BIO Flashcards
Inorganic ions
ca2+ transmission of nerve impulses+release of insulin from pancre,cofactor
na+ generate nerve impulses+muscle contraction
k+ generate nerve impulses+muscle contr
H+ affects ph
NH4+ source of nitrogen+absorbed from soil
NO3- from soil source of nitrogen
HCO3- buffer maintain ph of blood
cl- chloride shift to maintain ph co factor for amylase
PO43- photos resp make nucleotides
oh- affects ph
mRNA attaches to ribosome, trna brings amino acid, trna with anticodon complementary base pairs to mrna and next trna moves onto next codon, ribosomal rna catalyses peptide bond between the two amino acids on trna joins em first trna moves away leaving aa behin,stopcodonppchainmovesoff
Drugs and metabolic poisons
eg antiviral drugs-reverse transcriptase inhibitors viral dna from replicating
penicillin inhibits transpeptidase which forms proteins in bacterial cell wall - weakens cell wall-bacteria cant regulate osmotic pressure-cellbursts
poisons-cyanide irreversible inhibitor of cytochrome c oxidase - stops resp
malonate inhibits succinate dehydrogenase, arsenic inhibits pyruvate dehydr
end product inhibition regulates pathway controls amount of end product cos end product inhibits an enzyme earlier on in pathway which made it
Gametes for reproduction, full number of chromosomes to start then half the normal number - haploid cells
Crossing over- prophase 1 chromos of homologous pairs come together and cross over so 1 chromos from each homolog pair ends up in each cell - diff chromatid diff alleles - genetic variation in offspring
Independent Ass - each homolog pair made up 1 chromos from dad and 1 from mum-wen line up in metaphase 1 and separated in anaphase 1 random which chromos ends up in which daughter cell so 4 daughter cells made have diff combo of maternal paternal chromosomes-shufflin-gevariati
Homolog pair - 1 chromo from mum 1 from dad - same size-same genes but can have diff alleles
Anaphase1-spindsctract separate homolog pairs-1chromos goes to each end
Meiosis II two daughter cells undergo pmat II, anaphase II pairs of sister chromatids separated each new daughter cell gets one chromatid from each chromos producing 4 genetically different haploid daughter cells
Transp in Plants 1
multicellular org Exchanging substances by direct diffusion too slow to meet metabolic demands so needtranspsystemstomovesubances to and fromcells
Xylem transports water and mineral ions up from roots to leaves, phloem transp sugars up and down-xylem is green cross in middle alwayson inside
Root-xylem centre surrounded by phloem to provide support
Stem-xylem+phloem outside -scaffolding less bending
Leaf-x+p make up network of veins to support thin leaves
Xylem vessels long tube like cells joined end to end, no end walls-water passes thru easy, dead cells no cytoplasm,walls thickened w lignin prov supp
Sieve tube-living cells to transport solutes,joined end to end-tube,sieve parts have holes for solutes to pass thru
Companion cells-lack nucleus and other orgs in sieve tube so companion cells carry out functions for them and sieve cells like nrg for active transp
Transp in Plants 2
Water enters thru root hair cells thru root cortex incl endodermis to reach xylem, drawn into roots via osmosis down water pot grad, soil has high wp leaves have low
Symplast pathway-living parts-cytoplasm-connected thru plasmodesmata-channels in cell wall
Apoplast-non-living-cell walls-water diffuses thru carrying solutes from high hydrostatic pressure to low, when water gets to endodermis casparian strip blocks it so takes symplast-goes thru cell membrane-partiallyperm
Xylem vessels transport water all around and at leaves water moves into cells by apoplast and evaporates from cell walls to spaces between cells-stomata open water diffuses out intoo air-transpiration
Cohesion+tension against force of grav, water evaporates from leaves,creates tension sucks water into leaf, water=cohesive so other water molecules follow too-column of water in xylem moves up, adhesion-water molecules attracted to walls of xylem vessels so rise up
Transp in Plants 3
Transpiration rate:
Light-lighter the faster as stomato open so co2 diffuses in for photos
Temp-higher the faster-water molec more ke so evaporate from leaf fast-waterpotgrad increases so diffuses out fast
Humidity-lower the faster-if air dry water pot grad betw leafnair high
Wind-windier the faster-watermolc blown away around stom-waterpotgrad+
Xerophytes- marram grass sunken stomata in pits-sheltered fromwind-slows transp, hairs trap moist air around stom-reduces watpot grad red transp, hot/windy they roll their leaves to trap moist air slows down transp, cacti+marram hve thick wproof waxy layer to reduce water loss by evap, cacti have spines to reduce surface area for water loss instead of leaves and close stom at hottest times when transp rate highest
Hydrophytes-water lilies- air spaces inleaves helps plant float stores oxygen for resp, air spaces in roots and stem so o2 moves down to parts underwater, stomata only on upper surface of floating leaves-max gasexch, flexible leaves+stem-suppo by wateraroundthem-preventsdamagby currents
Transp in Plants 4
Translocation moves dissolved substances iesugars - assimilates. happens in phloem requires nrg source to sink - source-substance made-sink where used up. Sugars transported as sucrose cos sucrose is soluble and metabolically inactive so not used up in transp. Enzymes maintain conc grad-change dissolved subs in sink-always low conc.
