, heating, housing, transport, healthy environments, exercise facilities
Describe the psychosocial model of social inequality
psychosocial environment = the way people’s environments make them feel
1) Psychosocial stress affects health:
I. Directly: ‘allostatic load’ theory links psychosocial environment to physical disease through neuroendocrine pathway
II. Indirectly: adoption of ‘unhealthy’ behaviours e.g. smoking
2) Psychosocial stress associated with social inequality leads to social gradient of health outcomes:
I. Money and other worries associated with low income and poorer material circumstances
II. Stress associated with position in social hierarchy
e.g. poor health outcomes associated with lower social control over life
What is the life course explanation for health inequalities?
- health impacted by behavioural, material and psychosocial pathways
- interact across people’s lives in a complex way: known as lifecourse
effects - Material, behavioural, and psychosocial (and biological) processes
operate independently, cumulatively and interactively across an individual’s life course, or across generations, to influence the development of disease risk
Which explanations are most likely to account for inequalities between socio-economic groups?
- All likely to operate to some extent
- material circumstances and psychosocial explanations appear to have
explained more of health inequality than behaviour explanations
Define health promotion
- Health promotion is “the process of enabling people to increase control over their health and its determinants, and thereby improve their health.”
- Health promotion “offers a positive and inclusive concept of health as a determinant of the quality of life and encompassing mental and spiritual well-being.”
Define disease prevention
Actions aimed at eradicating, eliminating, or minimising the impact of disease and disability, or if none of these is feasible, retarding the progress of disease and disability.
What is the difference between health promotion and disease prevention?
Health promotion aims to improve health state – targeting health.
Disease prevention: the disease or disability is present, aim to eradicate, eliminate or minimise its impact or retards its progress – targeting the disease/disability.
Explain the three levels in the prevention framework by Leavell and Clark
Primary = avoid a disease starting in the first place
Secondary = Early detection of the disease or early treatment to halt/slow progression
Tertiary = limit damage from disease to reduce progress/severity and maximise quality of life
What are the strengths and weaknesses of targeting health promotion in high risk individuals
- Extension of clinical approach
- High patient motivation
- High doctor motivation
- High resources on identifying high risk
- Medicalise prevention
- Stigmatise individuals
- Does not produce lasting change at population level