Biological Aspects Flashcards
What do you call research on the association between genes and behaviour
Research on ‘behavioural genomics’ which is the study of how genes affect behaviour and how the complex nature of genes function together and with the environment to influence behaviour
Define and describe temperament
Stable individual differences in emotional reactivity.
Basic aspects of temperament involves four dimensions:
- Activity: vigorous motion vs. passivity
- Emotionality: how easily aroused to anger or fear vs. calmness
- Sociability: how much you enjoy people and being around others
- Agressiveness/impulsivity
What are the goals of behavioural genetic research in personality (introduction)
- Determine the percentage of individual differences in a trait that can be attributed to genetic differences and the percentage that can be attributed to environmental differences
- Determine the ways in which genes and environment interact and correlate with each other to produce individual differences
- Determine precisely where in the “environment” environmental effects exist—e.g., parental socialization, different teachers to which children are exposed
Describe the research methods used in genetics & personality
– Univariate genetic analysis, the most basic and well known method in behavioral genetics, decomposes the vari- ance of a single variable (phenotypic variance) into the variance due to genetic differences between individuals and that due to the environment unique to each individual. This is done by comparing the similarity (e.g., measured by a correlation coefficient, r) of monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins on the measured variable.
- FAMILY STUDIES Correlates the degree of genetic overlap among family members with the degree of similarity in personality trait. If a trait is highly heritable, family members with greater genetic relatedness should be more similar to one another on the trait than family members who are less closely genetically related
- TWIN STUDIES are often the main source of data surrounding the inherited predispositions of personality traits. Estimates heritability by gauging whether identical (monozygotic or MZ) twins, who share 100 percent of genes, are more similar than fraternal (dizygotic or DZ) twins, who share only 50 percent of genes
If MZ twins are more similar than DZ twins, this provides evidence of heritability - Consequently, ADOPTION STUDIES are used to detangle genetic and environmental factors. Positive correlations on traits between adopted children and adoptive parents provide evidence of environmental influence. Positive correlations between adopted children and genetic parents provide evidence of genetic influence.
What are the overall main findings from behavioural genetic research in personality
The variance in almost any psychological individual difference is at least partly attributable to genetic influences. The well-known heritability statistic, which represents the proportion of total variation in an observed trait (or phenotype) attributable to genes, is around 50% across numerous measures of normal personality
The rest of the variance in personality is accounted for by unique environmental influences, those experiences that we do not share with, and thus make us different from, family members. The shared family environment – those environments that make us similar to other family members – seems to have little significant influence on the variation in personality. The finding of 50% heritability of personality is robust, and holds across diverse assessments, including (i) self-reported broad superfactors (e.g., the ‘Big 5’; Bouchard & Loehlin, 2001); (ii) self- and peer-ratings of personality (Riemann, Angleitner, & Strelau, 1997); and (iii) observational measures of personality (Borkenau, Riemann, Angleitner, & Spinath, 2001).
– Summaries of behavioral genetic data yield heritability estimates for major personality traits (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, openness to experience) of about 20–45 percent (EYSENCK 1990)
– Linked to the Big Five trait neuroticism– the serotonin transporter gene or 5-HTTLPR, has the strongest evidence linking it to neuroticism and other anxiety-related traits, such as harm avoidance. – Even so, the gene appears to account for only about 1 to 2 percent of the variance for these traits (AZAR, 2002)
- SEXUAL ORIENTATION – the object of a person’s sexual desires, whether the person is attracted to those of the same sex or of a different sex - may be inherited
- - Bailey et al. (1993) – 30-70% heritability
- - Le Vay (1991) – differences in the hypothalamus
Describe findings from twin studies
- MINNESOTA TWIN STUDY (Bouchard, 1999):
In studying 350 pairs of twins, including pairs of identical and fraternal twins reared together and apart, researchers found that identical twins, whether raised together or apart, have very similar personalities. They found that these twins who share the same genetic makeup also often shared very similar personality traits - these similarities are greater than observed in fraternal twins who don’t have identical genetic makeup.
