Blepharoplasty and Brow LIft Flashcards
Define dermatochalasis and blepharaochalasis
- blepharochalasis - excess fat, skin and muscle in upper eyelid - inflammatory
- dermatochalaiss - only excess skin - laxity
Define blepharoptosis and pseudoptosis
- blepharoptosis - upper lid margin inferior displcaed over limbus
- pseudoptosis - depression of upper lid secondary to enopthalmus/dermatochalasis
Define the Shimer test, snap test and distraction test
- Schirmer test - to verify reflex and basic tearing, use 35x5mm filter paper, 5mins, normal is 10-30mm. Schirmer 1 test both reflex/basic, test 2 w tetracaine to eliminater relfexive response
- Snap test - lid pulled downward, if >1sec to return to position =laxity
- Distraction est - lid pulled away from globe, if can be distracted >6-10mm =laxity
What are aesthetic measurments deifning an attractive periorbital region
- Intecanthal distance 1/5 of facial width
- Hairline to brow at pupil 5-6cm
- brow to midpupil 2.5cm
- pretarsal skin show 3-6mm
- lash line to upper tarsal crease 10mm
- brow to SOR 1cm
Describe the anatomy of o.oculi
- Medial - superficial head inserts on ant limb of MCT, deep head inserts on posterior crest posteriro to lacrimal sac
- Lateral - inserts with LCT onto Whitnalls tubercle
- Medial - superficial heads inserts on ant limb of MCT, deep head inserts on posterior lacrimal crest w pretarsal OO
- Lateral - forms a raphe of fibers which insert directly into skin
- MEdial - inserts onto SOR and IOR
- Lateral - lies superficial to frontalis, corrugator, ZM/m, lip and nasal levators
Describe the sensory innervation in the periorbital region
- STN, SON (V1)
- Infratrochlear nerve (V1) (both upper and lower lids)
- lacrimal n (V1)
- Infraorbital (V2)
- Zygomaticofacial/zygomaticotemporal (V2)
Describe the intra and extraorbital fat compartments
Post-septal (intraorbital)
- Upper (2) - medial pale yellow fat w medial palpebral artery + infratrochear n. Central butter yellow fat. Lacrimal gland lies laterally
- Lower (3) - medial pale yellow (separated by IO) central butter yellow (seperated by lateral extension of arcuate ligament) lateral butter yellow
Pre-septal (extraorbital) lies deep to orbicularis, anterior to septum
- Roof - Retro-orbicularis oculi fat
- SOOF - sub-orbicularis oculi fat
What are the origins and insertios of the orbital septum
Origin: IOR and SOR - named arcus marginalis
Insertion - Upper lid - 15mm above uppe rtarsal birder
Insertoin - Lower lid - 5mm below lower tarsal border
What forms supratarsal crease?
insertion of OO and fibrous levator aponeurosis into skin
Describe your history and physical for patient presenting with periorbital complaints of againg
- Deformity, desires, expectations
- Ocular Hx: corrective lens/contact, dry sx, visual sx, last ophtho asx, cataract, glaucoma, Lasix surgery
- Symptom (ptosis/laxity) - onset, duration, progression, uni/bilat
- PMHx: HTN, thyroid, coagulative D, endocrine, meds/allergies
- Visual Asx: pupils, EOM, VA, VFs, conjuntival ingection, fundoscopy, corneal reflex
Upper lid:
- Static - > lid position (ptosis/retraction), brow position, excess skin/muscle/fat, supratarsal crease
- Dynamic: levator fx, Bells, lagophthalmus, orbicularis fx
Lower lid:
- Static: malar bag, festoons, excess skin/muscle/fat, lip position (ectro/entro/scleral show)
- Dynamic: Snap and distraction test (laxity)
- canthi
- exoph/enop, vertical dystopia
- Vector
- Proptosis
What does negative vector predict
- risk of dry eye syndrome
- risk of ectropion
- may require canthoplasty as part of the procedure
What are the principles and goals of blepharoplasty
- restore sharp crisp tarsal folds
- restore symmetry
- retain/restore lateral canthal angle
- reposition/remove poorly positioned skin/fat/muscle
Describe the steps of the upper blepharoplasty
- w pt standing, at jx of lateral and central 1/3 , mark inferior extent of incision 9-12mm from the lash line, with gentle curve medial and lateral, stopping belore medial canthus
- pinch test to determine amount of skin removal
Skin excision/muscle
- incisions made and skin excsied
- if muscle excision, done next as small strip
- septum opened to remove medial fat pad which protrudes, minimal centrally
- careful hemostasis
- +/- anchoring stitches, ROOF excision, gland suspension
Describe steps in Lower blepharoplasty
- subciliary - 1-2mm below lash line and lateral extensio into crease
- trasncutaneous (below vascular arcade through conj/CPF
