Blastulation to Gastrulation Flashcards
extra-embryonic endoderm
4th day
zona pellucida degenerates
7th day
9th day
lacunae form within synciotrophoblast, hCG can be detected
11-12th day
interstital or complete implantation and primitive uteroplacental circulation
12-13th day
endometrial stroma hypertrophied to become decidual cells… somatopleuric ad splanchopleuric and chorionic cavity
extraembryonic mesoderm
derived from the yolk sac cells
extraembryonic coelom
chorionic cavity, derived from exocelomic mesoderm or yolk sac
gastrulation when
15-17 days
embryonic ectoderm
epidermis, CNS, PNS, retina of eye
embryonic mesoderm
epithilial linings of respiratory tract and GI, glandular cells of GIC, urinary bladder
embryonic mesoderm
smooth and striated muscle, connective tissue, most of the cardiovascular system, blood cells, and bone marrow, skeleton, reproductive and excretory glands
sacrococcygeal teratomas
remnants of primitive steak that give rise to a tumor with derivatives of the 3 germ layers