Biological Approach Flashcards
What are the assumptions of the biological approach (2)
Humans are biological beings so behaviour should be explained in reference to biology.
Biological structures, Neurochemistry, genetics and evolution are all differnet aspects of biology that influence human behaviour
What are examples of the influence of biological structures on behaviour
The Endocrine system (the largest biological structure) is a body wide system of glands and each gland releases chemicals called hormones
What is an example of a gland that influences behvaviour
The adrenal gland. Activates a flight or fight response
When the brain detects a threat it instructs the adrenal gland to secrete adrenaline which travels through the body via the bloodstream
The effects of it include:Increased blood flow to the brain and muscles whilst decreasing blood flow to digestion and surface skin
What is an example of a sexual hormone in men that affect behaviour
Testosterone is linked to higher levels of aggression
What are the 3 parts of the brain needed to be learnt
Brain stem-Controls core physiological functions including heart rate and breathing
Cerebellum-involved in coordinating muscle movement and balance
Cerebrum-Has two hemispheres connected by a bundle of nerve fibres called the corpus callosum
Name the 4 lobes in the brain
Frontal-Controls the rational decision making
Occipital- Controls visual perception
Parietal-Recieves sensory information
Temporal- Recives auditory information
What are the 3 things in the Limbatic system
Define localisation of function
The idea that specific brain areas are responsible for certain functions
What is the Limbatic system
It controls the emotional centre of the brain
What does the brains biological structure consists of
Nerve cells and neurons through which information travels electronically
The neurons have gaps called synapses which convert electrical signals into a chemical signal
What is the synaptic cleft
The gap between neurons
What are action potentials
a type of electrical signal that reaches the axon terminal triggering the release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft
These neurotransmitters then bind to receptors on the post synpatic neuron.
What happens when neurotransmitters bind to recpetors
they can increase the likelihood of a new action potential or inhibitory making an electric charge less likely
What are some of the roles neurotransmitters have on the body
the release of serotonin dopamine noraadrenaline and guatamate
Serotonin-associated with well being and happiness
Dopamine is the bodies reward system and is linked to pleasure and it can be affcted ny substances like cocaine
Noraadrenaline is related to attention
glutamate is key for learming and memory
What is a practical application of neurotransmmitters
The development of drug therapies such as SSRIs(Selected Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) are used to treat deprrssion and OCD. They work by targetting serotonin and preventing its reabsorbtion into the presynaptic cell enhanicing its activity in the syunaptic celeft influecing behavior and improving mood