Biomechanics/Kines Midterm Flashcards
no regard to forces or torques
measured by goniometer and accelerator
muscle/joint interaction
effect of forces and torques on body
measured by transducer
bones rotate around a plane that is…
… perpendicular to an axis of rotation
degrees of freedom
number of independent directions of movement allowed at a joint
up to 3
closed chain
proximal rotates against fixed distal
open chain
distal rotates against fixed proximal
convex-concave relationship improves
surface area for dissipating contact forces
helps glide motion between bones
three movements between joints
roll - changes contact surface
slide - same cs
spin - rotations, same cs
convex on concave
convex rolls and slides in opposite directions
concave on convex
concave rolls and slides in similar directions
where do articular surfaces fit best?
near end of ROM
called close packed position
provides stability to joint
loose packed position
ligaments slackened
increase in accessory movements
least congruent near midrange
when is the joint least congruent?
near the midrange
when is net force zero
when acceleration of mass is zero
not moving
what is the force that acts on body called?
a load
time of loading
how long
rate of loading
how fast
tissues in which physical properties associated with stress/strain curve change as function of time
creep phenomenon
progressive strain when exposed to constant load over time
rate-sensitivity of viscoelastic
increased stiffness affords greater protection to underlying bone at time when forces acting on joint are greatest
internal forces
within body
active or passive
external forces
outside body
gravity or external load
internal torque = external torque
2 ways to produce torque
1) force perpendicular to AoR
2) moment arm distance > zero
internal > external
external > internal
study of motion of objects and the forces that cause motion
rigid-body mechanics
assume rigidity
saves considerable mathematical and modeling work without a great loss of accuracy
moment arm
perpendicular distance between axis of rotation and line of force
force multiplied by moment arm
tends to rotate body
could by internal or external
internal force
within body
produced by active muscle
joint reaction force
in reaction to net effect of internal and external forces
if IT and ET are equal, JRF = 0
mechanical advantage
ratio of internal moment arm to external moment arm
output force to input force
MA = a/b = Fb/Fa
primary movement of human body
through rotations of its limbs and trunks
non linear movement
what are movement and posture based on?
instantaneous interaction between internal and external torques
rigid bar that turns about an axis of rotation or fulcrum
rotates about axis as result of force
force acts against resistance
lever function
create MA
magnify force (MA > 1)
increase speed and ROM through which the end of the lever moves (MA < 1)
balance equal forces (MA = 1)
mnemonic for levers
FRE 123
class 1 lever
fulcrum in middle
MA <, >, or = to 1
designed for speed and ROM when fulcrum closer to force
designed for strength when fulcrum closer to resistance
class 2 lever
resistance in middle
MA is > 1
advantage for force - farce arm is longer
class 3 lever
effort in middle
MA is < 1
advantage in speed and ROM
no acceleration
described as equilibrium
acceleration is occurring
system is not in equilibrium
where to hold the bat?
bottom for more torque
chocked up for speed
what percent of all musculoskeletal complaints is the shoulder responsible for?
orientation of clavicle:
deviated about 20 degrees posterior to frontal plane
orientation of scapula:
deviated about 35 degrees anterior to frontal plane
retroversion of humeral head:
about 30 degrees posterior to medial-lateral axis at elbow
how many joints make up the shoulder complex?
AC, GH, SC, scapulothoracic (ST)
arthrokinematics: roll
multiple points along one rotating articular surface contact multiple points on another
arthrokinematics: slide
single point on one surface contacts multiple points on another
arthrokinematics: spin
a single point on one surface contacts a single point on another
roll, spin, slide - convex/concave relationship
convex - knuckle and arm, opposite movement
concave - cupped hand and arm, same movement
which part of clavicle is convex/concave?
longitudinal is convex
transverse is concave
SC arthrokinematics
depression: glide superior, roll inferior
elevation: glide inferior, roll superior
protraction: glide and slide anterior
retraction: glide and slide posterior
SC arthrokinematics - depression
depression: glide superior, roll inferior
SC arthrokinematics - elevation
elevation: glide inferior, roll superior
SC arthrokinematics - protraction
protraction: glide and slide anterior
SC arthrokinematics - retraction
retraction: glide and slide posterior
ST joint elevation
scapula slides sup on thorax
anterior tilting at AC
ST depression
from elevated position, scap slides inf on thorax
ST protraction
medial border of scap sides ant-lat on thorax away from midline
internal rotation at AC joint
ST retraction
medial border of scap slides post-med on thorax toward midline
ST upward rotation
inf angle of scap rotates sup-lat, faceing glenoid fossa upward
ST downward rotation
from upward rotated position, inf angle of scap rotates in inf-med direction
what happens at SC and AC during ST elevation
ST elevation
SC elevation
AC downward rotation
what happens at SC and AC during ST protraction
ST protraction
SC protraction
slight horizontal place adjustments at AC
what happens at SC and AC during ST upward rotation
ST upward rotation
SC elevation
AC upward rotation
relationship of elevation at SC and upward rotation at AC
most of SC movement occurs 20-90 degrees
AC movement picks up from 140-180 degrees
impingement can occur after 90 degrees
functional importance of upward rotation at ST
glenoid need to sit upward
slight upward rotation needed for length tension relationship
subacromial spaces maintained to avoid impingement
accounts for approximately 1/3 of near 180 degrees
of shoulder abd and flex
how much humeral head does glenoid fossa cover
only about 1/3
longitudinal head is 1.9 times larger
transverse head is 2.3 times larger
what is a slap tear
labral tears at the top of the glenoid
superior glenohumeral ligament
anatomic neck, above lesser tubercle
adduction, inferior and AP translations of humeral head
middle GH lig
along anterior aspect of anatomic neck; also bends with subscap tendon
anterior translation of humeral head, especially in about 45-60 degrees of abduction; external rotation
inferior GH lig: axillary pouch
as a broad sheet to the anterior-inferior and posterior -inferior margins of the anatomic neck
90 degrees of abduction, combined with AP and inferior translation
inferior GH lig: anterior band
as a broad sheet to the anterior-inferior and posterior -inferior margins of the anatomic neck
90 degrees of abduction and full external rotation; anterior translation of humeral head
inferior GH lig: posterior band
as a broad sheet to the anterior-inferior and posterior -inferior margins of the anatomic neck
90 degrees of abduction and full internal rotation
coracohumeral lig
anterior side of greater tubercle; also blends with superior capsule and supraspinatus tendon
adduction; inferior translation of the humeral head; external rotation
glenohumeral internal rotation deficit
common in overhead athletes
GH and ST deficiency
20 degree or greater loss of internal rotation
high velocity abduction and external rotation during cocking phase
motion twists and elongates middle GH ligh and anterior band of inferior GH lig
active motion tends to translate humeral head anteriorly
throwing phases
early cocking
late cocking
injuries during late cocking
anterior GH instability
SLAP tear
quadrilateral space syndrome
medial elbow instability
capitellar OCD
injuries during acceleration
internal impingement
rotator cuff tear (RTC)
scapulothoracic bursitis
medial elbow instability
olecranon apophysitis / stress fx
injuries during decleration
SLAP tear
subacromial impingement
posteromedial elbow impingement
injuries during follow through
olecranon apophysitis
olecranon stress fracture
why is the glenoid labrum so vulnerable to injury?
