Biomechanics Week 5 Morphological Adaptations to Str Training Flashcards
Adaptations to str training: m 3?
fibre type
Adaptations to str training: tendon - 1?
Adaptations to str training: bone - 1?
str/bone mineral density
Adaptations to str training: neural changes?
Motor unit recruitment
firing freq
intra/inter coord
reflex mechanism
Bone: how does this respond to load?
microdamage every cycle –> E2 and NO pathway –> osteoclast (quick)–> osteoblast (takes time)
if not used, metabolically active - so no use it, lose it
Osteoclast vs osteoblast time frame
vs slow
Bone load: how does this effect bone mass, mineralization, trabecular orientation
incr compressive and tensile str
alterations in trabecular orientation
Bone strength - what can you do to asses this?
typically calcaneous, hip, lumbar spine
BMD increases how much over 12 weeks in untrained ind?
What is a really good stimulus for bone (exercise type)
running as weighted stimulus
30Hz works best
Time course of bone adaptation - how does this differ adol vs oa?
younger/adol - as have growing bone already
slower in OA
Fibre length short, pennation angle will be?
Force generating apacity of a m is proportional to the number of __ in parallel
due to ___ and __
due to CSA and PCSA = m vol/fibre L
Increasing pennation angle with __ force along line of action
Maximum shortening/lengthenin and velocity are ___ to number of sarcomeres in series
Long fibres and small PCSA - length to shorten and force?
muslce length shorten more but less force
Short fibres and large PCSA - how does this effect force and m length
shorten less
more force
Long fiber m - velocity?
quicker due to more shortening within a fasicle
Fibre type - time to develop force is influenced by which?
transmission delay ofCNS to motor end plate
excitation contraction coupling delay - motor endplate to developm force cessation of neurla signal to relaxation of force
Contraction velocity is determined by ? and ?
ca release
and uptake and x bridge kinetics
How to adapt muscle size?
CSA via hypertrophy
PCSA - to incr force to incr str
requires add of sarcomeres in parallel
Increasing fasicle length will __ absolute shortening v of m
requirees add of sarcomeres in series
Why does muscle hypertrophy occur?
splitting of myofibrils at Z disc to allow more laying down of actin/myosin–> to increase number of sarcomere in parallel
How do you get sarcomeres in series? (mechanism)
alteration in operating L of m –> ecc for ex/walking in high heels
addition of removal of sarcomere so sarcomeres operating close to optimal region/slight shorter length which is preferred for them