Biopsychology: Biological Rhythms Flashcards
What is a circadian rhythm?
Biological rhythms, subject to a 24 hour cycle, that regulate internal processes e.g sleep/wake cycle.
Give two examples of a circadian rhythm:
Sleep/wake cycle
Changes in core body temperature
What are endogenous pacemakers
The body’s internal biological ‘clocks’
What are exogenous zeitgebers?
External changes in the environment
Who conducted research into the sleep/wake cycle?
What did Siffre do to investigate the impact of the sleep/wake cycle and what did he find?
- Spent extended periods of time underground in a cave, where changes in natural light and sound did not occur.
- His biological rhythm was around 25 hours, with him waking up and sleeping in a regular schedule
What are the three evaluation points for Siffre’s research into the sleep/wake cycle:
1) Shift work (S)
2) Medical treatment (S)
3) Individual differences (L)
Explain shift work (S) as an evaluation point for Siffre’s research into the sleep/wake cycle
- Provide an understanding of the impacts of disrupting circardian cycles
- Boivin found that night shift workers were more likely to make mistakes than day shift workers (due to decreased concentration) , and were x3 more likely to develop heart disease
Explain medical treatment(S) as an evaluation point for functional recovery:
-Research into circadian rhythms has improved medical treatments.
- Advanced the field of chronotheraputics, where medical treatment is given according to a person’s biological rhythms.
- Can help increase the effectiveness of a drug e.g. aspirin is more effective when taken at night as most heart attacks occur in the morning.
Explain individual differences (L) as an evaluation point for research into the sleep/wake cycle:
- Generalisations are difficult to make as individual differences in sleep/wake cycles occur.
- Difficult to use the research data to discuss anything more than averages.
What is an infradian rhythm?
Type of biological rhythm where less than one cycle occurs in 24 hours e.g. menstrual cycle, SAD.
What is an ultradian rhythm?
Type of biological rhythm where more than one cycle occurs in 24 hours e.g. sleep cycle
Who investigated the impact of endogenous and exogenous factors on biological rhythms via the menstrual cycle?
Stern and McClintock
What did Stern and McClintock do to investigate the impact of endogenous and exogenous factors on biological rhythms via the menstrual cycle and what did they find?
- Gathered 29 women with irregular periods and collected samples of their pheromones at different stages of the menstrual cycle via a cotton pad.
- Pads were rubbed on the upper lip of the other participants according to the day of their MC (e.g. on day one they got a pad from the first day of their MC, on day two they got a pad from second day)
- Found that 68% of women experiences changes in their cycle which brought them closer the cycle of their ‘odour donor’
Explain the theory behind the cause of SAD due to disruptions in infradian rhythms:
- During the night, the pinael gland secretes melatonin until dawn where there is an increase in light.
- During winter the lack of light in the morning means this secretion process happens for longer.
-This is thought to have a knock-on effect on the production of serotonin in the brain- leading to the onset of depressive symptoms.