Biopsychology Flashcards


The nervous system


Allows u to respond to changes in env (stimuli) and coordinate actions
Divided into central nervous system and peripheral nervous system
CNS - made up of brain and spinal cord
PNS - made up of neurons that connect cns to rest of the body - divided into autonomic nervous system and somatic nervous system
ANS controls unconscious activities like breathing split into sympathetic is flight or fight system and gets body ready for action and parasympathetic which calms body down
SNS controls conscious activities like muscle movement

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The endocrine system


Controls functions in body through hormones
Glands produce hormones, pituitary gland is the master gland and controls release of other hormones from other glands
Hormones secreted in blood stream and affects cells that have specific receptor for that hormone e.g. thyroxine produced by thyroid gland which increases metabolic and so growth rates

Endocrine system works alongside ANS -

When stressor perceived, hypothalamus triggers activity in sympathetic branch which changes from its normal resting state which is parasympathetic to physiologically aroused state, hormone adrenaline released from adrenal medulla into blood stream which targets physiological changes in body e.g. increased heart rate - fight or flight response, once threat passes the parasympathetic nervous system returns body to resting state.

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Structure and function of neurones


Sensory neurones have long dendrites and long dendron and cell body and short axons which transmit electrical impulse from receptors to cns
Relay neurones have short dendrites and cell body and short axons and transmit electrical impulses between sensory and motor neurones
Motor neurones - have short dendrites and cell body and long axon transmit electrical impulse from cns to effectors

Cell body has dendrites that receive info from other neurones which passes along axon in form of electrical impulse which is covered in myelin sheath to speed up nervous transmission with gaps in axons called nodes of ranvier to speed up transmission

When neuron in resting state, inside more negative than outside.
When neuron is activated, inside of cell becomes positively charged causing action potential which creates an electrical impulse that travels down axon to end of neuron

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Synaptic transmission


each neuron separated by tiny gap called synapse , signals within neurons transmitted electrically but signals between neurons transmitted chemically across synapse
When electrical impulse reaches end of neuron presynaptic membrane, it triggers the release of neurotransmitter from tiny sacs called synaptic vesicles and once neurotransmitter crosses gap, its taken up by postsynaptic receptor on next neuron and the chemical msg converted back into electrical impulse and process of electric transmission begins!

Neurotransmitter fit perfectly into postsynaptic receptor site e.g. acetylcholine found where a motor neuron meets a muscle causing it to contract, serotonin - affects mood - cause of depression

Neurotransmitters have excitatory or inhibitory effects
Adrenaline is excitatory increasing positive charge of post synaptic neuron making it more likely for neuron to fire
Serotonin is inhibitory increasing negative charge of post synaptic neuron making it less likely for neuron to fire
Dopamine has both effects

Summation - excitatory and inhibitory effects summed and must reach threshold for action potential of postsynaptic neuron to be triggered - more likely to fire if net effect is excitatory

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Localisation of function in the brain AO1


Holistic theory replaced by localisation
Brain divided into left and right hemispheres and lateralised so some functions controlled by certain hemisphere
Outer layer of brain is cerebral cortex - covers inner parts
Cortex of both hemispheres divided into 4 lobes: frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal.
Motor area: controls voluntary movement
Somatosensory area: processes information fromskin about touch, pain
Visual area: processes info from eyes
Auditory area: processes info from ears
Brocas area: responsible for speech production (brocas aphasia - slow speech)
Wernicke’s area: understanding of language (wernickes aphasia - nonsense speech)

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Localisation of function in the brain AO3


+localisation theory has brain scan evidence - petersen et al used brain scans to show activity in wernickes and brocas area during listening and reading suggesting these areas have diff functions - long term memory study by tulving et al revealed semantic and episodic memories located in diff parts of frontal cortex - many sophisticated methods now to measure brain activity - scientific evidence

+neurological evidence - surgically removing areas to control aspects of behaviour, dougherty et al reported 1/3 of ocd patients who had cingulotomy had a successful response to surgery - symptoms and behaviours associated w serious mental disorders localised too

+case studies - case of phineas gage who received serious brain damage that affected his personality and the change in temperament suggests frontal lobe responsible for regulating mood

-neural plasticity is a challenge to localisation theory - when brain damaged, rest of brain can reorganise to recover the function - lashleys law of equipotentiality - other areas of brain chip in to achieve same neurological function - several documented case studies of stroke patients that reported this

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Plasticity and functional recovery of the brain AO1


Plasticity - brain can alter its structure and function in response to changes in environment - information takes pathway thru brain travelling from 1 neuron to the other via synapses but when we re presented w new info, brain forms new neural pathways and the more its used the stronger the connections between the neurons become and vice versa, constant reorganisation is how we learn and adapt to changes in environment, these changes can happen at any time

e.g. karni et al used fmri to show learning and practising finger movements over a period of 4 weeks lead to activation of larger area of motor cortex when carrying out the sequence - reorganisation took plac

Functional recovery - following trauma healthy brain areas take over functions of damaged - occurs quick then slows down and brain rewires and reorganises itself through new neural pathways

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Plasticity and functional recovery of the brain AO3


