Block 1 Test Flashcards
EMS scope of practice model
Theoretical foundation
Word roots
Main part/stem of a word
Cultural awareness
Look at cultural awareness as assets, make most of it, thus improving your ability to provide optimal patient care
Extremity Lift (Georgia Street)
Patients hand are crossed over chest(grasp wrists), stand between patients legs (facing same direction as patient), stand up
Oxygen cylinders
Stored on the ambulance, used to give patients oxygen. Compressed gas in a green tea, seamless, steel/aluminum cylinder
Beginning of a word. Usually a location or intensity
Scene safety
Watching for scene hazards Such as hazardous materials, electricity, fire, and vehicle crashes
Farthest from the point of attachment
Produced for chemical warfare, smells like grass
Situational Awareness
Knowledge and understanding of one’s surroundings
Farthest from the surface of the skin
Post dramatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Delayed stress reaction to the prior incident
Communication equipment
Base station radiation, Mobile and portable radios, repeater based systems, digital equipment, cellular and satellite telephones
Acute stress reactions
Reactions during the situation
Zygomatic Arches
Structure of the cheek
Hostile work environment
Cultural differences, sexual charged behavior, comments, or communications
Recovery anatomical position
Lying on your side With your arm bent knee your knee bent
Chest to the head
Farthest from the midline
EMT scope of practice
Training on basic life support, including automated external defibrillation, use of a definitive airway adjustment, and assisting patients with certain medications
The failure to provide the same care that a person with similar training would provide in that situation
Full fowler anatomical position
Lying on your back with your head raised
ICS managing of tactical operations
Closest to the surface of the skin