Biology of Sex Differentiation, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity Flashcards
Taboo Topics
Lecture Series #2
Biology of sex differentiation,
sexual orientation, and gender identity
Sexual dimorphisms in human behavior
Men VS Women
Higher in Males: Aggresion Schizophrenia Visuospatial abilities Autism
Higher in Females:
Nurturing Behavior
Verbal abilities
Sexual dimorphisms in human behavior
Nature (genes, hormones)
Nurture (social factors, learning, culture) ?
Sexual dimorphisms in human behavior
-Ruth Hubbard, 1990.
“If a society puts half its children in dresses and skirts but warns them not to move in ways that reveal their underpants, while putting the other half in jeans and overalls and encouraging them to climb trees and play ball and other active outdoor games; if later, during adolescence, the half that has worn trousers is exhorted to “eat like a growing boy” while the half in skirts is warned to watch its weight and not get fat; if the half in jeans trots around in sneakers or boots, while the half in skirts totters about on spike heels, then these two groups of people will be biologically as well as socially different. Their muscles will be different, as will their reflexes, posture, arms, legs and feet, hand-eye coordination, spatial perception, and so on.”
Patterns of Play Behavior
Girls tend to play in groups of 2 or 3, and with softer, brighter colored toys.
Even female monkeys prefer to play with dolls.
Male monkeys prefer to play with things like toy cars and trucks, monkeys don’t even drive!!!
Strategies used to understand human behavioral sex differences
- Animal models
• Can experimentally control environmental conditions and manipulate hormonal conditions - People that have undergone anomalous sexual differentiation
• “Experiments of nature”
Strategies used to understand human behavioral sex differences
3. Study different cultures to identify commonalities
Asexual reproduction in insects and some vertebrates (i.e. fish and reptiles)
◦ Only one sex (female) in parthenogenic animals
◦ All eggs genetically identical to mother
Although asexual reproduction is efficient, there is no genetic variation on which natural selection can act, creating a risk for extinction
The benefit of sexual reproduction
Sexual reproduction produces more genetic variation and evolutionary flexibility
Relationship between sexual dimorphism and the mating system
Monogamous species (single mating partner) are LESS sexually dimorphic (different) than polygamous species (multiple mating partners)
Monogamous: Males don’t need to have so much more androgens, than the females because the males have much less competition.
Prairie voles are monogamous and the male & females are physically similar and both pretty nurturing to offspring.
Elks are polygamous, and the males are much bigger, have antlers, and are much more aggressive.
Sexual selection favors sexual dimorphisms
Humans are mildly to moderately polygynous and display several sexual dimorphisms consistent with other polygynous species
Proximate questions
HOW do sexual dimorphisms arise?
Sexual Differentiation =
the process of becoming a male or female
How do sexual dimorphisms arise?
- Chromosomal Sex
- Gonadal Sex
- Hormonal Sex
- Morphological Sex
- Behavioral Sex
Chromosomal Sex
F: XX, homogametic
M: XY, heterogametic
Gonadal Sex
Related to gametic sex.
- F: ovaries, eggs
- M: testes, sperm
Hormonal Sex
F: high estrogen, low androgen
M: high androgen, low estrogen
Morphological Sex
differences in body type, CNS, and effector organs (i.e., muscles)
Behavioral Sex
discriminated on the basis of male and female typical behaviors
Mammalian Sexual Differentiation
Begins at fertilization with chromosomal sex and depends on whether the sperm that fertilizes the egg carries an X or a Y sex chromosome (Sex determination)
- F: XX, homogametic
- M: XY, heterogametic
Males determine the sex of the offspring; Females can only
Mammalian sexual differentiation:
Step 1: development of the gonads
Gonads: internal organs
◦ F: ovaries
◦ M: testes
Each individual is identical: whether XX or XY, have identical bipotential primordial gonads (germinal ridge)
◦ SRY gene on Y chromosome –> testis-determining factor (TDF) –> medulla (middle) of germinal ridge becomes testes
◦ No SRY –> no TDF –> cortex (outside) of germinal ridge becomes ovaries
Occurs approx. 6 weeks after conception
Partial expression of SRY gene -> incomplete gonadal
differentiation –> ovotestis
SRY can be express in one gonad and not the other —> testis develops on one side and an ovary on the other
Mammalian sexual differentiation
Step 2: development of the accessory sex organs
Accessory sex organs connect gonads to outside environment
All individuals until the 3rd month have precursors to both male and female accessory sex organs
◦ Wolffian system develops into seminal vesicles, vas deferens, epididymis
◦ Müllerian sytem develops into fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix
Male development requires two hormones from the testes
◦ Testosterone promotes development of the Wolffian system
◦ Mullerian Inhibitory Hormone prevents Mullerian system from developing
Female development does NOT require hormones
◦ In the presence of ovaries or absence of gonads –> Mullerian system develops and Wolffian system regresses
Two processes at work in the typical development of the accessory sex organs
induction of male traits (testosterone & 5α-DHT)
Demasculinization: removal of the potential for male traits
Feminization: induction of female traits
Defeminization: removal of the potential for female traits (Mullerian Inhibitory Hormone)
Female development does NOT require hormones
Female system is low-key the default system
development of the external genitalia
- penis, scrotum and testes
- Androgens are responsible for male external genitalia, particularly 5α-dihydrotestosterone, which is converted from testosterone by the enzyme 5α-reductase
development of the external genitalia
labia, clitoris and outer vagina
No hormonal activity required for development of female genitalia
Standard development of the external genitalia
Although the two sexes are generally binary, genital development can fall anywhere along this continuum leading to ambiguous genitalia
T —-> 5α-DHT
Disorders of Sex Development (DSD)
Anomalies in the process of sexual differentiation
Result of chromosomal or hormonal abnormalities
“Experiments of nature”
No record of viable organism that has a single Y chromosome
DSD: sex chromosome abnormalities
Turner Syndrome
– Female typical external
appearance and genitalia.
– Ovaries underdeveloped and don’t make steroid hormones.
– Require hormone treatment at puberty.
– Other hormonal abnormalities that slow growth as well as hearing loss, intellectual disability, kidney dysfunction.
DSD: sex chromosome abnormality
– Appear male but genitalia are underdeveloped
– Usually sterile because of reduced sperm production
– Gynecomastia, disproportionally long limbs
– Severe learning disabilities
– Male appearance but usually sterile
– Above average height
– Below average intelligence
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)
XY males are unaffected
Genetic (XX) females exposed prenatally to excess endogenous androgens from the adrenal glands resulting in masculinized genitalia with an ‘intersex’ appearance
Masculinization of the external genitalia in genetic females can also be caused by prenatal exposure to exogenous androgens, ex. Diethylstilbestrol (DES) or Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA)
5α-reductase deficiency
- XY males that lack the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme which converts Testerone –> 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone (androgen responsible for masculinization of the external genitalia)
- Have ambiguous external genitalia, but the development of testes and accessory sex organs isn’t affected (because Testerone and Mullerian Inhibitory Hormone function normally)
- Raised as girls but at puberty, Testosterone causes development of secondary sex characteristics and masculinization of external genitalia