only loosely attached to glenoid rim
~50% of fibers of tendon of long head of biceps direct extensions of superior glenoid labrum
glenoid fossa tilt
5 degree upward tilt relative to medial border of scapula
GH abduction
inferior glide
superior roll
GH adduction
superior glide
inferior roll
external rotation
(vertical axis)
anterior glide
posterior roll
internal rotation
(vertical axis)
posterior glide
anterior roll
anterior spin
posterior spin
scapulohumeral rhythm
for every 3 degrees of shoulder abduction, 2 degrees by GH abduction and 1 degree by ST upward rotation
6 kinematic principles associated with full abduction of shoulder
- 2:1 SH rhythm shoulder abd 180 because 120 GH abd and 60 ST upward rotation
- 60 UR of scap because SC elevation and AC UR
- clavicle retracts at SC during shoulder abd
- scap posteriorly tilts and externally rotates during shoulder abd
- clavicle posteriorly rotates around own axis during shoulder abd
- GH externally rotates during shoulder abd
scapular statistics
medial border ~3” from spine
between T2-T7
flat against thorax and rotated 30-35 degrees anterior to frontal plane
SICK scapula
scapular malposition
inferior medial border prominence
coracoid pain and malposition
dysKinesis of scapula (lack of proper movement)
3 types of dyskinesis
- inferior medial scapular prominence
- medial scapular border prominence
- superomedial border prominence
1 and 2 associated with SLAP
3 associated with impingement and rotator cuff lesions
proximal stabilizers
originate on spine, ribs, and cranium
insert on scapula and clavicle
distal mobilizers
originate on scapula and clavicle
insert on humerus or forearm
ST elevators
upper trap
levator scapulae
support posture of shoulder girdle and upper extremity
ST depressors
lower traps
latissimus dorsi
pectoralis minor
ST protractor
serratus anterior
forward pushing and reaching
final phase of pushup
ST retractors
middle trap - best
lower trap
middle trap has optimal line of force to retract scapula
active during pulling
scapular drifts into protraction of trap paralyzed
ST upper rotators
serratus anterior
upper and lower trap
ST downward rotators
pectoralis minor
muscle produces torque at a joint if
- produces force in plane perpendicular to AoR (axis of rotation) of interest
- acts with associated moment arm distance > zero
three groups of elevators
- elevate humerus at GH
- scapular muscles that control upward rotation of ST
- rotator cuff that control dynamic stability at GH
muscles responsible for elevation of arm by group
GH muscles
~ anterior and middle deltiod
~ supraspinatus
~ coracobrachialis
~ biceps long head
~ serratus anterior
~ trap (upper and lower)
~ supra
~ infra
~ teres minor
~ subscap
which RC have limited moment arm to abduct GH joint?
upper fibers of infraspinatus and subscapularis
supraspinatus role in shoulder abduction
rolls humeral head superiorly while also compressing joint
how cuff muscles control abduction at GH
supra: main compressor, drives superior roll
infra, TM, sub: exert depression on humeral head
infra and TM: externally rotate humerus
serratus anterior paralysis
downward rotated scapula - flaring
winging scapula
shortening of pec minor
subacromial impingement syndrome
most common painful disorder of shoulder
supra tendon, biceps long head tendon
“when I raise my arm, it hurts”
abd of 60 - 120 called the painful arc
possible causes of impingement syndrome
- abnormal kinematics at GH and ST
- slouched posture affecting ST alignment
- fatigue, weakness, poor contorl, tightness of GH & ST muscles
- inflammation and swelling in and around subacromial space
- excessive wear and subsequent degeneration of tendons of rotator cuff
- instability of GH
- adhesions in inferior GH
- excessive tightness in posterior GH
- osteophytes forming aroung AC
- abnormal shape of acromion or coracoaromial arch
where does slap tear affect.
posterior band of inferior GH lig
what does GIRD affect
posterior band of the inferior GH lig
Is motion of shoulder required for supination and pronation of the palm?
what joints make up the elbow and forearm complex?
proximal radio-ulnar
distal radio-ulnar
what provides stability at humero-ulnar joint?
tight fit between trochlea and trochlear notch
what type of joint is the elbow?
ginglymus or hinged
modifies hinge because there is slight axial rotation as it flexes/extends
what is the normal angle of the elbow
15 degrees valgus
ulna deviates laterally relative to humerus
carrying angle
valgus deformity - 30 lateral
varus deformity - 5 medial
who would have greater carrying angle between men and women?
women by 2 degrees
greater on dominant arm regardless of gender
valgus when elbow is extended
exceeds ~20-25 degrees
gunstock deformity
varus deformity where forearm deviated toward midline
can be born with it
what form of trauma can varus/valgus deformity result from?
severe fracture through growth plate of distal humerus in children
excessive valgus may damage ulnar nerve as it cross medial to elbow. it will slip in and out of the groove
articular capsule of elbow
encloses HU, HR, and PRU
thin and reinforced anteriorly by oblique bands of
fibrous tissue
synovial membrane lines internal surface of capsule
collateral ligaments stregnthen …
articular capsule
they provide an important source of stability to elbow joint
medial collateral ligament
anterior fibers: strongest and stiffest, commonly torn by throwers, most significant resistance against valgus
posterior fibers
transverse fibers:
anterior fibers of MCL
origin: medial epicondyle
insertion: medial coronoid process
taught through sag plane movement (flex/ext)
provide articular stability throughout entire ROM
posterior fibers of MCL
origin: posterior medial epicondyle
insertion: medial olecranon process
resist valgus and extreme elbow flexion
transverse fibers of MCL
cross from olecranon to coronoid
do not resist anything
dynamic medial stabilizers
proximal fibers of wrist flexor and pronator groups
resist excessive valgus at elbow
most important: flexor carpi ulnaris
fall onto an outstretched arm and hand (FOOSH)
fully extended elbow forced into excessive valgus
may result in fracture of radius, ulnar nerve, anterior capsule or MCL injury
how much compression force does radius absorb?
lateral collateral lig
origins on lateral epicondyle and immediately splits into two fiber bundles
taut during full flexion
stabilize during varus
radial collateral lig
fans from lateral epicondyle to blend with annular lig
lateral (ulnar) collateral lig
spans from lateral epicondyle and inserts to superior crest of ulna
guy wires of elbow
provide medial-lateral stability to ulnar during sag plane movement
what does rupture of LCL cause?
varus of elbow and posterior lateral rotary instability
expressed as excessive external rotation of forearm
motions that increase tension in CL of elbow
AMCL - valgus, ext/flex
PMCL - valgus, flex
LRCL- varus, external rotation
LUCL - varus, external rotation, flex
annular- distraction of radius, external rotation
elbow flexion contracture
muscles abnormally stiff after long periods of
immobilization in flexed and shortened position
increased stiffness may occur in anterior capsule and
some anterior fibers of MCL
tightness in flexors if cannot fully extend
in what activities does elbow extension occur?
