biol_220_demonstration_quiz_20240316210343 Flashcards
What can differential staining help determine?
Cell shape, arrangement, size, and identification
What is the most common way to differentiate two groups of bacteria?
Gram staining is a common way to differentiate between two groups of bacteria is through their cell wall components. It is a 2-part procedure where you prepare and take a specimen and proceed with the staining process.
What are the differences in staining and bacterial cell walls in gram-positive and gram-negative?
Gram-positive: Purple or Violet, Large amounts of Peptidoglycan in cell wall layer
Gram-negative: Red or Pink, little amounts of Peptidoglycan in cell wall layer
What is the function of Iodine?
Iodine acts as a mordant, which helps the dye stick to the smear.
Which dye does iodine act as a mordant to?
Crystal Violet
How does alcohol aid in the staining process?
Alcohol acts as a decolorizer and washes off the dye from gram-negative bacteria. Alcohol also dissolves the lipids found in the outer cell membrane of gram-negative bacteria to allow safranin to adhere to the bacteria.
Colorless bacterial cell wall is ______ charged.
What allows dyes to bind to cell walls?
Dyes have chromophores that are positively charged. Opposite charges are attracted to one another which allows the dyes to bind to the cell wall (peptidoglycan layer).
What happens if you run the alcohol for too long?
If you run the alcohol for more than 20 seconds, you will get false gram-negative results when it should be gram-positive.
What happens if you run the alcohol for too little?
If you run the alcohol for less than 20 seconds, you will get false gram-positive results when it should be gram-negative.