Block 2 Flashcards
What is the equation for Vd?
Vd = (amount of drug given)/(plasma concentration of drug)
What are the averages for total body water, extracellular fluid, and plasma volume?
average total body water: 41 L
extracellular fluid: 14 L
plasma: 3 L
What properties contribute to a low volume of distribution?
low Vd: high molecular weight, high polarity, high binding to plasma proteins
drugs that have low molecular weight and are uncharged can cross cell membranes and reach intracellular compartments, so they have a high Vd
What is the typical timing for a positive B-hCG result in the urine?
in the serum?
urine: 14 days after ovulation
serum: 8 days after oovulation
on which day does the multicellular morula enter the uterus as a 2-8 celled embryo?
3-4 days post ovulation
how long after fertilization does implantation occur?
6-12 days
when is the first dose of the Hib vaccine given?
at 2 months of age
before 2 months, humoral immunity is received from maternal IgG
what is the capsule of H influenzae composed of?
polyribosyl-ribitol-phosphate (PRP)
antiboodies to PRP facilitate complement-dependent phagocytosis and killing through opsonization
What do you see in Von Hippel-Lindau?
autosomal dominant, chromosome 3p deletion
- cerebellar hemangioblastomas
- clear cell renal carcinomas
- pheochromocytomas
What are the 3 causes of Down Syndrome?
trisomy 21 (95%)
unbalanced Robertsonian translocations (extra arm of chr 21): 2-3%
mosaicism (pts have 2 cell lines: 1 normal, 1 w/ trisomy 21)
which drugs have been clearly shown to slow the progression of diabetic neuropathy in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes both prior and after proteinuria?
ACE inhibitors, ARBs
what brain changes do you see in Huntington disease?
bilateral atrophy of the caudate nucleus and putamen (which form the striatum)
caudate atrophy leads to typical dilation of the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles
loss of GABA-containing neurons leads to decreased GABA
where are the leads placed in a 3-lead pacemaker?
the first 2 leads are placed in the right atrium and right ventricle
the 3rd lead paces the left ventricle
the lead enters the right atrium –> coronary sinus (which resides in the atrioventricular groove on the posterior aspect of the heart) –> lateral venous tributary
what is the reason that gram-positive organism are now a more frequent cause of nosocomial bloodstream infections?
increasing use of intravascular devices shifting the microbiology
what drug is used in patients who have had a transient ischemic attack to prevent primary and secondary coronary artery events/strokes
low dose aspirin
what is specificity?
(number of true negatives)/(total number of patients without disease)
what is sensitivity?
(number of true positives)/(total number of pts with disease)
how to calculate false positives?
(1-specificity)*number of patients without disease