maximal range of passive ROM generally available to elbow
5 degrees beyond neutral extension through 145 degrees of flexion
functional arc of elbow
30 - 130 degrees of flexion
loss of extremes usually results in only minimal functional impairment
humero-ulnar joint articulation
concave trochlear notch of ulna
convex trochlea of humerus
motion limited to sagittal plane
how much of articular surface does hyaline cover of trochlea and trohlear notch?
trochlea - 300 degrees
notch - 180 degrees
what stabilizes healthy HU joint in extension?
articular congruency and increased tension in stretched connective tissues
humero ulnar joint flexion
roll and slide superior
HUJ dislocation
trochlear notch of ulna may dislocate posterior to trochlea of humerus in severe elbow injuries
caused by FOOSH
HRJ articulation
between cuplike fovea of radial head and reciprocally shaped rounded capitulum
HRJ flexion
roll and slide superiorly
explain the motion of supination and pronation
occurs around an axis of rotation that extends from radial head through ulnar head - an axis that intersects and connects both radio-ulnar joints
when are radius and ulnar parallel?
in full supination
when does radius cross over ulna?
in full pronation
thumb will stay with radius in pronation
what is the midway between complete pronation and supination?
thumbs up position
what are the average ROM’s through pro/sup
pronation: 75 degrees
supination: 85 degrees
several ADLs require only 100 degrees rotation, 50 pro through 50 sup
how many degrees of rotation can a person lack and still complete ADLs?
30 degrees
how to compensate for pro/sup?
pronation: internally rotating shoulder
supination: externally rotating shoulder
supination at PRUJ
rotation of radial head with fibro-osseous ring formed by annular ligament and radial notch of ulnar
which arm bone is fixed in open chain sup/pro?
DRUJ supination (open chain)
roll and slide inferior
PRUJ supination (open chain)
external rotation
DRUJ pronation (open chain)
roll and slide superior
PRUJ pronation (open chain)
internal rotation
screw home of elbow
proximal migration of radius and increased joint compression of HRJ
PRUJ pronation (closed chain)
external rotation
DRUJ pronation (closed chain)
slide posterior, roll anterior
PRUJ supination (closed chain)
internal rotation
DRUJ supination (closed chain)
slide anterior, roll posterior
used to pronate forearm from weight bearing position
infraspinatus rotates humerus relative to fixed scapula, whereas pronator quadratus rotates ulna relative to fixed radius
arthrokinematics of pro/sup at PRUJ while weight bearing
annular lig and radial notch of ulna rotate around fixed radial head
arthrokinematics of pro/sup at PRUJ while non-weight bearing
radial head rotates within ring formed by annular lig and radial notch of ulna
arthrokinematics of pro/sup at DRUJ while weight bearing
convex ulnar head rolls and slides in opposite direction on concave ulnar notch of radius
arthrokinematics of pro/sup at DRUJ while non-weight bearing
concavity of ulnar notch of radius rolls and slides in similar directions on convex ulna head
function of elbow muscles
muscles that attach distally on ulna flex/extend but do not pro/sup
muscles that attach distally on radius my flex/extend but also can pro/sup
primary elbow flexors
biceps brachii
pronator teres
brachialis has larger …
(biomech variables)
volume: 59.3 cm3
physiologic cross-sectional area: 7.0 cm2
brachioradialis has larger …
(biomech variables)
internal moment arm: 5.19 cm
biceps brachii O/I
origin on scapula
insertion on radial tuberosity on radius
biceps brachii EMG signal
maximal when both flexion and supination simultaneous
low signal when flexion with pronation
brachialis O/I
origin: anterior humerus
insertion: proximal ulna
brachialis sole purpose
to flex elbow
expected to generate greatest force of any muscle crossing elbow
brachioradialis O/I
origin: lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
insertion: styloid process of radius
what is the longest of all elbow muscles?
what does maximal shortening of brachioradialis cause?
full elbow flexion and rotation of forearm to near neutral position
brachioradialis muscle on anterior-lateral aspect of forearm
resisted elbow flexion, from a position of about 90 degrees of flexion and neutral forearm rotation
triceps brachii O/I
long head origin: infraglenoid tubercle
medial head origin: posterior side of humerus
lateral head origin: along radial groove
insertion: olecranon process
action of long head to triceps
extend and adduct shoulder
triceps long head biomech variables
volume: 66.6 cm3
anconeus location
between lateral epicondyle of humerus and along posterior aspect of proximal ulna
small cross-sectional area and small moment arm for extension
provides longitudinal and ML stability across HUJ
combining shoulder rotation with supination and pronation allow the hand to rotate how many degrees?
nearly 360 degrees
supinator muscles
biceps brachii
radial wrist extensors
extensor pollicis longus
extensor indicis
brachioradialis (from pronated position)
pronator muscles
pronator teres
pronator quadratus
flexor carpi radialis
palmaris longus
brachioradialis (from supinated position)
how many degrees of ulnar tilt and what motion does it restrict?
25 degrees of ulnar tilt
restricts radial deviation
scaphoid runs into radial styloid
how many degrees of palmar tilt and what motion does it restrict?
10 degrees of palmar tilt
resits extension
what is the shape of the distal articular surface of the radius?
two commonly injured ligaments in distal radio-ulnar joint?
ulnar collateral
palmar capsular
what happens when fracture heals abnormally?
might lose ROM due to misalignment in joint
who develops ulnar drift?
those who have degenerative arthritis
the palmar side of carpal bones are what shape and what ligament arches over?
transverse carpal ligament
four points that transverse carpal ligament connects to
pisiform and hamate on ulnar side
tubercles of scaphoid and trapezium on radial side
carpal tunnel is a passage way for what?
median nerve and tendons of extrinsic flexor muscles of digits
restrains tendons from bowstringing when wrist flexes
which carpals are vulnerable to compression injuries?
scaphiod and lunate
what is AVN
bone death from lack of blood flow
scaphoid is what percent of all carpal fractures?
common MOI for carpal fractures?
fully supinated forearm
wrist fully extended and radially deviated
second common is punching
what artery supplies scahpoid?
radial artery
anterior interosseous artery
proximal 1/3 of scaphoid relies on what for blood flow?
retrograde blood flow because it has poor circulation
when scaphoid fracture is present where would be tender?
anatomical snuff box
location most of scaphoid fractures
along “waist” (between poles)
management of proximal pole fracture
typically require surgery
immobilization for 12+ weeks
management of distal pole fracture
no surgery if non-displaced
5-6 weeks of immobilization
flow of management of suspected scaphoid fracture
fracture visible
~displaced - ORIF
~undisplaced - CT
~~ displaced - ORIF
~~ undisplaced - cast or ORIF
no fracture seen
~~ normal - no fracture
~~ abnormal - cast or ORIF
~ splint and review x ray
~~ no fracture with pain - bone scan/MRI
~~ no fracture, no pain - no fracture
other injuries associated with scaphoid fracture
fracture/dislocation of lunate
fracture of trapezium
fracture of distal radius
Keinbock’s (lunatomalacia)
unknown cause
AVN of lunate
history of frequent trauma
ex. jack hammer operators
lunate becomes fragmented and shortened
treatment of keinbock’s
may need to be removed if it totally collapses and disrupts kinematics and kinetics of wrist
mild - immobilization
may need to alter length of ulna or radius to reduce contact
advanced - partial fusion, lunate excision, proximal row carpectomy
what three things does treatment of keinbock’s depend on?
functional limitation
progression of disease
proximal components of radiocarpal joint
concave surfaces of radius and adjacent articular disk (triangular fibrocartilage)
distal components of radiocarpal joint
convex proximal surfaces of scaphoid and lunate
triquetrum when in full ulnar deviation because it contacts articulate disc
percent of total compression force through articular disc and how much through scaphoid and lunate?