- incise skin w scalpel puncture then scissors, step to then incise through muscle to reach septum
- May excise muscle
- open septum, release protruding fat
- release ORL, ZRL
- conservative skin excision
Modifications as per Dr. Ford
- +/- canthoplasty +/- o.oculi sling
- release tear through below rim supraperiosteal
- release ORL and ZRL below rim supraperios
- transpose medial fat below tear through depression
- excise post-septal lateral fat pad
- +/- resuspension of o.oculi to DTF
- temporary tarsorrhaphy at lateral limbus 5-0 nylon x1wk
- tear naturall q2h, lacrilube qhs
List complications of blepharoplasty
- corneal injury
- lacrimal injury
- diplopia
- blindness
- glaucoma
- hematoma
- subscleral
- periorb
- retrobulbar
- conjunctivitis
- keratoconj sicca
- ecchymosis
- chemosis
- lagophthalmus
- asymmetry
- asymmetry, underover correction
- ectropion/entropion
- levator dysfx
- Lacrimal dysfx: epiphora/dry eye
How do you manage chemosis
- Def: edema of conjunctiva
- Secoandry to lymphatic disruption - conj is drained by lympatics of eyelid
- Prevention is key
- intra-op BSS< HOB elevation, , normotensive anesthesia, minimal iV lfuid, limit exposure
- Treatment
- tears naturalle q2h, lacrilube qhs. if not resolving, tobradex or forte liquifilm, neo-synephrine, +/- patching/cold compress
- If not esolving 2wks - optho cnosults for oral steroids
WHat is the incidence and management of retrobulbar hematoma?
- 0.04% - worse outcome - blindness 2’ compression with occlusio of CROA or optic nerve ischemia
- Clinical Hx
- pain
- loss of vision
- On exam
- proptosis
- ophthalmoplegia
- increased IOP >30 (papilledema)
- mydriasis
- gradual loss of VA
- Managment
- surgical emergency- evacuation
- HOB>30
- control pain/N/V
- remove sutures
- urgent lateral canthotomy, cantholysis
- mannitol 20%, 1-2g/kg IV over 1hr
- methylpredinosone 1G IV x1
- Timolol 0.5% 1-2gtt bid
- Diamox (CAI) 500mg IV then 250mg q4hr
- Ophtho consult
What are indicaitions for emergent decompression for RB hematoma
- acute Visual loss with high IOP (consicous)
- proptosis, IOP >40 +/- RAPD (unconscious)
- lateral canthotomy/cantholysis (not if globe ruptre suspected)
- open surgical site if post op
- formal drainge
- look for active bleeder
- if not completely released, release arcus marginalis/orbital septum
- if not completely decompressed, outfracture alteal orb wall
Describe how you would do a lateral canthotomy/cantholysis
- LA w needle directed away from the globe
- cut laterally between two lids
- inferolateral tension onlower lid away from glob
- blunt scissors to cut inferior crus of lateral canthus
Describe the features of the asian upper and lower eyelid
- Upper lid
- absence of supratarsal
- medial epicanthal fold
- hooding caruncle
- narrow palpebral fissure
- Lower lid
- anterosuperior projection of intraobital fat
- absence of lower lid crease
Describe correction of asian eyelid and epicanthal fold
- Open
- incision 5-6mm above midupil, 15mm in length
- excision of pretarsal o/oculi approx 2mm
- anchor lower skin dermis with suturing to levator insertion at upper tarsal border
- Closed
- sutures w prolene at level of new desired supratarsal crease
- Epicanthoplasty
- V-Wplasty
Describe the anatomy of the brow musculature
- O: Galea
- I: interdigitates w corrugator, procerus, O/oculi
- N: CN7 frontal
- fx: only brow elevator
Corrugator - 2 heads: transverse and oblique
- O: trasnverse = medial SOR,
- I: trasnverse = superior/middle 1/3
- O: oblique = mediosuperior OR
- I: Oblique = medial brow dermis
- Fx: pulls brow medial and inferior
- I: ULC, nasal root
- O: glabellar skin
- Fx; pulls brow medial and inferior
Depressor supercilli
- O: SOR
- I: medial brow dermis
- Fx: depresses
What retaining ligaments must be released in a brow lift and where are they located
- Superior temporal fusion line : periosteum along superior temporal line of skull
- Zone of Adhrence: 6mm medial to STFL - where periosteum and galea are fixed
- Orbital ligament: along lateral orbital rim - fusion of TPF to LOR. At inferior most ZOA
- tethers the lateral brow to the Orbital rim
- fuses with orbital septum at thr im to make arcus marginalis
What is the importance of the sentinel vein
Located 1.5cm superiolateral to LCT, perforating vein that enters TPF
- identifies location of Orbital ligament
- identifies nearby location of frontal branch - 1cm inferior and lateral to sentinal vein