Biology Flashcards
What is a Monotreme?
Mammal that lays eggs
Where is Na+ located more?
Inside the cell while K+ is more outside the cell
What is Ouabin?
Inhibit ATP for Na+K pump
What does vasocostricion do to affect arterioles/
decreases rate of filtration and blood flow
What does vasoconstricion do to efferent arterioles?
Increase rate of filtration and blood flow
What do sympathetic innervation do to afferent arterioles?
Decrease urine
What do steriod hormones bind?
To nuclear receptor NOT on cell surface receptors example estrogen, testosterone, progesterone
What is Angiosperm?
Plant that has flowers and produces seed with in carpel
Can double fertilize
Endosperm give nutrients to embryo
Example: fruit, oaks, maple
Where does glycolysis happen?
What do heptic veins do?
take blood from the liver to the heart and empty into interlobular vena cava
What does the hepatic artery do?
Takes the blood from the heart to the liver
What is convergent evolution?
2 different species with different ancestors evolve with the same physical features
What is Habitit selection?
Behavioral responses that use the habitat as influence on survival and fitness
What is Adaptive Radiation?
of lineages from single species
species may diverge
adaptation minimize competition\
What is divergent?
1 species that diverges 2 differ ways
What is Hyperidoma?
Lymphocytes + myeloma
can produce desired antibody
What happens in the 1st trimester?
Major organs develop
most sensitive to drugs and radiation
organs growing rapidly
When is something called a fetus?
at 8 weeks
What happens in the 2nd and 3rd trimester?
2nd: can see pregnancy and fetus very active
3rd final growing really just chilling
What are the various types of WBC?
Neurophili(60%), lympphctes(30%), monocytes, basophils, and eosinphilis
What is in the lymph tissue?
H2O, proteins, salts, sugars, urea
What does the lymphatic system do?
Takes interstitial fluid to blood, absorbs fats and fat soluble vitamins, gives defense against microorganisms
What do lymph nodes do?
filter invaders
*spleen has lymphocytes
cell death
enlargement of organ/tissue once rate cells reproduce- early stages of cancer
Cell Cell Fusion
uninuculear to multinuclear cell
can help differentiate
keep cell with specific function through organism life
wasting part of body way
degrading muscle
When organ or tissue does not develop normal functions
break down of nutrients to provide energy
make biomolecule from similar compounds
accelerate chemical reactions
Vegetal Pole
where yolk is concentrated in egg in female
Animal Pole
Least amount of yolk
What do ectodermal cells do?
They elongate and make a mural plat that becomes the brain and spinal cord
Gray Crescent
makes body axis; opposite side of where the sperm penetrates
What is Somite
Segmented block of tissue form om either side of notochord
Help form muscles of axial skeleton
What is cleavage after federalization?
serious of mitotic cell divisions
embryo does not increases in size
What is parthenogenis
Asxeual reporduction
Virgin Mary birth- offspring develops form unfertilized egg
Makes the ectoderm, encoderm, and mesoderm
What does the ectoderm make from gasturlation?
Hair, nails, skiing of nose, mouth, and butt. Lens of eye, retina, nervous system
What does the endoderm make form gasturlation?
Lining of disgetive and respiratory tract, parts of liver, pancreas, thyroid, and bladder lining
What does the mesoderm maker from gastrulation
Musculoskeletal system, circulatory system, excretory system, gonads, connective tissue, portions of digestive and respirator organs
Enlarge organ/tissue by increase cell size
Spruce, fir tress, pine
Divisions of Angiosperms
Monocot- parellel veins
Dicot- netlike veins
Haploid mutlicelled stage
Dipolid multi celled stage
What are the 2 branches of the immune system?
Humoral and cell mediated
What is humoral immune system?
Makes antibodies are produced by B cells, combat viruses and bacteria, circulates antibodies
What is cell mediated immune system?
Combat fungal and viral infections, use t cells(defends against intracellular pathogen), pathogen invade bodies
What is diapedesis?
WBC adhere to and pass through endothelium blood vessels, WBC become apart of intersitutal fluid
What hormones are released by injured tissue?
Histamine and postagladins
Where does lipid synthesis?
Smooth ER
What synthesizes ribosomes?
What are desmosomes?
In all animal tissue especially skin
What are tight junctions?
closest contact bw cells, in a typical region around cell circumference, interface bw cavity or lumen
What are gap junctions?