20% through articular disc
80% through scaphoid and lunate
when are contact areas greatest in RCJ
wrist partially extended and ulnar deviated
this is where maximal grip strength os obtained
what is the medial compartment formed by
convex head of capitate and apex of hamate fitting into concave recess of scaphoid, lunate and triquetrum
lateral compartment
concave trapezoid and trapezium fitting into convex scaphoid
has less movement
how many degrees of freedom at wrist
axis for flexion/extension at wrist
axis for radial and ulnar deviation
which carpal bone is axis of rotation for hand?
wrist flex/ext ROM
sagittal plane
total 130-160 degrees
flexes from 0 to 70-85
extends from 0 to 60-75
more flexion due to palmar tilt
wrist ulnar/radial deviation ROM
frontal plane
total 50-60 degrees
ulnar form 0 to 35-40
radial from 0 to 15-20
how to measure wrist devation
measured as angle between radius and shaft of 3rd metacarpal
average resting position for wrist
about 10-15 degrees extension and 10 degrees ulnar deviation
what kind of system is wrist
double joint system
arthro for wrist extension for both midcarpal and radiocarpal joints
roll posterior and slide anterior
roll follows fingers
convex on concave
arthro for wrist flexion for both midcarpal and radiocarpal joints
roll anterior and slide posterior
close packed position in wrist
full extension
arthro for ulnar deviation for both midcarpal and radiocarpal joints
roll ulnarly and slide radially
roll follows thumb
convex on concave
arthro for radial deviation for both midcarpal and radiocarpal joints
roll radially and slide ulnarly
which carpal joint has more radial deviation
greater at mid-carpal
radiocarpal radial deviation limited because carpus impinges against radial styloid
is carpal instability static or dynamic?
can be both or either one
rotational collapse of wrist
zigzag deformity
dorsal intercalated segment instability - lunate’s distal end dorsal
volar intercalated segment instability - lunates distal end volar
what happens to produce zigzag deformity
compression from both ends
ex: punch or fall
what condition weakens ligaments of wrist
rheumatoid arthritis
double V system of ligaments
distal inverted V - medial and lateral legs of palmar intercarpal
proximal inverted V - palmar ulnocarpal and palmar radiocarpal
for ulnar deviation, which double V ligs are taut
lateral leg
palmar ulnocarpal lig
for radial deviation, which double V ligs are taut
medial leg
palmar radiocarpal lig
wrist extensors
extensor carpi radialis longus
extensor carpi radialis brevis
extensor carpi ulnaris
extensor digitorum
extensor indicis
extensor digiti minimi
extensor pollicis longus
where is maximal grip
30 degrees of extension
wirst flexors
flexor carpi radialis
flexor carpi ulnaris
palmaris longus
flexor digitorum profundus
flexor digitorum superficialis
flexor pollicis longus
abductor pollicis longus
extensor pollicis brevis
radial wrist deviators
extensor carpi radialis longus
extensor carpi radialis brevis
extensor pollicis longus
extensor pollicis brevis
flexor carpi radialis
abductor pollicis longus
flexor pollicis longus
wrist ulnar deviators
extensor carpi ulnaris
flexor carpi ulnaris
flexor digitorum profundus and superficialis
extensor digitorum
shape of proximal base of 1st metacarpal
convex longitudinal
concave transverse
thumb movements and planes
abd/add in sagittal
flex/ext in frontal
arthro of thumb abduction
roll anteriorly and slide posteriorly
arthro of thumb adduction
roll posteriorly and slide anteriorly
arthro of thumb flexion
roll and slide anterior
arthro of thumb extension
roll and slide posterior
MCP movements and planes
flex/ext in sag
abd/add in frontal
arthro of MCP flexion
roll and slide anteriorly
arthro of MCP extension
roll and slide posteriory
arthro of MCP abd
roll and slide radially
arthro of MCP add
roll and slide ulnarly
arthro of IP flexion
roll and slide anteriorly
arthro of IP extension
roll and slide posteriorly
axial skeleton
head, spine, sacrum
appendicular skeleton
limbs including scapulas
how many functional components of the intervertebral junction?
transverse and spinous processes
apophyseal joints
an interbody joint
where does the cauda equina start?
what plane is spine flex/ext?
ML axis
what plane is spine lateral flexion?
AP axis
what plane is spine axial rotation?
vertical axis
which facets favor which motion?
horizontal facets favor axial rotation
vertical facets favor block axial rotation
how are collagen fibers arranged?
multiple concentric layers
every other layer running in identical directions
orientation of each fiber about 65 degrees from vertical
ligamentum flavum
between anterior surface of one lamina and posterior surface of lamina below
limits flexion
80% elastin and 20% collagen
acts as barrier to material that could buckle cord in some regions of ROM
supraspinous and interspinous ligaments
between adjacent spinous processes from C7 to sacrum
limit flexion
interspinous guides sliding motion of facet joints
intertransverse ligaments
between adjacent transverse processes
limits contralateral lateral flexion and forward flexion
anterior longitudinal ligament
between basilar part of occipital bone and entire length of anterior surfaces of all vertebral bodies, including sacrum
limits extension or excessive lordosis in cervical and lumbar.
reinforces anterior sides of IVDs
posterior longitudinal ligament
throughout length of posterior surfaces of all vertebral bodies between axis and sacrum
limits flexion
reinforces posterior sides of IVD
capsules of the apophyseal joints
margin of each apophyseal joint
strengthen apop joints
surrounds the joint itself
when are only muscle contributions considered in mechanics to support spine?
lumbar spine neither flexed nor extended
(neutral lordosis)
who should not be prescribed flexion exercises?
shear pathology - spondylolisthesis
ROM at atlanto-occipital joint C0-C1
flex - 5
ext - 10
total - 15
axial rot - none
lateral flexion - 5
ROM at atlanto-axial joint complex C1-C2
flex - 5
ext - 10
total - 15
axial rot - 35-40
lateral flexion - none
ROM at intracervical region C2-C7
flex - 35-40
ext - 55-60
total - 90-100
axial rot - 30-35
lateral flexion - 30-35
total ROM across craniocervical region
flex - 45-50
ext - 75-80
total - 120-130
axial rot - 65-75
lateral flexion - 35-40
arthro of cervical extension
AO - roll posterior, slide anterior
AA - tilt posterior
ICR - slide posterior, ALL tense
arthro of cervical flexion
AO - roll anterior, slide posterior
AA - tilt anterior
ICR - slide anterior, lig nuchae, interspinous tense
arthro of protraction of cranium
lower to mid cervical flexes and upper craniocervical extends
arthro of retraction of cranium
lower to mid cervical extends and upper craniocervical flexes
arthro of craniocervical axial rotation
slides in opposite directions
spinous process to left - left transverse slides anterior and right slides posterior
arthro of craniocervical lateral flexion
AOJ - roll toward flexion and slide away
ICR - opposite slides.