Mass flow-active transp actively loads solutes into sieve tubes at source, lowers wp-water enters by osmosis from xylem and companion cells-high pressure inside sieve tubes at source, at sink solutes removed, increase wp water leaves by osmosis-lowers pressure-presu grad pushes solutes from s-s
Substances enter compan cells by active loading and to sieve tubes against conc grad-conc of sucrose higher in companion cells than surrounding tissue cells, higher in sieve tube cells than companion - active transp used-in companion cell atp active transp h+ ions out of cell into surrounding tissue cells-conc grad-h+ ion binds to co transport protein in comp cell memb and reenters-sucrose molecu binds to co transp too- movement of h+ ion moves sucrose molec into cell against conc grad. Sucrose transp out same process.
Factors affecting rate of enzyme catalysed reactions
As temp increases, molecules vibrate internal bonds ionic,h bonds, disulphide bridges break, changes tert struc, changes shape of active site, no more e-s complex formed- enzyme denatured
pH-optimum, increase or decrease from it lowers rate cos oh/h messes w hydrogen ionic bonds changes tert struc,shape of active site,no e-s, denature
Factors affecting membrane permeability
Temp - freezing - carrier proteins+channel proteins lose shape,open cell memb damaged by ice crystals, membrane v permeable, cold-low ke phospholipids close together, memb stiff-least perm, warm-phospholips moving-more space betw more per, hot(40+)-carrier proteins and protein channels denature-opens-bilayer melts v perm
Solvent type- some solvents dissolve in phospholipds in cell memb ie ethanol- loses struc-more perm
Defence against pathogens
Skin-physical barrier blocks pathogens entering, mucous membranes protect body openings exposed to env+secrete mucus to trap pathogens, blood clot-plug wounds to prevent pathogen entry and blood loss, inflammation-cells damaged release histamines, vasodilation for blood flow-redness, wbcs arrive to fight pathog, makes capillary walls permeable to wbcs, expulsive reflexes-cough/sneeze removes pathogens from nose,lungs, wound repair-reforms protective barrier of skin
Plants- physical-waxy cuticle-physical barrier to prevent pathogen enter and stop water collecting on leaves stops pathogens transferring in water, cell walls physical barrier, callose deposition between cell wall and plasma membrane in pathogen invasion to make it harder for pathogens to enter and at plasmodesmata limit spread of viruses, chemical-antimicrobial chemicals to kill pathogens/toxic to insects to prevent pathogen transferring thru vector
Immune response
Phagocyte detects foreign antigen on pathogen and engulfs it, opsonins attach too to aid phagocytosis, phagosome formed,lysosome contains dygestive enz to break pathog down, phagocyte presents pathogens antigens on its surface to activate other cell signalling molec like t lymphocyte-its receptors bind to complementary antigens on apcs which activates tlympho-clonal selection, clonal expansion-tlymp divides to produce clones of itself
T regulatory cells-suppress immune response to stop immune system mistakenly attackng own body cells, t lymp activate b lymp which have antibodies that binds to comple antigens, t help release interleukins activates b lymp-clonal selec, b lymph divides by mitosis into clones-plasma cells+memory cells-clonal expan plasma cells secrete loads of antibodies form antig-antib comp
Agglutins- antibody has two binding sites so binds to two pathogens, glues pathogen together with diff antigens then engulfed all at once by phagocyte, antitoxins bind to toxin and neutralise them
Primary resp-slow-not many blymphocytes,need enough antibodies, symptoms, t and b lymph produce memory cells that record specific antigen and specific antibodies needed
Secondary resp- fast-clonal selection faster memory b lymph divide into plasma cells for right antibody, memory lymp divide into right tlymph to kill antigcell, no symptoms
Immunity and Vaccines
Active-IS make own antibodies, natural-immune after disease, artificial-immune after vaccine,memcellsproduced
Passive-given antibodies made by diff org, natural-baby immune from antibodies from mother-placentabremilk, artificial-injected antibodies from someone else
Autoimmune disease-immune system attacks normal body tissue- arthritis- immune system attacks lining of joints-inflammation+pain, lupus- is attacks cells in connective tissue-inflammation+damages tissues
Vaccines contain antigens cause body to make memory cells wout pathogen-no symptoms immune, herd immunity- community vaccinated-disease bcoms rare-prevents epidemics, vaccination causes immunisation, routine vaccine-mmr against measles, meningitis c bacteria vaccine
Influenza vaccine changes every year, antigens change, new strains, memory cells dont recognise it so diff vaccine made
drugs made from natural compounds from plants animals micro org, others exist that treat incurable, protect by maintaining biodiv,