Usisually in heart, brain(neurotransmitter), birth, intercellular channels in plasma, small cells can diffuse and go through cytoplasm
What are adherents junction?
Cardic cells, epitheal cells, intercellular adhesion, from cadherins/catenines
What is the glomerfular filtrate?
mostly H2O
contains: blood plasma, sugar, urea, amino acids, and ions
What does an increase of BP do to the bowman capsule?
More stuff is forced into capillaries and forces things in to bowman capsule
What is the first step of urine formation?
passive filtartion glomerous to bowmen capsule
What is the second step of urine formation?
secrete by particular capillararies to nephron tuble
What is the third step of urine formation?
essentials & sugars are reabsorbed and returned to blood
What is trisomny?
3 copies instead of 2 for chromosomes
Edwards(Chromo 18), Down(21) Kliefelter
What is monsomy?
single copy of chromosomes
What are the two type of hormones?
Steroid and non steroidal
What are steroid hormones?
They are lipid soluble from cholesteral
What are non steroidal hormones?
Made of amino acids, dissolve in H2O
nonepinerpherene and epinepherine
What is lumen?
Space in tube
What are sphincters?
rings of muscles usally
What are submucosa
connective tissue blood/lymph
What is Amylase
Enzyme made by pancreas and salivary gland
breaks down carbs
What does the large intestine do?
Take stuff to fecal matter and absorb vitamins and H2O
What can candium develop?
xylem or phelom
What is xylem?
tissue that transport H2O and minerals up the stem
What is phelom?
Transport down the stem?
What are prpherial proteins?
Bound to charge polar head
mild salts that can remove them
What are cell walls made of?
peptidoglycan-polysaccarides and peptide chains
exam gram + bacteria staining they are purple
What kinds of bacteria is blue green algae?
What are teichoic acids?
reconginiton and bindings site for bacterial viruses that can cause infection
ex gram +
What does the mylen shelf make?
Schwann cells
Mylen elctroll insolator in axon signal
Where is glucogenisis?
What is the process for nerve signaling?
presynaptic cell to synaptic cleft to post synaptic cleft
What is in the middle ear?
edrumm(tymanic membrane)- vibrate as frequency
incus, mallesu, stepes- amplify and transport to inner ear
What is in the inner ear?
cochlea-sound waves to neural messages; stimulate basilar membrane(action potential)
semicellular canals- balance
What hormones does the anterior pituitary gland?
HGH, LH,FSH, TSH & prolactin
What hormones does the posterior pituitary gland release?
ADH-vasopressin & oxycotin
both made by hypothalamus
What hormones does the adrenal cortex release?
cortisol & aldosterene(Na+ reabsorbed & K+ secretion in kidney and in crease bp & blood volume
What makes glugagon?
pancreatic alpha cells
What makes insulin?
made by B cells
What increases glucose levels?
glucose and cortisol
what decreases insulin levels?
What is parasitism?
one benefits other harmed
What is mutralism>
both benefit
What is commensilamism?
one benefits other unharmed
What are saprophytes?
decomposers any her energy from dead organisms
What do the chief stomach cells do?
secrete epesinogen
What do the parietal cells of the stomach do?
secrete HCL, intrisic factor, absorb B12
What do G cells of the stomach do?
Secrete hormone gastrin. stimulate parietal cells
What do Mucous cells of the stomach do?
secret mucose, lubriatae stomach and protect stomach
What are cartilaginous fish?
What do oseto blast carry out?
What kind of symmetry do echinoderms have?
What are coelenterates?
Carnivores that use tentacles to capture prey
use nemotocytes- sting cells
What are the 4 basic groups?
autotrophic anaerobes- chemosynthetic bacteria
autotrophi aerobes-green plants & photo plankton
heterotrophic anerobes- yeast
heterotropic aerobes- ameoba, humans
what are all living things made of?
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfar, phosophrus
What is the cell theory?
All livings things made of cells
cells basic function unit of life
cells only come from other cell
cell genetic information is in DNA & passed down
What is a compound light microscope?
use 2 lenese, nonliving specimens, uses staningin
What is phase contrast microscope?
Special Light microscope
study living things
What is electron microscope?
Use beam of electrons
specimens dead
most magnetic
Explain nucleus
contains DNA: histones to chromosomes
Explain ER
transport material through cell
Explain Golgi
receives vesicles form smooth ER and modifies them
usually do excoytosis
Explain Mitocondria
aerobic respiration
Explain Lysosomes
hydrolytic enzymes
breaks down material
What is autolysis?