– Such as Jack/Oskar who were separated in infancy - one grew up in Germany and the other outside of Europe. They were found to share very similar habits such as being absentminded and having domineering/angry temperament
– For most of the traits measured, more than half the variation was found to be due to heredity, leaving less than half determined by the influence of parents, home environment and other experiences in life.
– No single gene is believed responsible for any one of these traits. Instead, each trait, the Minnesota researchers propose, is determined by a great number of genes in combination, so that the pattern of inheritance is complex and indirect.
– The Minnesota results lend weight and precision to earlier work that pointed to the importance of a child’s temperament in development. For instance, the New York Longitudinal Study, conducted by Thomas identified three basic temperaments in children, each of which could lead to behavioral problems if not handled well.
– Resultantly, for parents, the study points to the importance of treating each child in accord with his innate temperament. Lyken argues that a big mistake for parents is to treat all kids the same. To guide and shape a child you have to respect his individuality, adapt to it. - FOWLER+BAKER 2008 there is a genetic influence in even social behaviours and attitudes: they found that identical twins are more alike in whether they vote in elections than are fraternal twins. Suggesting there may a genetic basis for patterns in behaviour, however there is a lack of understanding of why such associations emerge.
- MCCARTNEY etal 1990 found that there is an inverse correlation between personality similarity and age for both MZ and DZ twins, thus as twins get older their personalities become more different. When moving from childhood to adulthood, the environmental effects on personality therefore become more evident.
- - This can been explained by non shared environmental variance where features of the environment that children who are raised in the same home experience differently. For example, RICH (1990) suggests that peers make a big difference on personality traits. So as the child grows older, some genetic predispositions become less important whilst others become more.
Evaluation of twin studies
Even with an attribution of 50% the explanation is not conclusive as there must be other contributory factors to the development of aggression. Indeed, the results found are perhaps not due to the twins shared genetic makeup but their shared environment. Also, MZ twins are identical in physical appearance and are thus more likely to be treated equally by those around them (Joseph, 2002). Therefore, within this study there is an interaction between nature and nurture, which consequently decreases the internal validity of the study as well as the usefulness of the genetic explanation, as the cause of the personality traits remains uncertain.
Multivariate genetic analyses that offer a window to whether items and/or facets of core personality domains show a common genetic basis: univariate analyses, the more common approach in this literature to date (e.g. Bouchard, 2004), while undoubtedly useful for answering certain other questions, cannot provide insight to the underlying architecture across multiple facets.
- BUT, SAME AGES advantage of involving pairs of individuals of iden- tical age, but the twin design has its own problems. Other heritability methods are disadvantaged as data is sometimes collected when subjects are at different ages. If personality traits are expressed differently at different ages (i.e., some personality traits may be age dependent for genetic or environmental rea- sons), then the parent-offspring data simply do not reflect the same phenomena as the twin data. The sibling data are not sub- ject to this problem to the same degree, and they do show a slightly higher correlation in some studies. (TELLEGAN, 1990)
- NOT FULLY IDENTICAL a major limitation of heritability studies involving twins is the idea that environment begins after they are born. However identical twins whilst sharing the same genetic makeup, SEGAL has reported that they can experience differences during prenatal development such as nutrition or due to different levels of blood flow that reaches to them.
- SAPOLSKY highlighted the role of hormones whereby stress hormones that a mother might experience may result in the feutus developing a smaller brain, particularly the region that is in charge of turning off stress hormones. Therefore, the individual will have more life time exposure to stress and a higher baseline level of stress. Known as non mendelian inheritance of traits (non genetic) Therefore as they are born they may still be to an extent different - SAPOLSKY: extremely small sample sizes in studies where MZ twins reared apart compared to DZ twins. Eg 44 in Minnesota. It makes the results extremely difficult to generalise to the wider population
- SAPOLSKY has argued that genetics appear to have an effect on developing personality traits such as introversion- extroversion but this effect is indirect. It was proposed that children early in life are treated differently depending on their physical appearance which is an extremely heritable feature. Thus it was found that those who were treated more favourably (more physically attractive) were more likely to show extroversion later in adulthood. So there is heritability of physical trait which mediates the development of personality traits.