spinal coupling between lateral flexion and axial rotation
45 degree inclination of articular facets of C2-C7
ex lateral flexion to right occurs with slight axial rotation to the right
compensatory action in spinal coupling
during lateral flexion to the right, cranium rotates to left to conceal that it actually rotated to the right
helps eyes fixate of stationary object
ROM for thoracic region
flex: 30-40
ext: 20-25
total: 50-65
axial rotation: 30-35
lateral flexion: 25-30
arthro of thoracolumbar flexion
superior slide in both thoracic and lumbar
arthro of thoracolumbar extension
inferior slide in both thoracic and lumbar
thoracolumber flexion arc
35T + 50L
thoracolumber extension arc
20-25T + 15L
arthro of thoracolumbar lateral flexion
slides in opposite directions.
inferior sliding on the side you are bending towards
thoracolumbar lateral flexion arc
25T + 20L
lumbar ROM
flex: 40-50
ext: 15-20
total: 55-70
axial rotation: 5-7
lateral flexion: 20
anatomic consideration of the sacroiliac joints
pelvic ring transfers body weight bidirectionally between trunk and femurs
strength of ring depends on tight fit of sacrum wedged between two halves of pelvis
nutation at pelvis
sacrum tilts anteriorly
iliac tilts posteriorly
hip flexors and lumbar extensors are tight
counternutation at pelvis
sacrum tilts posteriorly
iliac tilts anteriorly
hip extensors and abdominal muscles are tight
how thick is the end plate of a vertebra
about 0.6 mm thick
it is thinnest in the central region
describe trabecular design
three orientations - one vertical and two oblique
how does a schmorl’s node form?
local area of bone collapses under end plate to create a pit or crater
neutral spinal compression
often misdiagnosed as a herniated or degenerated disc
3 major components of IVD
nucleus pulposus
annulus fibrosis
end plates
load bearing abilities of annulus fibrosis
able to resist loads when disc is twisted
only 1/2 of the fibers can support this while the other half become disabled
under spine compression the annulus fibers bulge outward and become tensed
progressive disc injury
when little hydrostatic pressure is present
outer annulus bulges outward and inner bulges inward during disc compression
define disc bulge
expansion of disc material beyond its normal border
disc material is displaced. a TRUE herniation
NP protruded through all layers of AF but remains attached to disc of origin
a free disc fragment located in epidural space.
can migrate
what motion is damage to annulus of disc associated with
repetitive flexion of the spine through full ROM
attach between transverse and spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae
stabilize, extend and rotate the spine
attach between transverse processes of adjacent lumbar vertebrae
lateral flexion and stabilize spine
extensors of thoracolumbar spine
multifidus groups
transversus abdominis
deepest muscle layer
maintain internal pressure
rectus abdominis
between ribs and pubis at front of pelvis
6 pack muscle
external oblique
twist trunk to opposite side
internal oblique
twist trunk to same side
caution to training psoas
substantial spine compression imposed on spine when psoas activated
where do the left and right innominate bones connect to form the pelvis?
anteriorly at pubic symphysis
posteriorly at sacrum
what spinal level is ASIS at?
3 functions of the pelvis
attachment for many muscles
transmits weight of upper body to ischial tubs when
sitting and lower extremities when walking.
supports organs involved in bowel, bladder and
3 external features of the pelvis
large fan shaped wing
cup shaped acetabulum
obturator foramen
what is the longest and strongest bone in the body?
where does the femoral head project at its proximal end?
medially and slightly anteriorly
which way does the neck displace the shaft of femur?
which side of femur displays convexity?
how is stress dissipated through femur?
compression along posterior shaft
tension along anterior shaft
what affect does bowing of the femur have?
allows it to bear a greater load.
angle of inclination
in frontal plane
140-150 at birth
125 in adulthood
normal, vara and valga angles of inclination
normal: 125
vara: 105
valga: 140
severe malalignment of femoral head and acetabulum may lead to…
dislocation or stress induced degeneration of hip
what is femoral torsion?
rotation between shaft and neck
normally 15 degrees anterior to ML axis
normal and excessive anteversion and retroversion of femoral torsion angles
normal: 15
excessive: 35
retroversion: 5
what can excessive anteversion that persists into adulthood increase the likelihood of?
hip dislocation
articular incongruence
increased joint contact force
increased wear on articular cartilage
may lead to secondary OA
what gait pattern is excessive anteversion associated with?
exaggerated hip internal rotation
compensatory to guide head back into acetabulum
what muscles shorten with excessive anteversion?
internal rotator muscles and various ligaments.
this reduces external rotation ROM
common in CP with angle of 25-45
how does acetabulum project from pelvis?
laterally with varying amounts of inferior and anterior tilt
what can a dysplastic acetabulum lead to?
chronic dislocation and increased stress
leading to degeneration or OA
center edge angle
smaller angle leads to less superior coverage. lead to superior dislocation and high compression
CEA of 15 reduces normal contact area by 35%
acetabular anteversion angle
larger angle leads to anterior dislocation
where is excessive acetabular anteversion exposed?
what happens when acetabular anteversion is severe?
anterior dislocation and lesions of anterior labrum especially at extremes of external rotation
when is acetabulum retroverted?
if it projects directly laterally or even posterior-laterally
in hip flexion with knee extended which tissues are taut?
in hip flexion with knee flexed which tissues are taut?
inferior and posterior capsule
gluteus max
in hip extension with knee extended which tissues are taut?
iliofemoral lig
some of pubofemoral and ischiofemoral ligs
psoas major
in hip extension with knee flexed which tissues are taut?
rectus femoris
in hip abduction which tissues are taut?
pubofemoral lig
adductor muscles
in hip adduction which tissues are taut?
superior fibers of ischiofemoral lig
iliotibial band
abductors - TFL, glute med
in hip internal rotation which tissues are taut?
ischiofemoral lig
external rotators - piriformis, glute max
in hip external rotation which tissues are taut?
iliofemoral lig
pubofemoral lig
internal rotators - TFL, glute min
what is the close packed position of the hip
full extension, with slight internal rotation and slight abduction
elongates most of capsule
most congruent position in hip
NOT the same as close packed
90 deg flexion, moderate abduction and external rotation
femoral on pelvic
vex on cave
femur around fixed pelvis
pelvic on femoral
cave on vex
pelvis over fixed femur
hip movements in their planes
flex/ext in sag
abd/add in frontal
rotation in hori
kyphosis is related to what motion of pelvis?
sacral ant
ilium post
lordosis is related to what motion of pelvis?