Dying tissue commit suicide: bust open lysosomes so hydrolytic enemies are relseased
Explain cytoskeleton
microtubles and mircofliaments
shape, support and function cell mobility
What is a hypotonic solution
outside is less concentrated that inside
water goes in
lyse & sell cells
What is hypertonic solution
outside is more concentrated than inside
so water goes out
plasomylsis:cells shrivel
What is cyclosis/streaming?
circular motion of cytoplasm around transport molecules
How does the ER transport material in cell?
channels through cytoplasm
plasma membrance to nuclear membrane
What is an enzymes?
organic catalyst: effects rate of chemical reactions w/o itself being different
regulate metabolsim
What is the induced fit theory?
widely accepted theory of enzymes
active site flexible when right substrate comes in contact wit active site the active site changes to fit substrate
What is enzyme reversibility?
enzyme reaction reversible
product made by enzyme can be decomposed by same enzyme
What do enzymes depend on to function properly?
temp,ph, concentration of enzyme & substrate
How does enzyme effected by temperature or pH?
inc temp/pH inc rate of enzyme
until it reaches a threshold, once pass that it alters shape and goes down
How are enzymes effected by concentration of enzyme and substrates?
dec enzyme dec substrate- active site unoccupied, rate low
Inc substrate until all active sites are full, then the extra substrate does not have a effect- plateaus
What is hydrolysis>
digest large molecules into smaller components
What are cofactors?
enzymes require non protein molecules to become active
bind w/ covalent bonds
What is photosynthesis?
convert energy of sun to chemical energy
What is respiration?
chemical energy to energy for living cells
What stages of glucose catabolism?
glycolsis and cellular respiration
Explain Glycolysis
glucose to 2 pyruvate acids, 4 total ATP, 2 Net ATP
occurs in cytoplasm
What can happen to pyruvate after glycolysis?
anaerobic-fementation( to ethanol/latic acid)
aerobic-further oxidzed
Explain fermentation
Makes ethanol-in yeast & other bacteria
Lactic Acid- O2 lags behind in mucles of humans, fungi, bacteria
uses NAD+ from glycolysis
What is cellular resipiraton
Best way to get enrgyt form glucose
make 36- 38 ATP
In mitocondria
What are the 3 stages of cellular respiration?
- Pyruvate decarboxylation
- Citric Acid cycle/ Krebs
- Electron Transport Chain
Explain Pyruvate Decarboxylation
Pyruvate loses CO2, changes to Acteyl CoA
Happens in Mitochondria
Explain Citric Acid Cycle
AKA Kreb Cycle
Uses acetyl CoA from Pyruvate to make stuff
Each turn: 1 ATP, 1 NADH, 1FADH2 per glucose
take these to ETC
Explain Electron Transport Chain
In inner mitochondria
ATP made when electrons transfer
Molecules are cytochrome
What is the Total energy produced per glucose molecule?
36 Total ATP
6 glycolsis
4 decarb
24- citric acid
When carbs are used for alternate energy where?
disaccar to monosaccaride
can be made into glucose
glycogen in liver can be converted
Taking fat to energy
lipids to fatty acids to glycerol
yield greatest number of ATP per gram
Taking protein to energy
last resort
transamination reaction- amino acids loses amino group
oxidative deamination- removes ammonia form amino acids
What is the calvin cycle?
used by autotrophs for energy
makes 12 PGAL made in to nutrients
Explain Mitosis - 1st 3 steps
I- cell 90% life, sister chromatics held together, Chomatin(Dna uncoiled)
P- Chromosomes condense, centrioles move to opposite poles of cell, nucleus membrane dissolves, spindle app start
M- Centrioles opposite sides, spdile fibers attach to each chrmatid at the centromer, chromosomes move to equator of cell(metaphase plate)
What is karyokinesis and cytokinesis?
K-nuclear division
c-cytoplasm division
Explain Mitosis- Next 2 steps
A-centromere spilt, allowing sister chromatids to split, sister c. pulled toward different poles
T- spindle app leveaves, nuclear memnrain forms around chromosomes, nucelsus contain same amount of chromosomes, chromosomes uncoil & revert back to interphase
What does meiosis do?
make sex cells
produces hapilod
2 divisons
Explain Meosis I 1st 2
P1- chrome some condense, nuclear membrane disappears
M1- align @ equator, attach to spindle by its kenetochore
What is a homologous chromosome?
