BJJ Flashcards
Armbar tips
- Keep both of their shoulders off mat, use feet
- Fall to top shoulder
- Use inside of bottom knee to press down on their chest
- If hitchhiked, kimura so gets worse as they turn.
- If they block top leg, as they come up to stack, swing leg over head and take back.
Head and arm choke from Mount
Arm triangle ✅
- Sit back and keep hips towards feet to keep his arm off his face and on his neck.
- Hand in armpit
- Use head to press his bicep into his neck
- Keep my head on the mat
* press my against his shoulder *
5 dismount and rotate away from him during my shoulder into his arm - My outside arm can post
Clock choke from Turtle top
- Far hand reaches over to turn lapel out
- Near hand between shoulder and neck, 2 finger lapel grip
- Grip: wrist turned up, against neck
- other hand can grab lapel or far wrist
- Block escape - inside hip on top of shoulder then to shoulder blade, prevents turn in
- Tighten- straight arm, turn away torso, leg out front. Walk inside leg around his head.
Paper cutter defense
Push head
Use power shrimp with connection to head.
Foot lock Defense
Point foot Rotate knee out Remove his foot frame on my hip Split his legs Two hand rotate to other side.
Initial Kimura Defense
Put his bicep at my shoulder NOT elbow
North-South Choke Defense
Early- turn head
Left arm frame- hand in neck opening, rotate legs to power a frame
Americana Defense in Mount bottom
- glue elbow w/weight
- If get under arm, bump them forward and pull elbow close to body and out of under
- glue elbow w/weight
2. If get under arm, bump them forward and pull elbow close to body and out of under
Defend against collar choke when in closed guard
- My arm over his choking arm
Do a Push-Pull choke - Loose collar grip so push across his neck.
- other hand pull down on other collar.
- When he tries to pull me in to choke me, he gets choked.
Heel Hook Defense
- Roll toward other leg
- Throw hands to ground away
- Push-up, other leg kicks through and over.
Foot Lock
Do not let hand slip downward Elbow as far forward as possible Enter to get grip with elbow forward (not adjust later) Hips in, head up Wrist extended forward and down Turn thumb away from my belly Blade on the ankle Action: sink armpit toward my hip (Don't pull upward) If need to roll to side, kickstand elbow, and go to head
Standing Guillotine
- Keep hips back
- Thumb at ear, wristwatch area
- Wrist@ chest, elbows flared out
- Thumb tilt in, raise wrist to my chest
Standing Guillotine Defense
1.Hand on hip, stiff arm
2. other arm down his back- then pull that shoulder down
3. Pull that elbow down
4. Get to side, my back knee to buckle his
Push head to chest to push him back
Arm to block re guard. Shoulder into neck
Guillotine from knees
Fall to head side
- Push into him then sit in with same side knee to knee shield.
- Opposite leg on back. Want head down.
- Choke by •pushing shin against hip, • curl head down
Knee bar Defense
Prevent- control his upper body- can’t face legs
Clear knee line- my free foot pushes behind his top knee pit AND pull my leg out some
(Tom DeBlass knee bar escape)
Guillotine from knees Defense
When he raises knee (to put that leg on my back) I push in knee by dropping that elbow and drive it to the mat.
If fails, go to teepee with hips up, on my head
Head and arm Guillotine Defense
- Don’t allow head to mat
- Same side knee up, close to hip
- Bring trapped arm Palm up, pull elbow down- prevents lift
- Free hand to help neck, elbow to his knee to open guard
Knee on Belly Defense ✅
A. Bump and get inside arm hooked under his ankle. Other hand on chest, shrimp out and knock over.
B. Both of my hands on his hips raising him a bit, turn on my side a little while pulling my knee in pulling his foot forward. Pinch my my knees and push him back.
Shoulder of Justice
Grab far armpit My top armpit on chest Pull his far armpit to bend him, drop Keep elbow down, shoulder ball into neck Also:rotate body headward, then back
Counter: extend top arm into his head/neck
Bridge, grab far armpit and drop elbow
Use inside arm to check hip, reguard.
Chinstrap Choke
No-gi Quarters front
• Hand over hand,
knuckles over knuckles
• Turn wrist so thumb base drives into bottom of mouth not neck
• Pinch elbows to my ribs
• Pressure: pull wrists in + sprawl, belly in
Triangle- Finishing Problems
- Shoulder not buried.
His trying to turn the corner allows you to relocate and bury the shoulder - Turning pass
Most stable (before final lock) when squared up. One of the defenses is a turning pass- if he gets some posture back and starts to turn -Frame inside arm on my knee and shoulder walk to stay square. Can use elbows as outriggers, back flat on mat - Stack- shoulder walk
- Hidden elbow-get the lock, raise him with your hips, Then pull arm across
Armbar Escapes
- Grip: Defender on top.
Wrist low and flat- decreases leverage. - Head leg:
None- relax arm, move legs and head,
drag into hole.(Kimura)
Coming- block leg, head/shoulders on top.
Loose on neck- swing legs, move head,
drop arm. (U28) - Regular split legs:
- Comb- hand in hole, comb
- Spread the hips- ankles not
crossed- elbow under heel
catch w/ knee.(U32) - Both legs over:
Head- look at butt, chin down
Push his legs, swing legs
and clear the head, not sit up.
Body- Sit up toward feet corner. - Hitchhiker- avoid if there is a leg over body.
Ezekiel from Mount
2 fingers in sleeve
Slide cloth and fingers to neck
Extend tricep
Ezekiel from inside Guard
( top in the guard choking bottom)
And defense
When Posture broken, do Ezekiel
Defense: can’t push him away- makes choke worse
do: Hug him- and pull in knees-stops choke
Pull legs and knees in
Push head and neck against chop hand