sacral post
ilium ant
femoral on pelvis flexion
roll post, slide ant
femoral on pelvis extension
roll ant, slide post
femoral on pelvis abduction
roll med, slide lat
femoral on pelvis adduction
roll lat, slide med
femoral on pelvis internal rotation
roll internal, slide external
femoral on pelvis external rotation
roll external, slide internal
lumbopelvic rhythm
rotation of pelvis over femoral heads typically changes configuration of lumbar spine
ipsidirectional LPR
pelvis and lumabr spine rotate in same direction
bend over
contradirectional LPR
pelvis rotates in one direction while lumbar spine rotates in opposite direction
stand back up
pelvic on femoral flexion
roll and slide anterior
pelvis tilt anterior
iliopsoas and erector spinae involved
pelvic on femoral extension
roll and slide posterior
pelvis tilt posterior
taut iliofemoral lig
pelvic on femoral abduction
roll and slide inferior
ilium goes inf
pelvic on femoral adduction
roll and slide superior
ilium goes sup
pelvic on femoral internal rotation
opposite hip rolls and slides internal
pelvic on femoral external rotation
opposite hip rolls and slides external
hip flexors
rectus femoris
adductor longus
adductor brevis
glute min (ant fibers)
hip adductors
adductor longus
adductor brevis
adductor magnus
biceps femoris (long head)
glute max (lower fibers)
quadratus femoris
hip internal rotators
no primary
glute min (ant fibers)
glute med (ant fibers)
adductor longus
adductor brevis
hip extensors
glut max
biceps femoris (long head)
adductor magnus (post head)
glute med (post fibers)
adductor magnus (ant head)
hip abductors
glute med
glute min
hip external rotators
glute max
obturator internus
gemellus superior
gemellus inferior
quadratus femoris
glute med (post fibers)
glute min (post fibers)
obturator externus
biceps femoris (long head)
FonP hip flexion laying down
normal activation of abdo muscles
posterior pelvis tilt
rectus femoris
rectus abdominis
FonP hip flexion laying down
reduced activation of abdo muscles
anterior pelvis tilt
back extended
rectus abdominis not pulling as hard
biomechanical consequences of coxa vara
~ increased moment arm
~ alignment may improve joint stability
~ increased bending moment arm increases bending moment - increases shear force
~decreased functional length of hip abductors
biomechanical consequences of coxa valga
~decreased bending moment arm - decreased shear forces
~increased functional length of hip abductor muscles
~decrease moment arm
~alignment may favor joint dislocation
gluteus med weakness
if right weak, right elevates and left drops
compensated trendelenburg
trunk moves to weaker side
lean to weaker side
shortens lever arm
anterior pelvic tilt
ASIS inf and PSIS sup
hip flexion
posterior pelvic tilt
ASIS sup and PSIS inf
hip extension
active and passive insufficiency
AI: two joint muscle cannot complete full ROM. if hip is flexed, knee can attain full flexion. if hip is extended, knee cannot fully flex
PI: two joint muscle cannot stretch maximally across both joints. if knee is fully extended, hip flexion is limited
what fraction of muscles that cross knee also cross hip or ankle?
why does axis of rotation change in knee?
due to curve of lateral epicondyle
describe articular cartilage of posterior patella
normal genu valgum angle
excessive genu valgum
< 170
more women
need to shift weight lat
genu varum
> 180
more men
need to shift weight med
vertical axis of rotation at hip
line connecting femoral head to center of knee joint to ankle and foot
mechanically links horizontal plane movements of major joints of entire limb
tibio femoral joint
convex femoral condyles and flat smaller tibial condyles
where does joint stability in knee come from?
muscles, ligaments, capsule, menisci, and body weight
describe the menisci
crescent-shaped, fibrocartilaginous structures
transfrom surfaces of tibia into shallow seats for larger convex femoral condyles
what are the free ends of the menisci called?
anterior and posterior horns
describe coronary ligament in menisci
attaches external edge of each meniscus to tibia and capsule
relatively loose to allow pivoting during movement
which menisci is more mobile
what does the transverse ligament in menisci do?
connects both menisci anteriorly
where is blood supply to menisci greatest?
peripheral (external) border
from capillaries within synovial membrane and capsule
blood supply at internal border of menisci
essentially avascular
describe the medial meniscus
oval shape
external border attaches to deep surface of MCL and adjacent capsule
describe the lateral meniscus
circular shape
external border attaches only to lateral capsule
tendon of popliteus passes between LCL and external border of lateral meniscus
actions of popliteus
med rot of tibia
flexion of knee
lat rot of femur
unlocking muscle of the knee
primary function of menisci
reduce compressive stress across tib/fem joint
4 secondary functions of menisci
stability in motion
lubrication of articular cartilage
providing proprioception
guide knee’s arthrokinematics
how much area does menisci increase of joint contact?
triples it and decreases pressure
lateral meniscectomy increases peak contact pressure at knee by 230%
50% of ACL injuries associated with:
concurrent meniscus tears
meniscal tears associated with:
forceful axial rotation of femoral condyles over partially flexed and weight-bearing knee
axial torsion within compressed knee can pinch and dislodge meniscus
bucket-handle tear
dislodged or folded flap of meniscus can mechanically block knee movement
makes a clicking sound
which meniscus is injured more often
medial injured twice as much
axial rotation and external valgus force
what does valgu force do at the knee?
subsequent large stress on MCL and posterior-medial capsule
can indirectly injure medial meniscus
how many degrees of freedom at knee
flex/ex in sag
int/ext rot when knee is flexed
passive frontal plane movement is:
6-7 degrees
sagittal movement at knee
open chain: cave on vex - same
closed chain: vex on cave - opposite
describe ML axis of rotation in knee
not fixed but migrates within femoral condyles
curved path - evolute
path of axis influenced by eccentric curvature
what does the migrating axis do the the moment arm in knee
alters length of moment arm of flexor and extensor muscles
external devices have fixed axis and therefore can rotate in dissimilar arc than knee
tibia on femoral extension
roll and slide anterior
tibia on femoral flexion
roll and slide posterior
femoral on tibia extension
roll anterior and slide posterior
femoral on tibia flexion
roll posterior and slide anterior
tib on fem internal rotation
tibia internal, femur stationary
tib on fem external rotation
tibia external, femur stationary
fem on tib internal rotation
tibia stationary, femur internal
fem on tib external roation
tibia stationary, femur external
axial rotation in the knee increases with what motion
knee flexed to 90 degrees
external to internal rotation ratio in knee
rotation when knee is fully extended
maximally restricted by ligaments, capsule, bony congruity
what muscle pulls menisci anteriorly
screw home rotation of knee
locking knee in extension requires about 10 degrees of external rotation
described as conjunct rotation - mechanically linked to flexion/extension kinematics
what position increases joint congruency and favors stability
final position of extension
what happens to femur when knee is in full extension?
femur slightly medially rotates on the tibia to lock knee joint in place
popliteus is key to unlock it bey flexion and lateral rotation
describe how popliteus rotates tibia and femur
rotate femur externally to initiate FonT flexion
rotate tibia internally to initiate TonF flexion
which muscles stabilize menisci?
