BioElectricity Local Currents (graded Potential) Action Potentials Flashcards
Electricity and Bioelectricity
Electricity and Bioelectricity
Electricity - Flow of electrons
* Force is an electrical gradient
Bioelectricity - Flow of ions
* Force is a chemical gradient and eletrical gradient combined
Transmembrane Potential
Transmembrane Potential
- Driving force for ion flow across the cell membrane
- Extracellular fluid - higher concetration of NA ions and CL ions and Ca2+ ions
- Intracellular Fluid - higher concentration of K ions and Proteins (A-)
- Concentration gradient maintained by active transport of sodium ions out of cell and postassium ions into cell
- NA/K ATPase exchange pump
Gated Ion Chanels
Gated Ion Chanels
(on/off switched for bioelectricity)
Pathway for ion flow across the cell membrane
* Chemically gated (Neurotransmitters and Hormones)
* Voltage gated
* Mechanically Gates ( presure on cell membrane)
Gated chanels open in response to various signals (stimuli)
* Ions flow across membrane by difsuiion down their concentration gradient
* Typically stay open only Briefly
Ion Flow across a membrane requires:
* Chemical and or electrical concentration gradient (driving force)
* Transmembrane poteantial
* Pathway
* Ion chanel through the membrane
Ion flow through the cytoplasm or interstitial fluid (local current) requires:
* Chemical and or electrical concentration gradient (driving force)
Local Current - Graded Potential
Local Current - Graded Potential
Driving force is concentration gradient created by ions coming across membran through open chanels
* ions travel a short distance through cytoplasm or or interstitial fluid
* Cytoplasm and interstitial fluid have high resistance to ion flow
* Depolarization or hyperpolarization effect decreases with distance from open chanel
Bioelectricity and conduction of electrical signals in nervoussystem
Bioelectricity and conduction of electrical signals in nervoussystem
local currents (graded potentials) transmit bioelectric signals over short distances
* Typical of dendrites and cell bodies in NS
Action Potentials need to transmit bioelectric signals over long distances
* Typical of Axons
* Typical of long dendrites of unipolar and Bipolar sensory neurons
* Unique to excitible cells
* An unstoppable chain reaction of small local currents
Action Potential of Voltage Gated Chanels
Action Potential of Voltage Gated Chanels
Sodium ion Channel
* Open rapidly in response to depolarization (-60mV threshold)
* Inactivate or close rapidly after opening and can not reopen until return to resting rate
* Absolute refractory period - can not reopen
Potassium Ion Channel
* Open slowley in response to depolirization (at +30mV)
* Close slowley after repolarization
Action Potentials
Action Potentials
Steps involved:
* Membrane depolarization stimulus occurs
* Sodium Channel activates - NA ions flow into cell, duter depolarizing
* Sodium chanel innactivation - NA ions stop flowing
* Potasium channel activates - K+ ions flow out of the cell, repolarizing and then hyperpolarizing the membrane
* Return to normal permeability - Both channels are inactivated
Action Potentials
Action Potentials
Ion Restoration
* Only a small amount of sodium ions and potassium ions cross the membrane
* Transmembrane potential (like a battery) can power many action potentials before becoming depleated
* Sodium-Potassium ATPase exchange pump maintains transmembrane potential over time but is not needed each action potential
Action Potentials
Action Potentials
Generation of action potential follows all or none principle
* Requires threshold depolarization to initiate an action potential
* Threshold depolarization - amount of depoloarization needed to open voltage gted sodium chanels
* Threshold depolarization comes from local current spreading throughout the cytoplasm
Action Potentials
Action Potentials
Continuous Propagation
* Unmylenated axons
* Propagation of action potential along entire membrane in series of small steps
Saltatory Propegation
* Myelinated axons
* Porpagation of action potential from node to node, skipping internodal membrane
Continuous Propagation of an AP
Continuous Propagation of an AP
- Threshold level of local current spreads to AP initation site
AP is initiated in small segement of axon
* Voltage gated NA+ ion chanels open, and NA+ ions flow in, Channels inactivate
* Voltage Gated K+ ion channels ope, K+ flows out of the cell casuing repolarization which closes the potasium channel - High Concentration of NA+ ions produce local current that spread down cytoplasm, bringig adjacent segemnt of axon to threshold
- AP is initiated in the adjacent small segement of axon
* Cycle is repeated - local current spreading from each action potential creates an AP in the next adjcent segment
Saltatory Propagation of an AP
Saltatory Propagation of an AP
- Threshold level of local current spreads to AP initation site
- AP is initiated in small segment of axon
- High concentration of NA+ ions produces local current that spread relativley down cytoplasm, bringing adjacent noed of axon to threshold
- AP is initiated in these adjacent nodes
* Cycle is repeated, local current spreading from each action potential creates an AP in the next adjacent nodes
Clasification of Nerve Fibers
Clasification of Nerve Fibers
Large Fibers
* Type A Fibers: Largest Diamater, mylinated, fastest (140m/s)
* Motor Neurons to skeletal muscles
* Fastest Sensory informartion
Slower, small fibers
* Type B Fibers: Small diamater, myleinated, moderate speed (18m/s)
* Type C Fibers: Small diamater, unmylenated slowest (1m/s)
* Efferent neurons sending action potentials to smooth, caridac muscle, and gland cells
* Slow sensory information
Synapse - cell to cell
* Presynaptic cell
* Postsynaptic cell
* Neuron, muscle, or gland (fat cells)
Eletrical synapses or Chemical synpses