Biological Aspects of Puberty Flashcards
Types of feedback in the H-P-Gonadal axis
Only long!
Estradiol, progesterone and testosterone feedback to AP and hypothalamus
Onset of puberty
Reactivation of the HPGA axis
Leads to increased nocturnal pulsatile secretion of LH and early morning secretion of gonadal steroid hormones
Appearance of an LH-predominant response during GnRH stimulation testing
2-3 years before pubertal onset
Rise in adrenal androgen levels
Occurs independently of GnRH
Breast development
In 85% of girls it is the first outward sign of puberty
First sign of puberty in
- Girls
- Boys
- 85%: breast development, the rest its pubic hair
2. Testicular enlargement
Average age of menarche
Peak growth velocity at what stage for
- Girls
- Boys
- 3
2. 4
Pubertal progression in boys
Onset between age 9-14 Voice breaks around 13 Axillary, facial hair around age 14 Gynecomastia frequent at stage 4 Continued virilization into late teens
Ages of precocious puberty for
- Girls
- Boys
- Breast budding or pubic hair before age 8 or menarche before age 10
- Testicular enlargement or pubic hair before 9
Isosexual vs contrasexual pubertal development
Iso: seeing a lot of the correct hormone (ex: girls seeing estrogen)
Contra: seeing a lot of the opposite sex hormone (ex: girls seeing testosterone)
Is GnRH dependent/independent going to be iso or contrasexual?
Dependent: always isosexual
Independent: can be either
GnRH dependent precocious puberty
Brain has woken up early and started into puberty
Can be idiopathic in girls (rarely in boys)
CNS lesions
Prolonged exposure to sex hormones (tumors, CAH)
GnRH independent precocious puberty
From the periphery
Many causes, depends on your gender
McCune-Albright syndrome
G protein activating mutation Precocious puberty, menarche Bony lesions Irregular cafe-au-lait spots May have other autonomous endocrine tumors May have non-endocrine involvement
Premature thelarche
May appear at any age, usually < 5
Often asymmetrical, may regress
May be first sign of true precocious puberty
May be associated with ‘smouldering early puberty’
Generally benign if bone age not advancing
Premature adrenarche
Usually warrants some investigation
May also have body odor, axillary hair, acne, hirsutism, acanthosis nigricans
Benign if bone age not advancing
Associated with later development of PCOS
2 signs of Klinefelters
Small testicles
Treatment of central precocious puberty
Medroxyprogesterone acetate (DepoProvera) injections Can control menstrual periods and some sexual behaviours, without affecting adult height
GnRH agonists
GnRH inhibits gonadotropin secretion if it’s given continuously
Halts pubertal development and menses
May cause some regression of secondary sex characteristics
Increases final height most in those who start puberty earliest and those with the most advanced bone age
Leuprolie acetate (Lupron Depot)
Only GnRH agonist licensed for treatment of central PP in Canada
Only available to ped endos
IM every 3-4 weeks
Requires frequent monitoring
Signs of delayed puberty in
- Girls
- Boys
- No breast development by 13 or menarche by 16. Or absence of menarche within 5 years of pubertal onset
- No increase in testicular size by age 14
Treatment of CDGA for
- Girls
- Boys
- Ethinyl estradiol (low dose). Not before 13 yo
2. Watch and wait. Then low dose depot testosterone. Not before 13 yo