Biological Approach to Treating OCD Flashcards


Outline the biological approach to treating OCD (6 marks)


Drug therapy is a biological treatment for OCD. Drug therapy works by balancing levels of the neurotransmitters in the brain in order to relieve symptoms of OCD. One drug used is an anti-depressant known as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI’s) which are serotonin agonists. SSRI’s increase serotonin activity by blocking the re-absorption of serotonin to the pre synaptic neurone, so it continues to activate the post synaptic neurone. These drugs have been shown to reduce anxiety associated with OCD. SSRI’s usually take around 3 to 4 months to alleviate symptoms of OCD and the dosage can vary from person to person. Alternatively, SNRI’s have been used to treat OCD as they increase the levels of serotonin and noradrenaline activity and can be used if SSRI’s have not been effective.

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Discuss the biological approach to treating OCD (3 X AO3)


Research to support the effectiveness of drug therapy as a treatment of OCD was conducted by Soomro et al. Soomro et al reviewed 17 studies of the use of SSRI’s to treat OCD and found that SSRI’s were more effective in reducing symptoms of OCD compared to placebos. Typically, symptoms reduced in around 70% of people taking SSRI’s For the remaining 30% most can me helped with either alternative drugs or a combinations of drugs and psychological therapies. Therefore, showing the effectiveness of drug therapy as a treatment for OCD.

There is some evidence to suggest that even if drug treatments are helpful for most people with OCD they may not be most effective treatments available. Skapinakis et al carried out a systematic review of outcome studies and concluded that both cognitive and behavioural therapies were more effective than SSRI’s in the treatment of OCD. This means that drugs may not be the optimum treatment for OCD.

One reason that drug therapy may be effective is due to the fact that they require little motivation from patients. Patients only have to remember to take their tablet in order to reduce their symptoms of OCD. This may be a better option than CBT to treat OCD as this requires motivation from patients to attend sessions challenge their irrational thoughts. Due to this, some patients may prefer drug therapy as a treatment for OCD. THINK FURTHER: As well as requiring little motivation, the Biological treatment for OCD is also cost effective which benefits the NHS, many doctors and patients prefer drug therapy for these reasons. This benefits the economy as money saved on treating OCD through drug therapy in the NHS can be spent elsewhere benefitting society.

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