MCL and posterior-medial capsule function
resists valgus/abd
resists knee extension
resists extremes of axial rotation (esp. ex rot)
MCL and posterior-medial capsule MOI
valgus producing force with foot planted
severe hypertension of knee
LCL function
resist varus/add
resist knee extension
resist extremes of axial rotation
varus producing force with foot planted
sever hypertension of knee
ACL function
resist extension
~ anterior translation of tibia
~ posterior translation of femur
resists extremes of varus, valgus, axial rotation
large varus force with foot planted
large axial rotation to knee with foot planted
any combo of above
sever hypertension of knee
PCL function
resist flexion
~anterior translation of femur
~ posterior translation of tibia
resists extremes of varus, valgus, axial rotation
falling on flexed knee when proximal tibia strikes ground
forceful posterior translation of tibia or ant femur
large axial rotaion or varus/valgus
sever hypertension of knee causing gapping of posterior side of joint
how many ACL injuries are non contact or minimal contact?
hip flexion, external rotation, abd
knee flexion, int rot
hip flex, add
knee flex, int rot
rectus femoris
knee ext
hip flex
vastus group
kne ext
knee flex, int rot
hip ext
knee flex, int rot
hip ext
kne flex, int rot
biceps femoris short head
knee flex, ex rot
biceps femoris long head
hip ext
knee flex, ext rot
knee flex
ankle plantar flexion
knee flexion
ankle plantar flexion
what does deeper squat require
greater force from quadriceps owing to greater external torque on knee
what happens with a larger Q-angle
larger lateral muscle pull on patella
lateral and medial forces in knee should:
counteract so that patella tracks optimally during flexion and extension of knee
excessive knee external rotation and valgus:
increases q-angle and increases lateral bowstringing force on patella
combo of internal femur rotation and external tibia rotation
why is foot required to be pliable?
to absorb stress and conform to environment
why is foot required to be rigid?
to withstand large propulsive forces
what is a normal sensation that a healthy foot provides?
protection/feedback to muscles of LE
what is the ankle?
talocrural joint
articulation among tibia, fibular, talus
what is the foot?
all tarsal bones and joints distal to ankle
talus, calcaneus, subtalar joint
remaining tarsals, transverse tarsal joint, distal intertarsal joints
metatarsals, phalanges, tarsometatarsal joints
how much weight is transferred through fibula?
describe the distal tibia
expands to load bear at ankle
twisted externally 20-30 degrees relative to proximal
~called lateral tibial torsion
3 major joints in ankle
transverse tarsal
talus involved with all 3
dorsiflexion/plantarflexion plane
ML axis
eversion/inversion plane
AP axis
abd/add plane
transverse axis
why are fundamental definitions inadequate at ankle?
joints have oblique axis rather than standard
they’re weird
pronation at ankle
eversion, abd, dorsiflexion
supination at ankle
inversion, add, plantarflexion
high arch
nickname for talocrural
concave proximal side
major natural stability to ankle
ML axis in ankle
10 degrees superior in medial side of ankle
AP axis in ankle
6 degrees anterior on the medial side on ankle
compressive force percentage through tibia vs fibula
talus and tibia - 90-95%
talus and fibula - 5-10%
width is talocrural joint articular cartilage
can be compresses by 30-40% against peak load
if thinner, cannot support as large of a load
arthro in ankle dorsiflexion
talus rolls anterior, slides posterior
pulls achilles taut
arthro in ankle plantarflexion
talus rolls posterior, slides anterior
anterior capsule taut
factors increases mechanical stability of talocrural
increases passive tension
trochlear surface wider ant than post
ROM of right talocrural during gait cycle
plantar at heel contact
dorsiflexion during force absorption into stance
at push off, plantar flexion at toe off - propulsive force
small dorsiflexion in swing back & into plantar flexion
what is an ankle mortise injury?
extreme and violent dorsiflexion
called high ankle sprain
what is an unstable position in the ankle?
full plantarflexion
slackens most collateral ligaments of ankle
places narrower width of talus between malleoli
subtalar joint
under the talus
pronation and supination during non weight-bearing
occur al calcaneus moves relative to fixed talus
in weight-bearing pronation and supination occur as calcaneus remains relatively stationary
how much of the total articular surface does the posterior articulation of the subtalar joint occupy?
subtalar axis of rotation
42 from horizontal
16 from sagittal
what motions make up pronation
what motions make up supination
by how much does inversion exceed eversion?
inv - 22.6 deg
ev - 12.5 deg
passive inv:ev ratio
what limits eversion?
lateral malleolus
deltoid lig on medial side
two articulations of the mid tarsal joint
what is the most versatile joint in the foot?
mid tarsal
what joint allows pronation/supination of midfoot on uneven surfaces?
transverse tarsal joints
what muscle is the prime supinator of the foot?
tibialis posterior
arthro of navicular around talus in supination
cave on vex
transverse tarsal joint rarely moves without:
subtalar joint
two AoR at transverse tarsal joint
long: ev/inv
oblique: abd/dorsi and add/plantar
amount of pure inv/ev of midfoot
inv - 20-25 deg
ev - 10-15 deg
what bones form the medial arch?
calc, talus, navi, cuneiforms and associated three MTs
other structures that assist medial arch in absorbing loads
plantar fat pads, sesamoid bones, superficial plantar fascia
where does weight fall when one stands normally?
near talonavicular joint
what maintains height of medial longitudinal arch during standing?
deep plantar fascia
with a fallen arch, what happens to support arch?
muscles compensate for arch
pes planus
flattening of arch
rigid pes planus
dropped arch in non weight bearing
flexible pes planus
dropped arch only when foot loaded
pes cavus
abnormally raised medial longitudinal arch
characteristics of pes planus
excessive calc eversion
increased flexibility of foot
uneven weight distribution
hallux valgus
postural symptoms
characteristics of pes cavus
limited pronation
uneven weight distribution
digital contractures
tendency for lateral ankle instability/sprains
percent of change of height of med long arch in stance phase
how pronation connects to hip
pronation of foot causes int rot, flex and add at hip
how pronation connects to knee
increased valgus stress
how pronation connects to rearfoot
lowers med long arch
consequences of rearfoot varus
over supinated at toe off
excessive use of peroneals
over stress of MT
dorsiflexion of great toe trying to force 1st MPJ down
high med arch
consequences of rearfoot valgus
over pronated at toe off
overstretching of deltoid ligaments
collapsed arch
newton’s 3rd law
equal and opposite reaction
weight is a force downwards
ground reaction force is upwards
3 other components of diagonal GRF
when does someone slow down?
(gait slide 2)
when GRF is backwards
when heel hits the ground
when is GRF highest
weight fully through heel
weight fully through toes
are COG and COM the same in human body?
just in uniform object like a book
depends on posture
stays in body
eccentric contractions in gait
go with gravity
squatting down before a jump
concentric contractions in gait
against gravity
jumping up
what is flexor torque
GRF behind the joint
extensor torque
GRF in front of the joint
forces in trendelenburg
more ML force
less AP force
what are the pretibial muscles?
heel rocker
initial contact to foot flat
ankle plantarflexion
ankle rocker
foot flat to heel off
forefoot rocker
heel off to toe off
ankel PF and MTP DF
examples of when rockers may not happen correctly
knee surgery
in pain
wearing high heel
1 cycle/stride
heel strike to heel strike of the same foot
2 steps
2 phases ( stance and swing)
1 step
between right and left heel strikes
stance phase
right heel strike to right toe off
when right foot is in contact with ground
60% of gait cycle
swing phase
right toe off to next right heel contact
right foot in the air
40% of gait cycle
how long is a stride length?
144 cm
how long is a step length?
72 cm
what is foot angle?
5-7 deg externally rotated
what is step width?
