The raw material of statistics is data. For our purposes we may define data as
numbers. The two kinds of number that we use in statistics are numbers that result from the
taking—in the usual sense of the term—of a measurement, and those that result from the
process of counting.
For example, when a nurse weighs a patient or takes a patient’s temperature, a
measurement, consisting of a number such as 150 pounds or 100 degrees Fahrenheit, is
obtained. Quite different type of number is obtained when a hospital administrator counts the number of patients—perhaps 20—discharged from the hospital on a given day. Each of
the three numbers is a datum, and the three taken together are data.
A field of study concerned with (1) the collection, organization, summarization,
and analysis of data; and (2) the drawing of inferences about a body of data when only a part of the data is observed. The person who performs these statistical activities must be prepared to interpret and communicate the results to someone else as the situation demands. Simply put, data are numbers, numbers contain information, and the purpose of statistics is to investigate and evaluate the nature and meaning of this information.
The performance of statistical activities is motivated by the need
to answer a question. For example, clinicians may want answers to questions regarding the
relative merits of competing treatment procedures, etc.
The maintenance of a history of one’s activities, as financial dealings, by entering data in ledgers or journals, putting documents in files, etc. For example, Hospital medical records contain immense amounts of information on patients.
If the data needed to answer a question are not available from routinely kept records, the logical source may be a survey. For example, the
Administrator of a clinic wishes to obtain information regarding the mode of transportation used by patients to visit the clinic.
Frequently the data needed to answer a question are available only as the result of an experiment. A nurse may wish to know which of several strategies is best in maximizing patient compliance. The nurse might conduct an experiment in which different strategies of motivating compliance are tried with different patients. Subsequent evaluation of the responses to the different strategies might enable the nurse to decide which is most effective.
The data needed to answer a question may already exist in the form of published reports, commercially available data banks, or the research literature.
When the data analyzed are derived from the biological sciences and medicine, we use the term biostatistics to distinguish this particular application of statisticaltools and concepts.
If, as we observe a characteristic, we find that it takes on different values in different persons, places, or things, we label the characteristic a variable. We do this for the simple reason that the characteristic is not the same when observed in different possessors of it.
One that can be measure in the usual sense. Measurement made on _______ convey information regarding amount. For example, we can obtain measurements on the heights of adult males, the weights of preschool children, and the ages of patients seen in a dental clinic.
Measuring consists of categorizing. Measurements made on _______ convey information regarding attribute. For example, when an ill person is given a medical diagnosis, a person is designated as belonging to an ethnic group, or a person, place, or object is said to possess or not to possess some characteristics of
Whenever we determine the height, weight, or age of an individual, the result is frequently referred to as a value of the respective variable. When the values obtained arise as a result of chance factors, so that they cannot be exactly predicted in advance. For example, an adult height. When a child is born, we cannot predict exactly his or her height at maturity. Attained adult height is the result of numerous genetic and environmental factors.
Is characterized by gaps or
interruptions in the values that it can assume. These gaps or interruptions indicate the
absence of values between particular values that the variable can assume. Some examples
illustrate the point. The number of daily admissions to a general hospital is a ______ since the number of admission each day must be represented by a whole number, such as 0, 1, 2, or 3. The number of decayed tooth of a child in an elementary school is another example of a _________ since it cannot be represented as
1.5, 3.3333, and so on.
Does not possess the gaps or
interruptions characteristic of a discrete random variable. It can assume any value within a
specified interval of values assumed by the variable. For example, the various
measurements that can be made on individuals such as height, weight, and the skull
circumference. No matter how close together the observed height of two people, we can,
theoretically, find another person whose height falls somewhere in between.
A collection of entities may consist of people, animals, machines, places, or cells. For our purposes, we define a population of entities as the largest collection of entities for which we have an interest at a particular time. If we take a
measurement of some variable on each of the entities in a population, we generate a
population of values of that variable. We may, therefore, define a population of values as the
largest collection of values of a random variable for which we have an interest at a particular time. For example, we are interested in the weights of all the children enrolled in a certain county elementary school system, our population consists of all these weights. Populations are determined or defined by our sphere of interest. It may be finite or infinite. If a population of values consists of a fixed number of these values, the population is said to be finite. It is consists of an endless succession of values, the population is an infinite one.
Is defined as a part of a population. Suppose our population consists of the weights of all the elementary school children enrolled in a certain county school system. If we collect for analysis the weights of only a fraction of these children, we have only a part of our population of weights, that is.
This may be defined as the assignment of numbers to objects or events according to a set of rules. The various measurement scales result from the fact that the measurement may be carried out under different sets of rules.
it consists of “naming” observations or classifying them into various mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive categories. The practice of using numbers to distinguish among the various medical diagnoses constitutes measurement on a _______. For example, dichotomies as male-female, well-sick, under 65 years of age-65 and over, child-adult, married-not married.
Whenever observations are not only different from category to category but can be ranked according to some criterion, they are said to be measured on an ______. For example, convalescing patients may be characterized as unimproved, improved, and much improved. Individuals may be classified according to socioeconomic status as low, medium, or high. The intelligence of children may be above average, average, or below average.