Chromosome code for same traits
Come from each parent
What do each chromosome have in meiosis?
two sister chromatid and both togeth make tetrad
What is crossing over
Some chromatids exchange DNA
What is recombination
Caused by crossing over
give genetic diversity
Explain Meosis 1 2nd half
A1- homo pais separate, disjunction-each parent chromo split and go opposite ways & creates diversity
T1- Nucelous memebrane forms
Explain Meosis II
makes haploid
Human Feamle, only one gametes function
Follow Mitosis: Chrom allighn separate to apposite poles and split into
Where are gametes made?
males- semiinferous tubules-sperm
females- overies- oocytes
What animals are usual hermaphrodites?
Hydra & earthworms
Explain Spermatogenesis
in semiinferous tubles
spermatogonai to meosis to haploid sperm
Explain structure of sperm
Head of sperm- unsells and contain genome
tail of sperm- propel it
neck & body- mitochondria powerhouse allow movement
Explain structure of oocytes
Conatin cytoplasm, RNA, & nutrients needed for development
Where is external fertilization?
Fish & amphibians
reduce chance of fertilization
Where is internal fertilization?
Gives direct rout to sperm
female produce less eggs
How does sperm travel?
Seminiferous tubules, epidymiss, vas deferns, ejaculation duct, NOTHING, ureth, penis
What is the female follicles
sac of cells contain nutrients, produce estrogen & protect ovum
Where does the fetus develop?
Fllopian tube opens to it
What is the cervix?
LOwer end of uterus
where sperm deposited
connects with vagina
What hormones do the ovaries secrete?
Regulated by LH & FSH: Estorgen and progesterone
What is estrogen?
Steroid Horomone
Stimulate development of female reproduction
Sex Drive
sexual Characteristic
Endometrium-thickening of uterine wall
Secreted by ovaries follicles & corpus luteum
What is progesterone
Steroid Hromone
Secreted by corpus luteum during mesntral cycle
Development & maintnece of ednometral walls
Implate to make baby
What are the four stages of menstral cycle?
Follicular cycle
Luteal Phase
What is the Follicular cycle of the menestral cycle?
FSH from pituitary promotes devilment of follicle & begins to secreting estrogen
What it ovulation of the menestral cycle?
A good follicle burst & release ovum
Caused by LH- scaled by peak in estrogen
What is the luteal phase of the menestral cycle?
LH cause ruptured follicle to develop in corpus lutem
Progesterone cause endomentrium to mature & secrete the stuff is need for implantaion
What is the menstration of the menstral cycle?
Ovum not fertilized
corpus lute waste away
progesterone & estrange drop
Causes mensis- endomentrum falls off
What happens in fertilization?
Developing placent makes HCG- Human Charinoic Goanadotripin
Maintains the corpus luteum, Estorgen and progesterone (until placenta can make its own)
What are asexual processes?
Fission- DNA replicate to new plasma to cell split, equal size
Budding- unequal separate by pinching
Regeneration- regrow body part by mitosis ex salmon, starfish
Parthenogenisis- develop egg with out unfertilization
What is the sexual reproduction in plants?
sporphye to gametothyte
What is the law of segregation?
Exsist in alternateive fore alleles
What is the Law of Dominance?
Dominant and recessive alles
homozygous, heterozygous
What is the Law of Independent Assortment?
Cross two different trait
gene separate on chromosomes and assort differein meosis
What is the ration for F1 generation?
What is incomplete dominance?
phenotypes blend
heterozygous mix phenotype
What is codominacne?
Mutiple alleles exist for a gene & make more than 1 is dominant
both alleles expressed
What is nondisjunction?
Homologus chromosomes fail to separate in Meosis I, makes trisomny and monsomy
What is Chromosome breakage?
Spontaneous, enviromenta(X-ray)
What are examples of genetic disorders?
Phenyl Ketohuria- can’t make metabolism phenalaline
Sickle Cell- RBC crescent shape, single base pair substation
Which nucleotides are purianes and pyridines
CUI the PIE- Cytosine, Uracil, Thymine are prymadines
Adidenes & guanine are purines
What is the mRNA?
Nucleus to ribosomes
Carries complementary DNA sequence
mRNA makes the capy of DNA mother strand
leaves through nucleus pores
What is tRNA?
in cytoplasm
Translates mRNA to amino acids
Takes amino acids to ribosomes during protein sytnthesis
What is rRNA
structural component of ribosome
Synthesized in nucleolus
What is the anticodon?
compen to one mRNA codon
What are episomes?
