Block 1 Part 3: Continual service improvement Flashcards
What do Service Metrics measure in CSI?
Service Metrics measure the effectiveness of services provided to customers, including factors like customer satisfaction and the success rate of actions taken through a service.
What is the purpose of metrics in the context of CSI?
Metrics serve as a reflection of the state of a system or service, and they help in understanding changes, whether they involve improvement, degradation, or failure.
What is a Service Improvement Plan (SIP) in the context of using metrics for improvement?
A Service Improvement Plan (SIP) is a plan created to implement Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and drive improvement in a service.
What do CSFs (Critical Success Factors) represent in the context of a vision or objective?
CSFs are factors that must occur for a vision or objective to be realized successfully.
What is the sixth and final step in the CSI approach?
The sixth and final step in the CSI approach is “How Do We Keep The Momentum Going,” which focuses on reflection and ongoing improvement to maintain service quality.
What factors are considered when choosing metrics for the baseline?
Metrics for the baseline are selected based on what the overall system is trying to achieve and align with the vision laid out in the CSI approach.
What is the key difference between the seven-step process and the CSI approach?
The seven-step process is primarily about measurement to support strategic improvement, while the CSI approach is about setting a strategy for improvement and making decisions based on measurement.
What are SLRs, and where do they fit in the service lifecycle?
SLRs are Service-level Requirements, which set minimum service levels for consistency. They are considered part of the service design.
What is the purpose of the “Act” stage in the Deming cycle?
The “Act” stage involves deciding whether further changes are needed based on the evaluation and data gathered in the “Check” stage.
What elements do the CSI approach and the seven-step process make use of?
They make use of:
- metrics
- CSFs (Critical Success Factors)
- KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
- improvements against the current baseline to assess and enhance service performance.
What is the purpose of the “Plan” stage in the Deming cycle?
The “Plan” stage involves deciding what you want to do and how you can achieve it.
When can the seven-step process be used independently of the CSI approach?
The seven-step process can be used independently, particularly when the CSI approach has fulfilled its task and there’s only a need for ongoing monitoring or maintenance.of which might highlight further improvement
What is the focus of service-level management in ITIL?
This is part of the service design stage.
The focus of service-level management in ITIL is to understand how well a service is performing.
Should the seven-step process and the CSI approach always be closely synchronized?
No, they don’t have to be closely synchronized, especially when the focus is primarily on monitoring after successful changes.
How do CSFs and the baseline metrics relate to the CSI approach?
They serve as inputs for the CSI approach, particularly in determining the current state of service (where are we now).
What is the purpose of the “Check” stage in the Deming cycle?
The “Check” stage involves evaluating the impact of the implementation, assessing its effectiveness, and gathering data.
How does the Deming cycle promote continuous service improvement in ITIL?
The Deming cycle is a method for continuous service improvement in ITIL by creating a reflective cycle that leads to better services over time.
Can the seven-step improvement plan be used for self-improvement within the service improvement process?
Yes, it can be used to improve the service improvement process itself, including reflection on the measurement process and data analysis.
What do both the seven-step process and the CSI approach acknowledge as necessary for understanding and improving services?
They both recognize that measurements and metrics are necessary to understand current states, identify areas for improvement, and evaluate the impact of changes.
What is the role of the CSI approach in making strategic decisions for service improvement?
The CSI approach lays out how strategic decisions should be made, including setting improvement goals, defining actions to achieve those goals, and identifying how the success of the actions can be measured.
Why is it important to have a baseline when using metrics for improvement in CSI?
A baseline is important to provide a point of comparison for understanding how changes affect a system or service through metrics.
What might trigger the CSI approach, and how does it relate to the seven-step process?
The CSI approach may be prompted by trends or exceptions identified during the seven-step process. Additionally, it can signal the need for improvements in the next round of the seven-step process. This could involve adjusting metrics, data collection methods, or the overall process for greater effectiveness in subsequent iterations.
What is the fifth step in the CSI approach?
The fifth step in the CSI approach is “Did We Get There,” which involves understanding if the changes have worked and monitoring achievements using defined KPIs.
What is the purpose of the “Do” stage in the Deming cycle?
The “Do” stage involves implementing the planned changes.
What is the role of time frames in metrics?
Time frames are important for metrics as they provide context, such as referring to a specific period (e.g., this week or the past year).
What is the third step in the CSI approach?
The third step in the CSI approach is “Where Do We Want To Be,” involving setting targets for service improvement and creating critical success factors (CSF) and key performance indicators (KPIs).
What should be done with possible service improvements identified in step 4 of the CSI approach?
They should be recorded in the CSI register.