Describe findings from adoption studies
- DANIELS+PLOMIN 1985: Studied why some infants are open and responsive to attention right away, some take time to open up, and still yet, some others are fearful and withdrawn. It is difficult to tell whether babies are shy because their mothers are shy and thus do not take them out very much, or because the shy mothers pass down their shyness traits. Measures of this study attempted to clarify the relationship between the infants and adoptive and biological parental shyness, parental sociability, and parental introversion-extraversion
Adoptive parents were given questionnaires that asked them to rate their infants’ shyness levels, and then to rate themselves on the traits listed previously. It must be noted that the self-reported ratings of the biological were performed before the birth of the infants, and the scoring of the infants’ shyness were performed by the adoptive parents when the babies were two years old. The results showed that in nonadoptive families, the parents who reported high rates of shyness, low rates of sociability, and high rates of introversion also had shy infants. This was also seen in adoptive families whose parents rated similarly, indicating that a combination of home environment and genetics must come into play.
One significant conclusion was made in this study that was based on the fact that biological mothers rated high in shyness, and their adopted-away babies were also shy. This strengthens the possibility of a genetic link overshadowing family environment.
Evaluation of adoption studies
- DETANGLER Adoption studies are powerful because they get around the equal environments assumption as they take out the shared environment element seen in twin studies—genetic and environmental causes are unconfounded.
- INCONCLUSIVE? However a myriad of questions remain unawnsered causing the genetic explanation of personality to remain inconclusive. For example, it is uncertain as to whether twins who were reared apart and show similar personalities were placed into similar types of homes or if they tried to act similarly when brought together as they knew they were twins.
- NOT REPRESENTATIVE One issue for adoption studies is that adoptees and their adoptive families might not be representative of the population as a whole, either because they have distinctive characteristics or because they span a narrower range. There is also the possibility that adopted children might be selectively placed with adoptive parents matched to the birth parents. These issues can be examined empirically. For example, in a longitudinal prospective adoption study of normal behavioural development that began in 1975, my colleagues and research has now moved on to other issues.
- NOT REALISTIC It may not be thought realistic to pursue adoption studies due to changes in the rates of adoption compared to earlier decades and challenges with regards to legislation. Adoption designs, how- ever, remain possible, as evidenced by the continued generation of new studies – for instance the Early Growth and Development Study (Leve, Neiderhiser, Scaramella, & Reiss, 2010). Incorporating these multiple methods into behavior genetic studies reduces the number of causal assumptions which need to be made, allows oth- ers to be tested, and increases the types of causal question that can be addressed by researchers (Plomin et al., 2008).
Describe genetics and personality change/stability
HOPPWOOD 2011: studied the genetic and environmental influences on personality stability and change during the transition to adulthood using three waves of personality trait data using a sample of twins assessed in late adolescence (approximately age 17), emerging adulthood (approximately age 24), and young adulthood (approximately age 29).
Although there was evidence for genetic contributions to stability and change in personality, these results provide support for the lifespan perspective given that non-shared environmental factors accounted for personality changes over time (Bleidorn et al., 2009). Genetic factors tended to influence trait levels overall, as well as the stability of those levels, but the non-shared environment was an important influence on changes in trait levels over time
Most twin and adoption studies of general intelligence demonstrate increasing genetic influence across the life span (from 20% in infancy to 60% in adulthood), in conjunction with non-shared environmental experiences (30%) (McClearn et al., 1997). It has been suggested that this occurs because small genetic effects in childhood become amplified during development. Furthermore, shared environmental effects (influences increasing similarity among family members) on intelligence, while modest in childhood, decrease to near zero by adolescence (Mackintosh, 1998).
- longitudinal twin design that make it particularly suited for the study of personality development in adulthood. First, the longitudinal twin design allows researchers to examine the genetic and environmental underpinnings of personality stability and change in pairs of genetically related adults of exactly the same age.
VIKEN. (1994) were one of the first who examined the degree of genetic and environmental rank-order stability within a longitudinal twin design. Specifically, using self-report data from nearly 15 000 adult Finnish twins, they estimated the genetic and environmental correlations for neuroticism and extraversion over a 6-year period in seven age cohorts ranging from 18 to 53 years at baseline.
