Biology Topic 1 Definitions Flashcards
Cell membrane
Thin layer around cytoplasm of cell. Controls movement in and out of the cell
Liquid gel that makes up body of the cell. Where many chemical reactions take place
Contains DNA for making new cells and organisms as well as controlling reactions in the cell
Tiny structures that carry out specific structures
- Nucleus
- Mitochondria
Strands of genes that can react to make proteins if needed
Where cellular respiration takes place. Glucose is broken down using oxygen to create energy.
Cell wall
Rigid structure surrounding plant and bacterial cells. Support cell and help keep its shape
Space in cytoplasm filled with cell sap, a store of water and nutrients.
Organelle in PLANT cells containing chlorophyll. Where photosynthesis takes place
Green substances in chloroplasts that absorbs energy from sunlight
Electron microscope
Instrument which magnifies specimens using a beam of electrons
Chromosomal DNA
DNA which makes up the chromosomes of a cell
Plasmid DNA
Circle of extra DNA only found in bacteria cells
Whip-like protein found on bacteria cells. Beats back and forward and is used for movement
Thread-like structures found in nucleus of cell to carry the genetic information