Biology Flashcards
athlete’s foot symptoms
itching, sore rash forming on the infected skin, flaky with pus filled blisters
athlete’s foot cure
creams, sprays and powders from the pharamacy
athlete’s foot prevention
Dry your feet after leaving the pool
Rose black spot symptoms
It causes the leaves to go yellow and drop off with black spots. The plant then does not flower and cannot photosynthesis.
Rose black spot cure
Chemical fungicides and some people have bred the flowers to not be infected by the rose black spots.
Rose black spot prevention
Removing and burning the infected leaves from the plant
Malaria symptoms
Fever, shaky, headaches - that are recurrent, shortness of breath, muscle pain
Malaria prevention
Destroy the breeding sites, killing with insecticides, cover with a mosquito net while sleeping, spray
Malaria cure
Combination of drugs - anti-malarial
Measles symptoms
high temperature, runny or blocked nose, sneezing, cough red and sore throat. Spots on the mouth and measles rash
measles prevention
Isolate the person with measles, vaccination(MMR)
Measles cure
drink fluids, rest, take paracetamol or ibuprofen - no specific treatment
HIV symptoms
a short flu-like illness for 2-6 weeks , muscle joints and fatigue
HIV cure
antiretroviral medicines work by stopping virus replicating in the body
HIV prevention
use of condoms, post- exposure prophylaxis and pre- exposure prophylaxis, avoid sharing needles for those who use drugs
Tobacco mosaic cure
Remove infected plant so it does not start to spread
Tobacco mosaic symptoms
Mosaic pattern of light and dark green on leaves, yellowing, and leaf curling. Infected areas may become mottled, and leaves may develop necrotic patches.
Tobacco mosaic prevention
Use virus free seeds, practice good hygiene - tools and control pests that spread the disease
salmonella cure
They are not given antibiotics
salmonella prevention
Vaccinations against salmonella, keeping raw chicken away from uncooked food, avoid washing chicken and wash hands and surfaces after handling the raw chicken.
salmonella symptoms
They develop in 8-72 hours of eating the contaminated food and they symptoms include fever, abdominal cramps, vomiting and diarrhea
gonorrhea cure
Untreated, it can cause long-term pelvic pain, ectopic pregnancies, and severe eye infections in babies. Though antibiotics can treat it, antibiotic-resistant strains make it harder to cure. All sexual partners should be treated to prevent its spread.
gonorrhea prevention
It can be prevented by using a condom or reducing the number of sexual partners. By using a barrier method of contraception it can be prevented.
gonorrhea symptoms
Symptoms include a thick yellow or green discharge from either the vagina or penis and pain when using the bathroom specifically urination. 10% of men and 50% women do not have any symptoms at all.