Birth Marks Flashcards
What is nervus simplex
Also known as stork bite/salmon patch/angels kiss. It is a dull-pink irregular flat area. Resolve within a year usually
Common areas of nervus simplex
Nape of neck, forehead and eyelids.
What are hemangiomas
Collection of small blood vessels forming a lump under the skin. Sometimes called strawberry marks. Can be superficial or deep
Presentation of hemangiomas
More common in girls, prematures, low birth weight and multiple births.
Not always present at birth but develop in first month.
Grow rapidly to maximum size at 6-12 months
Common areas for hemangiomas
Head and neck, but some can appear on organs.
If on eye may impact vision. If on lips may cause ulceration. If in nappy area/skin folds may cause ulceraton. Subglottic hemangioma can present with stridor
Resolution of hemangiomas
Most resolve bt age 5-7, larger ones may continue until up to 10 years
What are port wine stains
Collection of abnormally formed capillaries. Flat and purple, red or pink
Area and growth of port wine stains
Mostly affect face, tend to grow in proportion with the child, and may turn darker and develop cobblestone appearance.
Treatment of port wine stains
Laser therapy, cosmetic camouflage
What are port wine stains associated with
Sturge Weber syndrome, Klippel-trenaunay syndrome and glaucoma
What are Cafe-au-lait spots
Hyperpigmented skin areas with a sharp border
When do cafe-au-lait spots fit the criteria for neurofibromatosis type 1
IF 6 or more that are >5mm pre-pubertal.
If 6 or more that are >15mm post-pubertal
What are melanocytic naevi
Light to dark brown spots on skin. Develop in first 1-2 years. May change with time
Management of melanocytic naevi
Very small risk of melanoma, require no treatment but should be monitored
What are slate grey naevi
Also known as mongolian blue spots or congenital dermal melanocytosis. Present from birth and often spontaneously dissapear
Common areas for mongolian blue spots
Lumbrosacral region typically, increased incidence in Asians and Polynesians. Important to document on NIPE
Names of some hyperpigmented lesions
Tuberous sclerosis
Nevus depigmentosus
Pityriasis alba
Tinea versicolour