What is the CSI approach in ITIL?
The CSI approach, is an expansion of the demming cycle. it serves as a reflective cycle that is made up of a vision, understanding where we are and want to be and then reflecting and making furher improvements
How can Continual Service Improvement (CSI) be applied to resolve issues like a backlog of emails?
Applying CSI can help by improving the value of the service to customers. For example, setting Service-level Requirements (SLRs), such as responding to 90% of emails within 48 hours, can address the issue and ensure consistency in service delivery.
What are the three types of metrics used in CSI (Continual Service Improvement)?
The three types of metrics used in CSI are Technology Metrics, Process Metrics, and Service Metrics.
What insights should metrics have within them?
Metrics should offer insight by acknowledging:
- how well a service is performing
- how badly a service is performing
- something that users may not already know, making them more valuable for decision-making and evaluation.
What stage of the service lifecycle does a backlog of emails, causing operational issues, typically fall under?
A backlog of emails that isn’t being processed in a timely manner is often considered an operational failure, falling under the service operation stage.
How are KPI thresholds determined for CSFs that are already being achieved?
If a CSF is already being achieved, the threshold for the KPI is typically set at the current maximum or minimum value to ensure it remains within that range.
How are SLRs and performance measurements related?
SLRs are compared with performance measurements to ensure the service operates within its set levels. This may well be part of the monitoring and control cycle of event management within service operation.
What are the key takeaways from CSI?
Three key points to remember about CSI are:
- It’s essential to measure performance to understand how well services are doing.
- Measuring something alone does not improve it; action is required.
- The seven-step process focuses on incremental improvements using data, while the CSI approach focuses on identifying and implementing strategic changes.
What is the primary focus of the concerns in ITIL’s approach to service improvement?
The main focus is on improving services for users/customers, rather than having a purely technological focus.
name 3 points required to make a metric useful
A useful metric should be:
- informative (convey useful information),
- timely (refer to a specific time period)
- relevant to what it is being used to monitor (e.g., customer satisfaction).
Why is it important to handle metrics with care in the context of CSI?
Handling metrics with care is important in CSI because irrelevant or inaccurate metrics can provide a skewed understanding,
Also, metrics should be periodically reviewed to ensure their relevance and accuracy as services evolve.
How do the seven-step process and the CSI approach complement each other?
They are different aspects of what needs to be done to ensure effective service improvement, with the seven-step process providing data and the CSI approach providing the strategy for improvement.
What is the primary focus of the seven-step improvement process?
It focuses on measurements, analysis, and the identification of failing services, which are recorded in the CSI register.
What is the primary focus of the seven-step improvement process?
Measurement and monitoring, rather than how to achieve service improvements.
What is the first step in the CSI approach?
The first step in the CSI approach is “What Is The Vision,” which involves understanding the business vision, strategies, and goals.
What is the second step in the CSI approach?
The second step in the CSI approach is “Where Are We Now,” which focuses on understanding the current state and creating baselines for measurements.
How are multiple SIPs managed in the CSI approach?
Multiple SIPs can be created to improve a service, and they should be recorded in a CSI register. These SIPs are then evaluated to select the one with the highest likelihood of success.
What is the role of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in the context of CSFs?
KPIs are used to provide measurable insights into how well each CSF statement is achieving its objectives.
if the CSF is the written statement of what must happen for a vision to be met. then KPIs are how we create measurements for the CSF so we can determine if it is being met or not
Provide an example of a Process Metric in the context of CSI.
A Process Metric could include the percentage of incidents closed within a day or the number of outstanding incidents at the close of the business day.
Can you provide an example of a CSF in the context of a vision?
An example of a CSF for a vision like “Happy visitors and sufficient net income to run the farm” could be “Visitors must receive prompt, clear replies.”
What is the output of the CSI approach and the seven-step improvement process?
The Service Improvement Plan (SIP) is the output, ideally produced through a combination of both approaches.
How does the seven-step improvement process complement the CSI approach?
It aids in the identification of service improvements and the development of Service Improvement Plans (SIPs).
Can non-numerical values, such as happiness or satisfaction, be important for measuring success?
Yes, non-numerical values like happiness or satisfaction can be crucial for measuring success, even though they are not expressed in numerical terms.
When does a performance falling below SLRs indicate a need for CSI, and how does CSI relate to service transition?
If performance falls below SLRs, it signals the need for Continual Service Improvement (CSI). If a change is made in service transition, it’s essential to assess if it achieves the desired effect of aligning with SLRs, highlighting the importance of metrics in managing services.
How should the CSI stage be integrated with other stages in the service lifecycle?