These studies have established strong evidence for a highly stable genetic foundation of individual differences in broad personality traits in adulthood. However, this finding has often been misinterpreted to suggest that genes exclusively account for personality stability whereas change—if there is any—is mainly due to nonshared environmental influences.
It becomes apparent that the basic interpretation of ‘stable genetic vs. changing environmental influences’ is too simplistic. In other words, many behavioural genetic studies did not separate nonshared environmental variance from error variance, which is by definition uncorrelated over time. As a consequence, these studies may have underestimated the stability of nonshared environmental differences in personality over time.
Three general conclusions can be drawn from the aforementioned reviewed studies. First, there is a strong and relatively stable genetic foundation of individual differences in personality throughout the adult life span. Second, nonshared environmental variance in personality traits becomes more important and increasingly stable from early to middle adulthood. And third, depending on the length of the time interval, the age period, and the particular personality trait of interest, both genetic and environmental influences contribute to stability of and change in personality traits
Describe genetics and personality change/stability
HOPPWOOD 2011: studied the genetic and environmental influences on personality stability and change during the transition to adulthood using three waves of personality trait data using a sample of twins assessed in late adolescence (approximately age 17), emerging adulthood (approximately age 24), and young adulthood (approximately age 29).
Although there was evidence for genetic contributions to stability and change in personality, these results provide support for the lifespan perspective given that non-shared environmental factors accounted for personality changes over time (Bleidorn et al., 2009). Genetic factors tended to influence trait levels overall, as well as the stability of those levels, but the non-shared environment was an important influence on changes in trait levels over time
Most twin and adoption studies of general intelligence demonstrate increasing genetic influence across the life span (from 20% in infancy to 60% in adulthood), in conjunction with non-shared environmental experiences (30%) (McClearn et al., 1997). It has been suggested that this occurs because small genetic effects in childhood become amplified during development. Furthermore, shared environmental effects (influences increasing similarity among family members) on intelligence, while modest in childhood, decrease to near zero by adolescence (Mackintosh, 1998).
Describe studies showing a gene x environment interaction
This idea, that a specific genotype will only lead to a certain phenotype under the right environmental circumstances (or that a genotype can be moderated by the environment), is an example of ‘gene–environment interaction’.
- AGE One such example of behavior genetics elucidating effects of the environment is the finding that between-family effects (i.e., differ- ences in shared environment) typically decline sharply with increas- ing age (Rowe, 1994). In other words, rather than the effects of exposure to parents, social status, and neighborhoods cementing and amplifying their effects, instead they appear to diminish over time.
- MEDIATING ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES While identical twins may have some similar personality traits, however, they still have distinct personalities, suggesting that genetics are not the only factor in determining personality.
HEATH (1998) divided a sample of female Australian twins into pairs concordant for a marriage-like partnership, concordant for no relationship, and discordant. The heritability of depression increased from 29% in married twins to 51% in unmarried twins over 31 years of age. Marriage, therefore, acted as a protective factor by reducing the genetic liability to depressive symptoms.
Ozkaragoz and Noble described a good example of gene–environment interaction. They showed that children of alcoholic parent(s) scored significantly higher on extraversion if carrying specific DRD2 genotypes
Describe research on the genetics of homosexuality
Has been suggested to be biologically based as many homosexuals report that they were attracted to members of the same sex before having any sexual experiences.
Current evidence suggests that genes provide modest and indirect influence (via childhood gender nonconformity) on adult sexual orientation.
- LANGSTROM etal 2010 found that homosexuality tends to run in families and that MZ twins are more likely than DZ twins to have the same sexual preference. Thus suggesting a genetic predisposition to homosexuality.
- - However, it is not completely genetic in origin - as 100% concordance rates are not found, there is the implication that the environment has an effect on sexual orientation. - BAILEY 2000: recruited twins systematically from the Australian Twin Registry and assessed their sexual orientation and 2 related traits: childhood gender nonconformity and continuous gender identity. Multivariate analyses showed that familial factors were important causes in the covariation among the three traits, and provided some support for genetic factors.
