Biological Explanations-Atavistic Form Flashcards
Who proposed the theory of atavistic form?
What is atavistic form?
A biological approach to offending which says criminal activity is due to the fact that offenders are genetic throwbacks ill-suited to conforming to modern society. They are distinguishable by facial characteristics.
What are the atavistic characteristics of offenders in general?
A narrow, sloping brow; a strong, prominent jaw; high cheekbones and facial asymmetry.
What are the atavistic characteristics of murderers?
Blood shot eyes, curly hair, long ears
What are the atavistic characteristics of sexual deviants?
Glinting eyes, swollen lips and projecting ears
What was Lombroso’s research?
He examined the faces of 383 dead criminals and 3839 living Italian convicts and concluded that 40% of them had atavistic characteristics.
What is the strength of his theory?
It has contributed to criminology as he has shifted research more towards science and evolution and also helped with criminal profiling.
What are the weaknesses of his theory?
Many characteristics proposed can be found among people of African descent, promoting eugenics as they are described as savage.
There is contradictory evidence as Goring found no evidence that offenders are a distinct group with different facial features.
There is poor control in Lombroso’s research as there is no non-criminal control group
Causation is an issue as characteristics may not cause offending but may be as a result of poverty, which could lead to offending.