+plasticity and recovery research has practical applications - understanding plasticity contributed to neurorehabilitation techniques like movement therapy and electrical stimulation of brain to counter cognitive defects after stroke - requries further intervention after plasticity

+research support for plasticity from animal studies - hubel et al sewed one eye of a kitten shut and analysed cortical responses, area of visual cortex associated with shut eye continued to process information from open eye even as inactive - loss of function leads to compensatory activity

-neural plasticity related to cognitive reserve - persons educational attainment may influence how well brain recovers - studies found that cognitive reserve increases chances of disability free recovery - cognitive reserve also crucial factor in determining how well brain recovers

-link between age and plasticity is complex - functional plasticity tends to reduce with age - brain has greater chance of reorganisation during childhood as it adapts to new experiences - BUT BEZZOLA ET AL SHOWED HOW EVEN 40 years of golf training produced changes in neural representation of movement in pps aged 40-60 - shows neural plasticity continues throughout our lifespan

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Split brain research into hemispheric lateralisation AO1


Normally hemispheres connected by corpus callosum = commissurotomy cuts corpus callosum and controls epileptic seizure, sperry studied a group of epileptics who had operation
Sperry projected an image or word to patients right visual field processed by left hemisphere and another to left visual field processed by right hemisphere - corpus callosum shares info between hemispheres, in split brain, info CANT BE SHARED

Object shown to right visual field, patient easily describes what is seen, LVF patient says nothing there, cos right hemisphere lacks language centres and are normally relayed via corpus callosum to language centres in left hemisphere. They could however select a corresponding object with left hand which represented what was seen in left visual field (RIght hemisphere linked to left hand!!) as they could understand what the object was and produce a non verbal response

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Split brain research into hemispheric lateralisation AO3


+shows lateralised brain functions - left hemisphere is analytical and right is adept with spatial tasks - right hemisphere produces basic words but contributes emotional content to language - but recent research shows distinction simplified and several tasks associated with one hemisphere can be done by the other

+standardised methodology - standardised procedures of presenting visual info to one hemispheric field at a time - genius - pps stared at a fixed point with one eye and an image was flashed up for 0.1 seconds so patient had no time to move their eyes over image and spread info across both sides of visual field or brain - only one hemisphere received info at a time - well controlled procedure

-differences in hemispheric functions overexaggerated - growing body of pop psychological literature that oversimplifies and overstates difference in function between hemispheres and modern neuroscientists argue these differences arent clear cut many behaviours associated with one can be performed by other hemisphere when required - conclusions drawn from sperry too simplistic doesnt account for flexibility of hemispheres

-issues with generalisation - split brain patients are unusual sample, only 11 pps took part in all variations and had history of seizures - unique changes in the brain which influenced findings - reduces validity cos dk if findings can be generalised to normal BRAINNNN

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Ways of studying the brain AO1


Medical techniques to investigate brain localisation and diagnose illness

fMRI - highlights active area of the brain - changes in blood flow that occur due to neural activity in specific areas - more active - more oxygen - more blood flow to that area - 3d image showing active parts

EEG - overall electric activity using electrodes attached on brain that represents brainwave patterns from neurons and show brain activity

ERPs - brainwaves related to particular events - leaves only the responses relating to performance of a certain tasks

Post mortem exams - anaylsis of brain following death to establish cause of a disorder suffered by a person in life and compared with neurotypical brain to establish difference

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Ways of studying the brain AO3


+fMRIS are non invasive - dont rely on use of radiation and is safe - produces images with high spatial resolution showing detail by millimetre - clear picture of brain activity localisation

-FMRIs expensive - can only capture clear image if person stays still , poor temporal resolution due to lag between initial neural activity and image - may not truly represent moment to moment brain activity

+EEGs diagnose conditions like epilepsy - contributed to understanding of sleep stages, high temporal resolutiom - detects brain activity at a resolution of a single millisecond

-EEGs information received from thousands of neurons - eeg produces generalised signal from many neurons so difficult to know exact source of neural activity - cant distinguish between activity of different adjacent neurons

+ERPs are specific - achieved using raw eeg data - excellent temporal resolution - better than fmris temporal resolution

-ERPS lack of standardised methodology - difficult to confirm findings - background noise and extraneous material need to be completely removed - not easy to do

+post mortems provide foundation for understanding brain - broca and wernicke relied on post mortem studies - improves medical knoweledge - generate hypotheses for future

-post mortems causation is issue - observed damage may not be linked to disorder under review but to some other trauma, also ethical issues of consent from patient before death - patient might not be able to provide informed consent!!!!!!