The CSI stage should bleed into all other stages and is not meant to be a standalone stage. It should influence and improve all aspects of the service lifecycle.
What are the seven steps in the seven-step improvement process?
Identify the strategy for improvement.
Define what is to be measured.
Gather the data.
Process the data.
Analyze the information.
Present and use the information.
Implement improvement.
What is the role of KPIs in implementing SIPs and driving improvement?
KPIs are used in SIPs to implement changes that will drive the KPIs in the right direction, allowing the organization to meet its Critical Success Factors (CSFs) and ultimately achieve its vision in the CSI approach.
Why are associated target thresholds important for KPIs?
Associated target thresholds for KPIs are important because they provide context for evaluating whether a CSF is being achieved and guide improvement efforts.
What is the driving force behind Continual Service Improvement (CSI) in the service lifecycle?
The driving force for CSI is business needs, not the latest technology, and it serves as the ongoing stage emphasizing change and improvement of existing services.
How are KPI thresholds determined when the KPI is used for improvement?
When KPIs are used for improvement, the threshold is set as a change from the current values, and a specific period is defined to meet the threshold. Once the threshold is met, further adjustments can be made if necessary.
What is the primary purpose of the seven-step process?
The seven-step process is a continuous routine process that measures service performance and collects data, knowledge, insight, and wisdom to support decision-making for service improvement.
What types of metrics are typically included in the baseline to measure achievement of objectives?
The baseline metrics usually consist of key performance indicators (KPIs) related to the critical success factors (CSFs) for the objectives being pursued.
What is the fourth step in the CSI approach?
The fourth step in the CSI approach is “How Do We Get There,” which is about developing concrete plans and process improvement projects.
What is the primary focus of the CSI approach in the context of service improvement?
The CSI approach is strategic and is about deciding what you want to achieve and how to get there.
What drives continual service improvement?
It is primarily driven by improving ‘Business outcomes’ and ‘Value to the customer or user.’
Why are both the seven-step cycle and the CSI approach considered cycles?
They aim to incorporate the “continuous” aspect of continual service improvement to constantly improve services.
Why is the distinction between types of metrics in CSI sometimes less important?
The distinction between types of metrics in CSI is often less important because these metrics are closely linked; issues in one area can impact the others. For example, server errors (technology metrics) can affect the service provided by a website (service metrics).
How is the CSI approach driven?
The CSI approach is driven by ‘Business outcomes’ and ‘Value to the customer or user.’ It is a reflective cycle related to the Deming cycle.
How do CSFs relate to the CSI approach?
CSFs are typically identified as part of the CSI approach, particularly in step 1 where the vision is established.
What is the role of measurements in CSI and service management?
Measurements play a fundamental role in CSI and service management, providing the basis for evaluating and improving services.
What is the relationship between CSFs and KPIs?
Critical Success Factors (CSFs) are what must be happening to achieve a desired outcome. KPIs are the metrics used to confirm that CSFs are being met. They work together to measure and achieve success.
What is the relationship between service-level management and continual service improvement in ITIL?
Service-level management is important throughout the service lifecycle, particularly for both service operation and continual service improvement, as it focuses on understanding service performance.
What is the primary focus of the seven-step process in the context of service improvement?
The seven-step process is operational and is primarily about measurement and monitoring.
What is the significance of identifying and meeting CSFs?
Identifying and meeting CSFs is crucial, as failing to do so is likely to hinder the realization of the full potential of the vision or objective.
What is the purpose of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and other metrics in service improvement?
KPIs and metrics serve as baselines for comparing and measuring improvements and the achievement of critical success factors (CSFs)
What is the reflective cycle commonly known as the Deming cycle?
The reflective cycle commonly known as the Deming cycle is ‘Plan-Do-Check-Act’ (PDCA).
What are the threecategories of metrics used in service improvement?
Metrics include
- Process metrics (performance of processes),
- Technology metrics (technology component operation),
- Service metrics (service delivery quality).
Give an example of a Technology Metric used in CSI.
A Technology Metric could be the uptime of a server or the average time between errors for a website.
How does the seven-step process relate to the Deming cycle?
The seven-step process is about continuous monitoring and using data to understand where change is needed, whereas the Deming cycle focuses on implementing and evaluating individual changes.
What is an important aspect of metrics for gauging improvement?
An important aspect of metrics for gauging improvement is the ability to express them in numbers, count them, or put them in a sequence.
When should Continual Service Improvement (CSI) be applied in the service lifecycle?
CSI should be applied throughout the lifecycle of new and amended services, including service strategy, service design, service transition, and service operation.