Biopsychology Flashcards
What does the spinal cord do
Recieves and transmits info to the brain
What does the brain do
Maintains life and is involved in higher functions and processes
What is the peripheral nervous system made up of (2)
Somatic nervous system
What is the somatic nervous system
Transmits info to and from the senses
What is the autonmicnnervous system
Transmits info to and from internal organs
What is the sympathetic nervous system
Increases bodily activity
What is the parasympathetic nervous system
Maintains or decreases bodily activity
What are the three types of neutrons
What are the sensory neutrons
Tell the brain about external and internal environment
They process info taken from the senses
What are relay neutrons
Connect motor and sensory
Carry messages from one part of CNS TO ANOTHER
What is the motor neurone
Carrys signals from CNS
What is synaptic transmission
Process for transmitting messages from neuron to neuron
What’s a synapse
Gap between neutrons where chemical signals pass through
Describe the process of synaptic transmission
Nerve impulse travels down neuron and prompts release of neuro transmitter
Chemicals are released into synaptic fluid
The receptors of the post synaptic neuron take up the chemicals from fluid and convert them into electrical impulses
What’s excitation
When it’s more likely for a neuron to fire
What is inhibition
Less likely for neuron to fire i& message is stopped at post synaptic neuron
What are the main glands of the endocrine system
What’s he hypothalamus
Part of brain in the centre that deals with basic survival functions
What’s the adrenal gland
Gland that released adrenaline
What’s the adrenal medulla
Centre of adrenal gland
What’s the fight or flight response
Reflex response designed to help an individual physically under threat
Process of fight or flight
Hypothalamus recognises threat
Sends message to adrenal gland
Which triggers release of adrenaline to endocrine system and prompts physical changes
What are the physical changes of the fight or flight
Faster breathing rate Muscle tension Pupil dilation Production of sweat Reduced functioning of digestive system and immune system
( explain each)
what is a gland
group of cells specialised to secrete useful substance
what are hormones
chemical messengers
hempisheric lateralisation
one hemisphere dealing with a particular function
right hemisphere deals with left hand side of body and vice verSA