Plasmids that are capable of getting into the bacterial genome
What is the direction of DNA replication?
5’ to 3’
What is transduction?
Bacterial chromosome fragments become apart of host cell during viral infection with recombination
bacteriophage attaches to cell and release DNA and the cell reduces more phages
What is a bacteriophage
virus that infect host bacterium by attaching to it and injects it DNA
Has 2 cycles
What is the lyric cycle in bacteriophages?
Takes control of genetic machinery
makes a lot of babies
Bacterial Cell lysises & release virions(babies)
What does virulent mean?
Kill their host
What is lysogenic Cycle?
Does NOT lysis host cell
Inserts DNA in to host cell
Lies dormant
When it is active it can go through the lytic cycle
What are southern blots?
Detec specific DNA sequences
What does DNA Ligase?
Join DNA fragment by making phsopodiester bonds bw DNA nucleotides
What is the early develop meant of zygote?
Fertilzation then cleavege
What is cleavage?
Rapid miotic dividson
volume remains the same but # of cells grow
inc surface to volume ratio
How are twin made?
inter determinate cleavage cells maintain ablitily to develop complete organisms
What is determinate cleavage?
Cells where pathway determined in early development
what the 3 completion of cleavage?
1st- zygote 32 hrs after fertilization
3rd 72hrs now it is 8 cells & will reach uterus
What is morula?
solid ball of embryonic cells
When does blastualtion start?
When morula make fluid cavity
Blastuala- 4th day hollow sphere
What is gastulation?
3 layered formed form blastula
What is chorion
lines inside shell; gas exchange
What is allantosis
respiration and excretion; transport O2, CO2, water, etc in blood
connects to placenta
what is amnion
amniotic fluid, protect embrio form shock
What is the yolk sac?
gives nutrients to embryo by blood vessels
associated with umbilical vessels
What animal does nonplacental development?
young born young
What is the vascular system in protozoans?
simple diffusion
What is the vascular system in Cnidarians?
Body two walls thick
have direct contact with internal and external
What is the vascular system of Arthopods?
Open circulatory system
blood direct contact with tissue
have dorsal vessels and into sinuses
what are the vascular system of annelids?
Closed circulatory
blood in vessels & moves toward head
no RBC
Define circulation of blood in humans
O2 blood-LV-Aorta- Arteries - arterioles-capillaries(gas exhange)- venules- veins- inferior & superior vena cava-RA-RV- pulmonary arteries-lungs(get O2)-pulmonary vein- LA- LV
What are arteries?
Thick walled, transport O2 away from heart
except pulmonary arteries
What are veins?
Thin, elastic
Take DeO2 to heart
except pulmonary beings
Suspectiable to gravity
What are capillaries?
thin & diffuse gases & nutrients easily
What are lymph vessels?
Transport lymph
What is in blood plamsa?
Iiquid portion
mix of gases, waste, hormones,
cellular component- platelets. leukocytes, eryhtocytes
What is released to platlets & damaged tissue?
thromboplastin activates platelets
What does thrombin activate?
fibrinogen to fibrin
which coats damaged are & trap blood cells
What is active immunity?
Makes antibodies during immune response
What is passive immunity?
transfer antibodies of another organism to another one
ex placenta
What are nonspecific denfense mechanism?
Skin- physical
mucous- example respiratory tract
immflammation- dilate blood vessels
Granulocytes- respond to fever, antigenic material
Interferons- proteins made under viral attach
Allergies- inappropriate response to food/pollen
Where is the adrenal gland located?
What does the adrenal cortex secrete?
Stress response
Steroid hormones-corticosteriod(made form cholesterol), mineralcorticosteriod, cortical sex hormone
What are glucocorticoids?
Cortisol & cortisone
make glucose
lower protein synthesis
What are mineralocorticoids
Aldostrone-regulate plasma levels, NaCl, K,
Reabsorb NaCl
Reabsore H2O in nepheron
inc blood volume & pressure
What are cortical sex hormones?
Androgen(male & female sex hormone)
In males testes- adrenal androgen little effect
in females over porduction: masculatin effects
What does the adrenal medulla produce?
Catecholamines- epinephrein & nonepinerpherine: neruptranmitters
What is epinephrine?
Makes glucose in liver & muscles
inc blood glucose levels
inc basal metabolic rate
Inhibit simple functions like digestion stuff not needed for survival
What is the flight or flight respones?
uses both epinephrine or non epinephrine
inc blood, heart rate