Biostatistics | Midterm - Analysis of Variance Flashcards
Most commonly encountered multiple comparison test
Analysis of Variance
each subject participates in one and only one group
Between subject design
the same group of subjects serves in more than one treatment – Subject is now a factor
Within subjects design
a study which has both between and within subject factors
Mixed Design
general Term for any study in which multiple measurements are measured on the same subject,
Can be either multiple treatments or several measurements over time
Repeated measures
With ANOVA, we compare average “between group” variance to average “within group” variance.
Assumptions of ANOVA
The ANOVA procedure makes two main assumptions:
(1) The population distribution of each group is normal
(2) The population standard deviations of each group - - are equal.
- Only testing the effect of one explanatory variable
Each Subject has only one treatment or condition. Thus, a between-subject design. - Used to test for differences among two or more independent groups
One –way ANOVA
Types of Post hoc analysis:
> Bonferroni
> Scheffe test
> Fisher/LSD(Least Significant difference)
> Dunnet
> Tukey HSD (Honest significant difference)
> Bonferroni - highly flexible
> Scheffe test - When comparing two groups from the larger ANOVA. This is for doing complex comparisons
> Fisher/LSD (Least Significant difference) - walang nakalagay sa docs ://
> Dunnet - a set of comparisons are being made to one particular group. Several treatment with one control group
> Tukey HSD (Honest significant difference) - evaluates between any two pairs of means are significant
> Games-Howell - account unequal group sizes
Types of Post hoc analysis:
highly flexible
Perform if ANOVA is significant
Post Hoc Analysis
Types of Post hoc analysis:
When comparing two groups from the larger ANOVA. This is for doing complex comparisons
Scheffe test
Types of Post hoc analysis:
a set of comparisons are being made to one particular group. Several treatment with one control group
Types of Post hoc analysis:
evaluates between any two pairs of means are significant
Tukey HSD (Honest significant difference)
Types of Post hoc analysis:
account unequal group sizes
- Classifies participants in two-ways
Two-way ANOVA
> n-way ANOVA
ANCOVA (Analysis of Covariance)
Repeated Measures ANOVA