8-10 cm
what happens with a larger foot angle?
larger step width
reduced step length
reduced stride length
what happens with smaller foot angle
<5 deg results in in toeing
gait velocity
3 mph
ground clearance in gait
min 1 cm
cadence of gait
133 bpm
purple haze - left up right up
how many periods of single and double limb support?
2 each
how much is first double limb support?
weight transferred from left to right
first period of single limb support
right in stance, left in swing
second period of DLS
weight transferred from right to left
second period of SLS
right in swing, left in stance
what do faster speeds do to gait?
DLS disappear and there are periods where both limbs are off the ground
what do slower speeds do to gait?
give greater stability
increase DLS
how many events in stance phase?
heel contact
right heel contacts the ground at 0%
foot flat
right foot flat on ground at 8%
mid stance
legs parallel at 30%
heel off
between 30-40%
the instant the right heel comes off the ground
toe off
at 60%
instant right toes come off the ground
GRF at toe off
push backward so GRF is anterior
ank- PF
knee - ex
hip - ex
how many parts to swing phase?
early swing
right foot behind left
mid swing
legs parallel
late swing
after parallel to right heel strike
RLA gait phases
initial contact
loading response
mid stance
terminal swing
pre swing
initial swing
mid swing
terminal swing
traditional gait phases
heel strike
foot flat
mid stance
heel off
toe off
mid swing
sagittal plane movement in pelvis vs other LE joints
much smaller in pelvis
sagittal movement at pelvis throughout gait
at right heel contact, neutral
0-10%, small posterior tilt
just after mid stance, begins anterior tilt
2nd half of stance, posterior tilt
initial and mid swing, anterior tilt
terminal swing, posterior tilt
in double leg support, posterior pelvis tilt
what is pelvic tilt in gait caused by?
hip joint capsule
hip flexors
hip extensors
in those with hip contractures, how does their pelvis tilt in the second half of stance?
exaggerated anterior tilt
which pelvic tilt can compensate for increased lumbar lordosis?
excessive anterior pelvis tilt
compensate for lack of passive hip extension
sagittal movement of hip throughout gait
at heel contact, flexed 30 deg
before toe off, max extension of 10 deg
during pre swing, hip flexion initiated
by toe off, 0 deg flexion
during swing, continued flexion to bring LE forward
overall ROM needed at hip for walking
30 deg flexion
10 deg extension
how do individuals with limited sag hip mobility go unnoticed?
movement of pelvis and lumbar spine compensate for reduced hip motion
how is hip extension detectable through observational skills?
anterior pelvis tilt and increase in lumbar lordosis
sagittal movement of knee throughout gait
at heel contact, flexed 5 deg
during initial 15%, flex to 10-15 deg
until about heel off, approaches near full extension
by toe off, reaches about 35 deg flexion
by beginning of mid swing, reaches about 60 deg flex
what is slight knee flexion in gait controlled by?
eccentric action of quads
shock absorption and weight acceptance
what is the point of knee flexion?
toe clearance
sagittal movement at talocrural joint throughout gait
at hell contact, slight PF 0-5 deg
during the first 8%, foot is flat
during stance, 10 deg DF
after heel off, begins the PF
just after toe off, 15-20 deg PF
during swing, DF
how is plantarflexion of controlled during first 8% of gait?
eccentrically by doriflexors
average ROM in ankle for normal gait?
10 deg DF
20 deg PF
what happens at ankle to allow toes to clear the ground?
what causes premature heel off?
lack of ankle DF form tight achilles
what is toeing out?
compensation for limited DF
rolls off medial foot in second half of stance
increased pronation as compensation for DF
greater stresses to soft tissue of foot
how would someone compensate for DF during toe clearance?
increased knee and/or hip flexion
what can cause limited DF in swing?
PF tightness
calf spasticity
joint dysfunction
DF weakness
are frontal or sagittal plane movements bigger?
sagittal movements larger
frontal movement at pelvis throughout gait
downward motion as result by gravity and controlled by eccentric activation of right hip abductors
how is frontal movement at pelvis best observed?
in front or behind
total pelvis ROM in gait through PonF add and abd
10-15 deg
frontal movement at hip throughout gait
elevation and depression
during stance, primarily PonF
3 reasons why excessive movement at pelvis and hip in frontal plane are observed
weak hip abductors
reduced shortening of swing limb
discrepancy in limb length
what is the drop of contralateral iliac crest during stance controlled by?
eccentric activation of hip abductors
frontal movement at knee throughout gait
in the last 20% of gait, 5 deg adduction
frontal movement at ankle throughout gait
very small
frontal movement at foot and subtalar joint throughout gait
at heel contact, inverted 2-3 deg
until midstance, rapid eversion to 2 deg
after midstance, starts to invert
between heel and toe off, reaches 6 deg inversion
during swing, slightly inverted
what is rapid pronation of foot good for?
provides a flexible and adaptable foot structure for making contact with ground
what is inversion of foot good for?
more rigid foot structure, which helps propel the body forward
horizontal movement at pelvis throughout gait
0-15% - int rot
15-60% - ext rot
60-100% - int rot
horizontal movement at femur throughout gait
0-18% - int rot
18-60% - ext rot
60-100% - int rot
horizontal movement at tibia throughout gait
0-20% - int rot
20-60% - ext rot
60-100% - int rot
horizontal movement at subtalar joint throughout gait
0-30% - everting
30-55% - inverting
55-100% - everting
horizontal movement at midfoot throughout gait
0-30% - increasing pliability
30-55% - increasing stability
55-100% - increasing pliability
ROM at hip during gait
IC - 20 flexion
IC-LR - 20 flexion
LR-MS - 0
MS-TS - 20 extension
TS-PS - 10 extension
PS-IS - 15 flexion
IS-MS - 25 flexion
MS-TS - 20 flexion
ROM at knee during gait
IC - 0
IC-LR - 20 flexion
LR-MS - 5 flexion
MS-TS - 0
TS-PS - 40 flexion
PS-IS - 60 flexion
IS-MS - 25 flexion
MS-TS - 0
ROM at ankle during gait
IC - 0
IC-LR - 5 PF
LR-MS - 5 DF
MS-TS - 10 DF
TS-PS - 15 PF
PS-IS - 5 PF
IS-MS - 0
MS-TS - 0
muscles at hip during gait
IC - E hams
IC-LR - C glutes, hams
LR-MS - C glutes, E glute med
TS-PS - E iliopsoas, adductors
PS-IS - C iliopsoas
IS-MS - C iliopsoas
muscles at knee during gait
IC - C quads
IC-LR - E quads
LR-MS - C quads
TS-PS - E quads
PS-IS - C hams
IS-MS - C hams
MS-TS - C quads, E hams
muscles at ankle during gait
IC - pretibs
IC-LR - E pretibs
LR-MS - E gastroc, soleus
MS-TS - E soleus
TS-PS - C gastroc, soleus
PS-IS - C pretibs
IS-MS - C pretibs
MS-TS - pretibs
subtalar open chain pronation
calc - evert
talus - stable
forefoot - abs, DF
subtalar closed chain pronation
calc - everts
talus - add, PF
forefoot - stable
subtalar open chain supination
calc - inverts
talus - stable
forefoot - add, PF
subtalar closed chain supination
calc- inverts
talus - abd, DF
forefoot - stable