In a recent review the lowest concordances for single-sex MZ samples were 47% and 48%, for men and women, respectively (Bailey & Pillard, 1995).
In contrast, our MZ concordances were 20% and 24%, respectively, for the strict criterion that is most similar to those used in prior studies. This suggests that concordances from prior studies were inflated because of concordance-dependent ascertainment bias (Kendler & Eaves, 1989).
How can we understand the environment using genetics
An example of the use of genetic research to help us understand the environment has been called ‘the nature of nurture’ (PLOMIN, 1994).
Twin and adoption studies have shown that genetic factors can have effects on the environment itself and that such effects can be found on aspects of the environment measured in psychological research. Such effects, known as ‘genotype–environment correlations’, could operate in various ways. Genetic factors could affect the reactions we evoke in others and the experiences that we select, construct and re-construct in memory.
For example, autistic children evoke distancing responses in others and select non-social experiences that reinforce their genetic tendency towards social and communication abnormalities. Environmental influences need to be examined in genetically sensitive designs, and genetic influences need to be examined in environmentally sensitive designs that incorporate specific measures of the environment (Rutter et al., 1997).
Briefly describe the complexity of genes and personality
It is important to remember that genes are not solely responsible for our personality. Personality is a complex trait. A complex trait is a trait that is influenced by many different genetic and environmental factors.
Personality traits are also polygenic. This means that multiple genes are involved in determining a trait. In other words, there is no one ‘personality gene.’ These two factors make the study of genetic personality traits extremely complicated. Because personality is a complex trait, most researchers recognize that the genetic portion of our personality cannot be completely separated from environmental influences.
Strengths of a genetic (biological) explanation
Its strict adherence to scientific methodology. All factors are reduced to quantifiable variables that can be reliably measured by personality trait models and questionnaires. The personality measures are standardized across measurements, and these measures of personality are very compatible with statistical analyses, providing an easily administered and measurable definition of personality. - CAUSAL
This method can also be deterministic, meaning that some factors are identified as causal—i.e., certain brain structures or patterns may be identified as causing certain psychological outcomes. Because of this, the biological perspective can be useful in identifying causes of and effective treatments for personality and mood disorders. For example, identifying seratonin imbalance as a cause of depression led to the development of selective seratonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which have been found to be an effective treatment for depression.
Controversy of genetic explanations of personality
Behavioural geneticists attempt to determine the degree to which individual differences in personality are caused by genetic and environmental differences.
However this may result in a renewed interest in eugenics (encouraging preserving or purifying the gene pool of the elite in order to improve human blood lines) which is highly controversial due to the serious real world implications it as genetic mapping and washing may be a consequence.
But, modern behavioral geneticists who study personality are typically very careful about addressing implications of work and are sensitive to ideological concerns and finding that a personality trait has a genetic component does not mean the environment is powerless to modify the trait. Caution must be taken, and this information must be revelled to the public as to not put citizens in danger for their personality e.g. in aggressive behaviour, they are labelled as ‘criminals’
PLOMIN: reports the danger of new modern research into molecular genetics as the closer researchers may reach finding specific genes do certain traits such as intelligence they might be misused by the public. An egg donor service exists in New York whereby specific eggs are chosen by an individual and often intelligence is the number one trait that is considered eg looking at the parents education levels etc
Limitations of a genetic (biological) explanation
- It focuses almost exclusively on the nature side of the nature vs. nurture debate (the debate about whether genetics or environment are more influential in human development). Because of this exclusive focus, other factors that are integral to personality are not included. Hormones, neurotransmitters, and genetics are the key factors in this focus; the effects of environmental and social factors, however, are often overlooked. Twin studies have shown that heritable factors are not the only predictor of personality or even diseases such as schizophrenia; the biological perspective does not fully address non-heritable factors.