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Circadian Rhythms AO1


Endogenous pacemakers - internal biological clocks
Exogenous zeitgebers - external changes in env

Circadian rhythm lasts 24 hours

Exogenous zeitgebers daylight are why we feel drowsy at night and alert during the day
Endogenous pacemakers - biological clock w out influence of env

Suprachiasmatic nucleus lies part of hypothalamus acts as internal clock to keep body on a 24 hour sleep wake cycle - sensitive to light and regulates pineal gland which secretes melatonin when less light which- induces sleep

Siffre spent 6 months in a cave he had no clocks and no natural light and his sleep wake cycle extended to 25-30 hours - natural light needed to finetune our normal cycle

In some cases endogenous pacemakers completely determines a cycle - fisher et al found squirrels hibernate even when in lab conditions very diff to normal

Individual differences - wever et al found that in a group isolated from daylight, some maintained regular cycles but some had extreme cycles e.g. 29hours awake followed by 21 hours

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Circadian Rhythms AO3


+practical application to drug treatments - circadian rhythms coordinate body’s basic processes - implications on pharmacokinetics how well drug acts - research shows there are times when drug more effective - guidlines developed for timing of dosages - real life medical benefits

-case studies and small samples - often involve small groups e.g. wever et al or even individual e.g. siffre - not representative of whole pop - cant be generalised, siffre observed his internal clock ticked much more slowly at 60 than when he was younger - individual differences and other factors that prevent general conclusions to be drawn so cant be generalised

-poor control in studies - pps deprived of natural light still had access to artificial light e.g. siffre had a lamp, can be like a drug that resets pps biological clock - counfounding variable that was ignored

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Infradian and Ultradian Rhythms AO1


Infradian rhythms - female menstrual cycle is infradian - about 28 days - less than one cycle in 24 hours

Exogenous zeitgebers synchronise menstrual cycles - stern et al studies women with irregular periods, pheromones taken at diff stages of cycles via cotton pad under armpits which are cleaned with alcohol and later rubbed on upper lips of other pps - 68% of women cycle brought closer to the cycle of odour donor

another infradian rhythm is seasonal affective disorder - depressive, winter blues when daylight hours shorter could be caused by melatonin which induces sleep cos during winter lack of light in the morning means secretion lasts longer - results in low serotonin linked to depression

Ultradian rhythms - cycles that occur more than once in 24 hours, sleep pattern has 5 stages
1 and 2 are light sleep - brainwaves slow further as sleep becomes deeper
3 and 4 are difficult to rouse someone - deep sleep delta waves which are slower and have higher amplitude
5 is rapid eye movement sleep - body paralysed yet brain activity speeds up

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Infradian and Ultradian Rhythms AO3


+practical application of seasonal affective disorder - treatment for it is phototherapy a lightbox that stimulates light in the morning and evening to reset melatonin levels relieves symptoms in up to 60% of sufferers shows real medical treatments successful that have been developed

+evidence supports diff stages of sleep - dement et al monitored sleep patterns of pps in a sleep lab and found evidence for stages of sleep specifically rem which correlates with dreaming - brain activity varied according to how vivid dreams were and pps woken up during dream reported accurate recall of dream - suggests rem is distinct ultradian rhythm and an important component of ultradian sleep stages.

-uses animal studies - role of pheromones in animal sexual behaviour is well documented and is basis for most of our knowledge - e.g. sea urchins release pheromones into surrounding water so urchins eject sex cells simultaneously - evidence of effects of pheromones on human behaviour remains speculative and inconclusive tho.

-methodology used in synchronisation studies - many factors that may change menstrual cycle and act as confounding variables e.g. stress and diet so patterns of synchrony e.g. in stern et als study occurs by chance and small sample size and self reporting onset of cycle which may be inaccurate - lack validity


Endogenous pacemakers and Exogenous Zeitgebers AO1


Suprachiasmatic nucleus is a primary endogenous pacemaker lies part of hypothalamus acts as internal clock to keep body on a 24 hour sleep wake cycle - sensitive to light and regulates pineal gland which secretes melatonin - induces sleep

decoursey et al destroyed scn connections in brains of 30 chipmunks which were returned to natural habitat and observed for 80 days, their sleep wake cycle disappeared and many killed by predators

Exogenous Zeitgebers reset biological clocks and so sleep wake cycles
Light resets bodys main endogenous pacemaker scn and had indirect influence on key processes in body e.g. hormone secretion, blood circulation

Social cues also have influence - Schedules imposed by parents are influence including bedtimes, adapting to local times for eating and sleeping not responding to feelings of hunger and fatigue resets circadian rhythms and tackles jet lag


Endogenous pacemakers and Exogenous Zeitgebers AO3


-use of animals - generalising findings cognitive factors may be more significant in humans - in decoursey study ethics - animals exposed to great harm and risk when returned to habitat - whether what we learn from investigations justfies unethical procedures is a matter of debate

-research into scn obscures other body clocks - found in many organs and can act independently - research has shown changing feeding patterns in mice altered circadian rhythms of cells in liver for up to 12 hours but left scn unaffected - other complex influences other than scn

-endogenous and exogenous factors interact - only in exceptional circumstances do endogenous factors freerun unaffected by exogenous, total isolation experiences like siffres is rare and unrealistic and they both interact in real life - makes no sense to separate them just for research

-influence of exogenous zeitgebers overexaggerated - miles et al case of blind man from birth who had 24.9 hours and couldnt adjust to social cues so took sedatives at night and stimulants in the day to align with 24 hour world, individuals who live in arctic where sun doesnt set during summer shows normal sleep patterns despite prolonged exposure to light - occasions when exogenous zeitgebers have little effect on circadian rhythms