Biostatistics Flashcards
What are the assumptions made when using parametric tests?
- The observations must be independent
- The dependent variable should be continuous (interval or ratio)
- The independent variable is categorical with two or more levels
- The observations must be drawn from normally distributed populations
- The populations must have the same variance
- The groups should be randomly drawn from normally distributed and independent populations with no overlap
What are the advantages of using parametric tests?
- They are more powerful and flexible than nonparametric tests
- They allow the researcher to study the effect of many independent variables on the dependent variable as well as the study of their interaction
What are the main types of data used in nonparametric tests?
Nominal and ordinal data
What are the advantages of using nonparametric tests?
- They require no assumptions about the population probability distributions
- They can be used with smaller samples
- They are good for data with outliers
What conditions must a statistical test satisfy to be considered nonparametric?
At least one of the following:
- It can be used with nominal data
- It can be used with ordinal data
- It can be used with interval or ratio data without making assumptions about the population probability distribution (i.e. in small samples)
What are the types of statistical tests?
- Tests for differences between groups with independent samples
- Tests for differences between groups with dependent samples
- Tests for relationships between variables
What is the test used for a nominal variable with 1 sample?
χ2 test
What is the test used for a nominal variable with 2 independent samples?
χ2 test
What is the test used for a nominal variable with 2 dependent samples?
McNermar’s χ2 test
What is the test used for a categorical variable with more than 2 independent samples?
χ2 test
What is the test used for a categorical variable with more than 2 dependent samples?
Cochran’s Q test
What is the test used for an ordinal variable with 2 independent samples?
Mann–Whitney U test
What is the test used for an ordinal variable with 2 dependent samples?
Wilcoxin matched-pair signed-rank test
What is the test used for an ordinal variable with more than 2 independent samples?
Kruskal–Wallis H test
What is the test used for an ordinal variable with more than 2 dependent samples?
Friedman’s ANOVA
What is the test used to assess correlation in ordinal variables?
Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (ρ)
What is the parametric test used for 1 sample?
z-test or t-test
What is the parametric test used for 2 independent samples?
Unpaired t-test (Student t-test)
What is the parametric test used for 2 dependent samples?
Paired/matched t-test
What is the parametric test used for more than 2 independent samples?
One-way ANOVA between groups
What is the parametric test used for more than 2 dependent samples?
One-way ANOVA within groups (repeated measure)
What is the parametric test used to assess correlation?
Pearson’s product–moment correlation coefficient (r)
Which parametric test can be used for all multisample parametric tests?
Factorial (two-way) ANOVA
What are the conditions that must be met to use a χ2 test?
- The sample must be random
- The data must be in raw frequencies (not grouped frequencies or percentages)
- The sample size must be ≥20
- Observations must be independent
- The expected frequency for each cell of the contigency table must be >5
How can the normality of data be evaluated?
Shapiro–Wilk test:
- If the significance value is ≥0.05, the data are normally distributed
- If the significance value is <0.05, the data are not normally distributed
What is the formula for the χ2 test?
χ2 = ∑[(O – E)2 / E]
What is the formula for the number of degrees of freedom for the χ2 test?
df = (n – 1)×(m – 1), where n is the number of rows of the contigency table and m is the number of columns
What is the χ2 goodness of fit test used for?
Determining whether the observed frequency distribution differs significantly from a hypothesized frequency distribution
How is the expected frequency calculated in a χ2 test?
E = (row total × column total) / grand total
How is a χ2 test carried out in SPSS?
- Analyze > Descriptive Statistics > Crosstabs…
- Select the variables for the rows and columns then click Statistics…
- Select Chi-square then click Continue
- The p-value is given in the column “Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)”
What parameters/statistics are used in the t-test?
Means (µ/x̄)
Who invented the t-test?
William Gosset (under the pseudonym “Student,” hence the name Student t-test)
What are the conditions and assumptions made when using an unpaired 2-sample t-test?
- The dependent variable must be continuous (interval or ratio)
- The groups should be randomly drawn from normally distributed and independent populations
- The independent variable must be nominal with two levels
- The distribution of the two independent variables is normal
- The two variables have equal variance
What is the formula for the unpaired 2-sample t-test?
t = (x̄1 – x̄2)/SE, where SE is the standard error
What is the formula for the standard error in a 2-sample t-test?
SE = √[(s12/n1 + (s22/n2)]
What is the formula for the number of degrees of freedom for the unpaired 2-sample t-test?
df = n1 + n2 – 2
How is an unpaired 2-sample t-test carried out in SPSS?
- Analyze > Compare Means > Independent-Samples T Test…
- Select the test variable
- Click Define Groups…, set the values to 1 and 2, then click Continue and then OK
- The p-value is given in the column “Sig. (2-tailed)” for the row “Equal variances assumed”
What is the formula for the paired-sample t-test?
t = d̄ / (sd/√n), where
d is the difference in means for each pair
n is the number of pairs
How can the power of a t-test be increased?
- Increase the difference between the means
- Reduce the standard error by
- reducing the variance, or
- increasing n
- Increase α from 0.01 to 0.05
How is an paired-sample t-test carried out in SPSS?
- Analyze > Paired-Samples T Test…
- Select the variables then click OK
- The p-value is given in the column “Sig. (2-tailed)”
What is the formula for the number of degrees of freedom for a paired-sample t-test?
df = n – 1, where n is the number of pairs