General evaluation of genetic research
of suggesting that personality traits such as aggressive behaviour is hereditary, as genetic research remains tentative in its conclusions. The proposal that people are predisposed towards aggressive behaviour can lead to the development of a stigma as the individual is labelled as a criminal. This has negative implications as labelling can stimulate a ‘self fulfilling prophecy’ effect. So, it is important that the public should have an awareness of the limitations of studies supporting a genetic causation of aggression in order to prevent such attitudes from emerging.
– Furthermore, the search for genes involved in behaviour has led to a number of ethical concerns: there is fear that the results will be used to justify social inequality, to select individuals for education or employment, or to enable parents to pick and choose among their foetuses. These concerns are largely based on misunderstandings about how genes affect complex traits such as the mistaken implication of therapeutic nihilism mentioned earlier, the assumption that genetic factors imply determinism, or that genetics justifies the status quo (Rutter & Plomin, 1997). - HIGH PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
Geneticists need clinical psychology to define phenotypes, to design treatment, intervention and prevention programmes, and to evaluate these programmes. For clinical psychology, DNA may eventually lead to gene-based diagnoses and treatment programmes. The most exciting potential is secondary prevention. Because DNA analysis can be used to predict genetic risk for an individual, it offers the hope for intervention before disorders create cascades of complications.
– Furthermore, it has significant implications in the real world where personality psychology can help provide data that contributes to controversial discussions. In terms of sexual orientation for example, a scientific understanding provided to the public over this topic can raise societal awareness and dissipate irrational fears (HEREK, 2006). Thus, reducing stigmas that may surround certain social and political issues.
– sensitive parenting so that parents treat and nurture children based on individual differences rather than treating them all the same to increase potential reached - SAMPLE SIZES:
BAILEY 2000: Consistent with several studies of siblings (Bailey & Bell, 1993; Bailey & Benishay, 1993; Pillard, 1990; Pillard & Weinrich, 1986), we found that sexual orientation is familial. In contrast to most prior twin studies of sexual orientation, however, ours did not provide statistically significant support for the importance of genetic factors for that trait. This does not mean that our results support heritability estimates of zero, though our results do not exclude them either. Our findings are also consistent with moderate to large heritabilities for both male and female sexual orientation, and the confidence intervals of our estimates include estimates from earlier studies.
- Our findings demonstrate the necessity of very large sample sizes to resolve familial variance into its genetic and shared environmental components, when one is studying traits with unfavorable distributions, such as sexual orientation. - CULTURAL BIAS Epstein argued that heritability may not be as precise as they appear to be presented. He suggested that many twin studies for example Minnesota one compared people from a relatively narrow range of cultures and environments. Therefore, if the range had been much greater - say Pygmies and Eskimos as well as middle-class Americans - then environment would certainly contribute more to personality. The results might have shown environment to be a far more powerful influence than heredity.
- UNIVARIATE VS MULTIVARIATE although a good deal of research investigating herita- ble influences on single traits has been undertaken, study designs with multiple variables, designs utilizing discordant twins to exam- ine causal effects of the environment, and gene-environment inter- action (G E) designs that allow more sophisticated questions concerning genetic and environmental influences to be answered, are much less common. Many traits have yet even to be examined let alone different measurement instruments compared, or interac- tions and genetic correlations studied. Even for traits such as intelligence, the number of G E studies remains under a dozen de- spite over 20 years of interest in the topic (Hanscombe et al., 2012).
- CAPITALISATION unscrupulous businesses like My Gene Profile (which offers the “Inborn Talent Genetic Test” for the low low price of $1,397) have capitalized on the public’s desire for simple explanations.
- NOT DUE TO A SINGLE GENE much less genomic data is available on personality traits. What can be said with high certainty is that none of the candidate genes for personality (including DRD4, 5HTT- LPR and COMT) have held up in meta-analyses. If these genes are associated with personality at all, their individual effects are tiny [15,16].
Describe genetics and the structure of personality
This taxonomic approach has helped to advance the field by providing a common language for the structure of basic traits. However, because this work operates at the phenotypic level, unresolved questions concerning underlying aetiological bases still exist. A powerful alternative to this approach is to use genetically informative data directed specifically at testing the underlying structure of personality.
At the simplest level, multivariate genetic studies can establish the number of distinct genetic and/or environmental factors in a dataset and so provide the means to test trait architecture.