species used in traditional med already have medicinal propertieis+ tested for side effectno need to find new plants and develop new, antimicrobial compounds already active
Personalised medicine- if uno patients genome, adapt drug by genome sequencing-maybe less side effects-tailored to individal dna
Synthetic biology- designing creating new biological molecules
Antibiotics can inhibit/kill growth of bacteria, inhibitribosomes and cell wall formation so cell dies/bursts, penicillin fungus penicillium but bacteria develop abr thru mutations and reproduce, allele for abr passed on-cos increased use
ie bact: Clostrodum difficile- infects digestive system, mrsa- wound infections
Studying biodiv
Species- group or similar orgs able to reproduce give fertile offspring,-biodiv-variety of living orgs in area
Samping- choose area, count individuals of species, plants use quadrat,flying insect sweep net, ground insec pitfall trap, aquatic use net, repeat, use same sampling technique and estimate total number of indivs/diff species, Non random-systematic-sample at fixed intervals, opportunistic- sample chosen by researcher-bias,stratified-diff areas identified and sample in proportion to their part of habitat as a whole.
Species richness-no diff species in area, species eveness- relative abundance of each species in area(noindivseach)
D=1-(E(n/n^2))- closer to 1, more diverse
Genetic div
If pop low genetic div, not able to adapt to change in env, isolated po like those bred in captivity-pedigree, breeding prog in zoo managed to max div, polymorphism-locus that has two/more alleles, proportion=number poly loci/total loci
Human pop growth-destruction of habitat, separation of pop cant interbreed, unsustainable fishing/hunting, pollution, monoculture in agricul- cultivating only 1type crop more land needed to feed inreases habitat destruction, contious monoculture-soil deple-reduced plant species survi-decreases yield, increa fertiliser-expen, climate change- co2 burnt greenhouse gas, weather changes-changes abund+distrib of species-extinction-less gen biodiv
Ecological-species part of ecos provide habitat/niche for other org part of food chain, species r genetic resource+source of med, keystone species: plays vital role in maintaining ecos if v take em out ecos collapses-conserve
Economic-resources for non medical reasons egwood, ecotourism, reduce soil deplet as result of continous monocult, aesthetic-pleasure, need to protect landscapes
In situ-on site conservation of species in nat habitat eg wildlife, habitat+species saved, hunting hard to control tho, controls pop of invasive species, supplementary feeding resting boxes, legal protection
Ex situ- off site conservation outside nat habit eg zoo,botanic gardens-health monitored, protection from hunting, less comp in species, selected mating more biodiv but expensive in long term, some dont breed in captivity less genetic biodiv
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species- stops trade of endangered species+wild plants, not allowed to kill and raise awareness thru education
Rio convention on Biological diversity- international strategies in using resources sustainably-everyones responsibility, gives guidance to gov, cooperate onbiodivissu
Countryside Stewardship Scheme- Financial incentives to look after env, preservation/rest of habitats for conservation
Taxonomy- classifying species based on observable characteristics, taxonomic hierarchy DKPCOFGS
5 kingdoms-prokaryotae-bacteria- prokaryotic,unicellular, protoctista-algae-eukaryotic single cell, fungi- yeast- eukaryotic chitin cell wall saprotrophic, plantae- eukaryotic cell wall cellulose, autotrophicmake own food, animalia- euk, no cell wall, heterophobic-consume plants,animals
Phylogeny- evolutionary relationship, first branch point is common ancestor, phylogentics- species is smallest group sharing common ancestor, closely related species diverged away more recently
Prokaryotae reclassifed into two domains from family, evidence showed large diff in archae and bact, molecular- rna polymerase diff in each, cell memb-bonds of lipids diff
Observable features not enough, other evidence molecular-similarities in proteins+dna, seq of dna base,seq of amino acids in proteins-cytochrome C more sim seq more closely related comparitve anatomy- structure and function of body plan sim, behavioural- sim of beh
Variation and Evolution
Continous- range varies, ie height polymorphic, discont- distinct categ, controlled by single gene
Intraspecific within species, Inter-between species
Genetic factors- diff speces diff genes, same species have same genes but diff versions-alleles make up genotype, diff leads to variation in phenotype, inherited, ENV- diff in env change phenotype, both
s= squareroot all E(x-x*)2/n-1
Adaptations- increase chance of surv and reprod cos of evolution by natural selc, best adapted surv
Behavioural- ways it acts, physiological-processes inside, anatomical- structure, diff taxonomic group organisms have similar features even tho not closely related-evolved in similar env and sim ecological niches- convergent evo ie marsupial kangaroos- short gestation period, dont develop placenta born early into mothers pouch, milk and develop, placental opp, born once fully develop, arent closely related but share anatomical features
