Black death Flashcards
Causees of the baclk death and what is it?
it is a pandemic found in china and mongolia that killed 30-60 of londons population It is caused by fleas,rats and other dirty animals
Types and symptoms of the black death
Bubonic - large bumps blister look like that would trun black and puprle and mostly on lymnodes, armpits, throat and groin and was the one many people got but the least deadly and had flu like
spesticmic - most deadly and hard to get was caused by infection of blood and + im lots of pain and no motor control
punmoic- infection of lungs like pneumonia pretty rare in the not comomc or rare had flu like
real spread of black death
it came from Mongolia and china through trading and was mostly found at sea ports becuses when ships were dirty with rats and when people traded the could of spread to it othjere people and they spread it - outbreak and everyone has it now
what did they thougt the black death spread
Because they sined and god gave them this plage
Celestial bodies when planets aligned it casted a spell and everyone got it
humours were off balance
their thought of medice
blood letting, removing blood to blance 4 humous
poor people go to hairdresses to get what ever chopped off
or nuns = praying
seaking cure (hint they are rasist)
killing jews = they thought that jews responsible for god crucifixtion so they killed jews to make go away
flagellets= people who wip themselves for gods forgiveness
depooplation (short term)
depooplation=as a result of the black death 30-60% of population died so most died and it left like no one
labour +food shortages (short term)
labour +food shortages =people died so nobody could do crops,trades or pesant work ,as a result they had nothing
mass burials = (short term)
plage pits = they buried lots of people facing a certain way in big big graves and coved them THEN dirt more people etc
labour +food shortages (short term)
labour +food shortages =people died so nobody could do crops,trades or pesant work ,as a result they had nothing
long term weaking of fudelsim
The massive drop in population affected
trade, manufacturing, and the production of food
from the land. pesnatas craftsmen were
now in short supply. Survivors who had been trained
in different trades were highly valued by employers.
They had more bargaining power more
social status.
In time, this situation helped to break down
the already weakened system of feudalism. Instead
of providing their labour free in return for a lord’s
protection and support, knights and manor workers
could now demand money for their services. In
towns, workers could demand higher wages.
long term pesant unrest / revolt
Concerned by the increase in wages being demanded
(and paid), some rulers tried to introduce new laws to
keep wages low. They also tried to stop the rising cost
of food, then being forced up by black market trading
and piracy.
In England, the Statute of Labourers was
introduced in 1351. This law made it illegal for
employers to increase workers’ wages to attract new
long term weaking of curch
nuns could not fix deaths of so many
led to a lessening of many
peoples’s faith in the Church. In the aftermath of the
Black Death, people began to question the influence
and power that the Church had over society and to
openly criticise some of its practices.
After the Black Death had passed, many wealthy
survivors in Europe did in art or literature
expressing their gratitude for being left
. Some became patrons. They funded talented
individuals to create paintings, build churches and
other public buildings, and to write literature. Some
encouraged scientific research, hoping that answers
might one day be found to what caused the Black
Death. known as rebirh for france
African slave trade long
start of the slave trade. The first Africans brought
to Europe as slaves were captured by Portuguese
captains . Initially established to
provide labour in Europe,
the slave trade increased as labour was needed in
these new lands. Africans from the Sahara region
began to be taken as slaves in the 14th century, at
first to boost Europe’s greatly reduced labour force