Univariate behavioral genetic work has found this to be a false distinction, indicating fairly even contributions of both genes and environments to each of the five broad personality traits. However, because univariate methods cannot make claims about the structure of genetic or environmental effects multivariate methods are necessary to distinguish between the commonality and specificity of genetic and environmental effects, and to test whether common effects can be plausibly specified to operate indirectly on specific facets by way of more general traits
Only two research studies have utilized confirmatory, multivariate, behavior genetic methods to analyze the genetic and environmental structure of the FFM facets.
- JANG et al. (2002) were the first to use con- firmatory behavior genetic structural equation modeling methodologies to investigate the structure of the FFM. These researchers found that two, rather than one, genetic and nonshared environment latent factors were required to successfully account for the variance in the facets of each trait.
They found that the common pathways model fit for Extraversion and Neurot- icism. - JOHNSON + KRUEGER (2004) also found more complex genetic and environmental effects than expected by the FFM. Models that were fit with trait hierarchy as hypothesized by the FFM fit more poorly than more complex models for all traits except Extraversion and Neuroticism. These findings call into question whether the Big Five or any higher-order metatraits can be considered genetically crisp.
Introduction to essay
Personality traits are relatively stable dimensions of individual differences in cognition, affect and behavior. Human personality traits can be organized around five independent dimensions: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism, Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience. These dimensions are of interest, as they are substantial predictors of important life outcomes, from educational and occupational attainment to lifetime reproductive success and longevity [1-3]. The strongest single predictor of any personality trait is the standing of one’s biological parents on the same trait: About 50% of the variation in broad personality traits is genetically heritable [4]. The finding is hardly surprising, as virtually all human traits ever studied with quantitative behavior genetic designs (e.g., twin and adoption studies) show substantial genetic components [5] — a finding so robust that it has been enshrined as the first law of behavior genetics
Describe where the future of behavioural genetics is going
MOLECULAR GENETICS: The process of trying to understand why some genes are expressed in some but not in others as well as specific genes that may be underlying facets of personality
BUT… It was hoped that by finding specific genotypes, it would be possible to elucidate how genes influence the development of personality, from cells to temperament to social behavior. Nevertheless, more than a decade later, despite many concerted gene searches, improvements in the techniques used, more power to detect specific genetic effects, and significant reductions in the costs of implementing these techniques, the field is plagued by an inability to replicate gene–personality associations across different studies.
In QTL analysis, researchers determine how much of the variance in a given personality trait is accounted for by the genetic markers. Major obstacle in QTL analysis often is small sample size, which limits the ability to detect significant QTL gene effects
Several of these methodological limitations will most likely be dealt with through technological advances and a reduction in cost of molecular genetic research, which will allow, in particular, for greater sample size.
SOURCES OF ENVIRONMENT INFLUENCE: move beyond broad estimates of the relative influences of genes vs. environment and focus on the transaction between these sources of influence.
DUE TO NEW QUANT METHODS: In biometrical modeling, researchers use data from genetically informative samples (e.g., twin and adoption studies) to decompose the total variation in a psychological characteristic into those effects due to (i) genes, (ii) shared environment, and (iii) nonshared environment. Genetic effects index the extent to which observed or ‘phenotypic’ variation in a trait arises from genetic differences among people
These models are able to bring heritability to a more specific level and estimate genetic and environmental influences on personality as a function of variations that can be measured for each specific individual.
KRUEGER illustrates one application of this model using data from the Minnesota Twin Family Study. Goal for this study was to show how adolescents’ perceptions of their relationships with their parents affected the relative importance of genetic and environmental effects on positive and negative emotionality
Using biometrical moderation models, we found significant moderation for Positive and Negative Emotionality, such that adolescent’s perceived relationships with their parents acted to both enhance and diminish genetic and environmental effects
Parents do not typically have a direct impact via the shared environment, but this is just one way in which parents might have an impact on offspring, beyond their provision of genetic endowments. Our findings point to another way in which parents matter, specifically, in the way genetic effects are enhanced or dampened depending on contextual factors in the family.