Natural selection- variation in phenotypes, selection pressures ie disease struggle for survivval, indivs w better adapations more likely to survive+reprod and pass onto offspring, over time this advantageous allele freq incr leads to speciation, fossils in chrono order so graduachangobserv
Insects evolve resistance to pesticides- variation-genetic mutations create allele for resistance and survive and reprod and its passed on-pesticide resistance- crops ruined more variety of pesticide used time and expen-insects harder to control spread diseases
Drug resistance- protoctists causing malaria resistant to drugs, other pathogens evolved resistance to drugs, ABR
Cellular control
Cellular control - Mutations are changes in the sequence of nucleotides in DNA molecules.
Insertion/deletion mutations where one or more nucleotide pairs are inserted or deleted from the sequence. This type of mutation alters the sequence of nucleotides after the insertion/deletion point known as a frameshift.
Point mutation/substitution occurs where one base pair is replaced by another.
Mutations can either have neutral effects where the mutation causes no change to the organism, for example in a case where the mutation occurs in a non-coding region of DNA or is a silent mutation, as described above. A mutation can also be neutral when a change in tertiary structure of the protein has no effect on the organism. Some mutations are beneficial. Harmful mutations include a mutation in the CFTR protein which causes cystic fibrosis. Whether a mutation proves to be beneficial or detrimental to an organism will depend on the environment of the organism.
Controlling gene expression - Gene expression can be controlled the transcriptional, post-transcriptional and post-translational levels.
Transcriptional control is the lac operon, which is a length of DNA composed of structural genes and control sites which controls the expression of betagalactosidase responsible for hydrolysis of lactose in E.coli. The operon consists of a promoter region which is the binding site for RNA polymerase to initiate transcription, operator region where the inhibitor binds and structural genes which give rise to 3 products, beta galactosidase, lactose permease and another enzyme. The inhibitor protein is coded for by a regulator gene, located outside the operon.. In a case where the concentration of glucose is high and the concentration of lactose is low, the transcription of the structural genes is inhibited due to binding of the repressor to the operator region. However, in a case where the concentration of glucose is low and concentration of lactose is high, lactose binds to the repressor thus causing the shape of its DNA binding site to change, therefore making it ineffective. This means that it can no longer bind to the operator region therefore RNA polymerase is able to bind to the promotor region and transcription of the structural genes takes place.
Gene expression can also be controlled by transcription factors which have the ability to switch genes on and off. They do so through interaction with the promoter sequence of DNA to either initiate or inhibit transcription.
Gene expression is controlled at post-transcriptional level by editing of the primary mRNA transcript, during which the non-coding regions called introns are removed, thus creating a mature transcript consisting only of protein-producing regions known as exons. Gene expression can be controlled at the post-translational level. For example, proteins such as adrenaline can be activated with the help of cyclic AMP. This occurs when adrenaline binds to a complementary receptor, which activates the enzyme adenylate cyclase which converts ATP to cyclic AMP which starts a cascade of enzyme reactions within the cell, thus activating the protein.
Homeobox genes are involved in controlling the development of body plan of organisms thus aiding the development of a zygote to a complete organism. They code for transcription factors that bind to DNA to regulate transcription by switching genes on and off when they are required at particular stages of development, for instance during limb formation in humans.
Apoptosis is a form of programmed cell death which can act as a mechanism to control the development of body plans. It is a means of controlling the number of cells and ensuring that it remains constant to prevent cancer. During the process, enzymes break down the cytoskeleton of the cell, DNA and proteins. As the contents of the cell are broken down, the cell begins to shrink and break up. Subsequently, the cell fragments are engulfed by phagocytes and destroyed. Mitosis involved in development of body plans too, one cell differentiate to 2daughter cells differentiation to create body parts, apoptosis removes unwanted, internal stiumulus-dna damage, external stim-stresss-lacknutr,patho