Blackbook Flashcards
- What’s the difference between:
Strategy-goals, priority’s; objective put fire out
Tactics- needs to get things done, fire truck with water
Task- crew L-6 puts fire out
What are fire ground sectors?
geographic function area
Five specific levels of unit command?
Command, Fiance/Admin, Logistics, Planning, Operations
What is Size up?
The decision making process that starts before the incident.
(Allows firefighter or IC to gather info and develop strategies, also what you see and do; assignments, resources, conditions, structure, and environment)
Definition of a size up?
Info gathering, starts with initial dispatch info
Fire incident priority?
FF Safety, Life safety, incident stabilization, property conservation
Define strategic goal?
Needs to be done, what we expect to do. Goals, priorities,objectives
What is an action plan?
Well thought out organized course of events developed to address all phases of incident control with in a specified time. Needs to be completed in the least amount of neg action
NFPA 1500 and Comm 30 rule regards what?
two in two out
What time frame is a par done at?
every 10-15 mins
Size up starts?
with a good preplan
Operations sector does what in the command structure?
Controls the incident
What is NFPA 1561
Incident Management System
For fires you must?
Locate, confine, and Extinguish
What system has an accelerator?
A dry pipe sprinkler system
List the three types of stand pipe systems 1,2,3
Standpipe 1- Class 1 used by the fire dept. trained for heavy streams
Standpipe 2- Class 2 primarily use by building occupants hose cabinet on wall
Standpipe 3- Class 3 use by the FD, those trained at handling heavy streams, building occupants may use this too. Fire dept. needs to turn the pressure reducer valve on to have heavy fire streams.
standpipes are limited to 275 ft above that height they need FD to connect into the FDC
Class 3 remember that number (pressure reducer valve on it)
Should be a concern if you are using this type of Standpipe?
Class 3 beware if the system has a pressure reducing device on the sytem
Spanification means what?
Chemical+grease=soap like product
What does demobilization mean?
Incident termination, returning to service (quarters)
What concerns are there using a standpipe system?
reliable water source, adequate pressure, and volume
what is P.I.A.
post incident analysis- incident review that focuses on operations, and saftey
what is defusing?
(onsite 24 hrs) Debriefing (24-72)
Most fire deaths happen between what hours?
11pm-6am with 2am-5am the deepest sleep
What is the percentage of fire deaths?
In a car fire, who is the IC
Company Officer
Keep this current for all members of the team
Team profile
Interaction between labor and management in confrontational view each other as competitors
Underlying distrust between the two
Win/lose driven
Grievances are encouraged
Leaders take advantage of each other in bad times
Interaction between labor and management armed truce
Labor and management leaders are rigid Some constructive communication Relationship is fragile Meetings are issue driven Grievances are frequent
Interaction between labor and management in interactive
Labor and management accept each others role
Both parties stress providing quality services of product to external customer
Service quality to its members
Forgiveness exist excuse and forget problems
Periodic grievances
Interaction between labor and management in cooperative
Cooperative relationship with labor and management
Works for whats best for the organization
High level of trust and respect
Focus on the quality of services
Management shares authority making decisions
Labor accepts the decisions
Regular meetings for problem solving
Greivances are rare
Organizational anchors developed to enhance the change process
Anchors are critical to improving overall effectiveness, help support staff to line personal, help support management to firefighters, and help support performance to positive out comes
The most important strength labor and management have for the future is
the relationship that the leaders have with each other
Management shares the authority and
labor shares responsibility or the process will simply not work
Quality customer service provides a joint focus for labor and management
the organizational focus must be on the internal and external customers
What is RBO
Relationship by Objective
Developed by the federal mediation and concilation services in 1970, brings labor and management together to work on mutual objectives, discuss area of disagreement,create action plans, and doesn’t take the place of formal negotiations process
The RBO over site team is co-chaired by?
The fire chief and labor leader
RBO major teams are
the senior manager and the leader of the labor group
RBO task group have
special knowledge/skills on specific topics
RBO team meetings are held
RBO ten step process
ID the issue Assign the issue Analyze the issue Make decision Educate Implement plan Review for effectiveness Revise Complete the process Regroup
The biggest strength labor and management have is?
The relationship with each other
Meeting and agendas need to be
Posted and announced to the whole dept.
Conflict is not to be avoided but?
Processed ASAP
The five L’s
Learn, laugh, Love, Leave, Labor
Hire someone who will work well in the organization
What is MAP
Mental Aspect Perspective
gary mack, improve skills during stress
What is the stool for?(3 legs and 4 supports)
The seat= Fire life safety mission
Legs=Public ED, Response Fire/EMS, Fire prevention
Supports=Training preparation, infrastructure equipment, partnership politics, and members system support
Stool provides what?
System designed around central??????? needs more answer
Purpose of an instructor?
To be a role model for young firefighters
What are anchors for in a bubble?
Mission, values, training, finacial
If you drift outside the circle
will be outside the dept. norms
Hazmat entry cannot go in if?
Heart rate <150/100
How much time in rehab post bottle fill?
10 mins
Hazmat 8 Step process
Site control Product ID Hazard risk assessment PPE Info resource coordination Control Measure Decon Termination
Backing out of a building
is because of safety concerns
Functions of command are
IC, Set up strategy, develop an action plan
Sides of a buildng are called what w/MFD policy
Exposures, A, B, C, D
Secor officers job is what?
Direct the crews
Command options are?
Offensive, defensive, marginal attacks, fast attacks
First thing that happens in the IAP (Incident action Plan)
ID strategy,goals, objectives, support activities
What are Tactics
Measurable in time and performance
What is Fast attack
Last a few mins, direct fire attack, over when incident is stabilize
Define, Division, Group, Branch, Sectors
Division- IMS responsible for operations with in a specific assigned geographic area.
Group- IMS responsible for operations of assigned functions (Example- rescue group)
Branch- IMS maintain a manageable span of control over a division, sector or group
Sectors- IMS geographic area or function for a purpose
What is an Incident action plan
IAP is a well though out organized course of events developed to address all phases of incident control with a specified time,
including Strategic responsibilities, tactical objectives, and support activites
What is the reason for Division, groups, and sectors
Firefighter safety
The primary function of communication
Division, groups, and sector crews to perform tasks
Unified Command is used when?
Jurisdiction, multiple agencys are involved
RIT reports to
RIT sector (Chiefs Aide, until another chief officer takes over
Division of labor means
Break large jobs down into smaller tasks which are assigned to specific individuals
Discipline means
Setting the limits and boundaries for expected performance and enforcing them
What is scalar organization
Chain of command, decisions are directed down from the top
What is Maslows needs
Survival food, water shelter air
Safety savings account, insurance policy, investments, retirements
Affiliation influence, interactions, threat of exclusion
Esteem ego fulfillment, individual professional acheviement, recognition, respect peer
Self actualization people have found their niche, work becomes their life