Biodiversity And Classifications Of Microorganism Prt 2 Flashcards
What are the five kingdoms
●Kingdom Monera
●Kingdom Protista
●Kindom Animalia
●Kingdom fungi
●Kingdom Plantae
A scientist who is responsible for the placing of an organism within a specific group
Is an organism consisting of only one cell
An organism consisting of many cells
The variety of organisms found in an area or on earth
Why are viruses not placed in one of the kingdoms
That’s because viruses display some non-living and living characteristics
A protein coat surrounding the nuclei material of a virus
Means non-cellular
Obligate parasite
A parasite organism that can not complete its life cycle without exploiting a suitable host(if a obligate parasite can not obtain a host it will fail to reproduce).
A organism that Harbour a parasite.
A organism that causes diseases.
A type of virus that infects bacteria…(phage means to eat).
An irregularly shaped region within the cell of a Prokaryot that contains all or most of the genetic material.
An organism where the nuclear material is not enclosed in a membrane.
Any single or multicellular group of organisms that have a membrane bound nucleus containing genetic material.
A whip like protuding filaments that help cells or microorganisms move
Animals which can synthesize their own food
Any organism that sources food from its environment because it cannot make its own food.
Plant or fungal microorganisms that feeds on dead or decaying tissues of other organisms.
Binary fission
Asexual Reproduction of a single cell in which divides by mitosis.
Is a small circular ,double stranded DNA molecule that is distinct from a cells chromosomal DNA
Two types of autotrophic bacteria that can manufacture their own food
●Photosynthetic bacteria (which use sunlight energy )
●chemosynthetic bacteria (which get their energy from chemical processes)
Three types of heterotrophic bacteria that can not manufacture their own food
●Parasitic bacteria - (That obtain their foods from other living organisms)
●Saprotrophic - DECOMPOSERS(they obtain their food from dead animals and plants)
●mutualistic bacteria- (That form a relationship with another organism.Both organisms benefit from the relationship.
Living in or around water
Very small plants (algae)that float on or near the surface of the water.
Consisting of small animals and the immature stages of larger animals which float on or near the surface if the water
Organisms that are usually attached to something and can not move on their own but can move through outside sources.
3 types of protists
●mainly unicellular organisms found in aquatic environments
●most are autotrophic
●free floating aquatic called phytoplankton.
●free living unicellular animals living in an aquatic area
●microscopic called seaweeds
●contains various Photosynthetic pigment which give them a green ,red or brownish color.
●may be free floating or sessil.
A fibrous substance consisting of polysaccharides, which is a major constituent in the exoskeleton of arthropods and the cell walls of fungi
A network of multi called thread like filaments forming the mycelium of a fungus
A vegetative mass or network of fungi hyphae found in and on soil or organic substances
Multi nucleate
Cells that have more than one nucleus per cell
Threadlike structures that anchor lower plants and fungi to a surface
A form-fitting asexual Reproduction which involves the pinching off of offspring from the parent cell the offering cell is genetically identical to the cell
Various shapes of Bacteria
●Coccus—round shaped
●bacillus—rod shaped
●spirillum—spiral shaped
●vibrio—comma shaped
3 types of protists
1.phytoplankton -(plant like protista)
2.Zooplankton-(animal like protista)
Two main decomposers
Decomposers(fungi and bacteria)
They break down dead plants and animal remains and return the nutrients to the soil
Nitrogen fixing bacteria
microorganisms capable of transforming atmospheric nitrogen into fixed nitrogen
Where are nitrogen fixing bacteria found
What does nitrogen fixation do
Convert nitrogen gas from air into ammonia or ammonium in soil
3 types of symbiosis relationships
•mutualism – both organisms benefit e.g. lichens
• commensalism – one species benefits whilst the other does not benefit, nor is it
• parasitism – one species benefits whilst the other is harmed
Relationships between nitrogen fixing bacteria and plants
Relationship between nitrogen fixing bacteria and plants
➢ Some nitrogen-fixing bacteria live in special nodules in the roots of legumes.
➢ They produce nitrates for the plant while the plant provides the bacterium with
a habitat, carbohydrates and water.
Downloaded from
➢ Both the plant and the bacteria benefit in this relationship. (mutualism)
Relationship between E.coli bacteria and humans
●E.coli obtains food from humans
Decomposes food and synthesizes vitamins B,E and K
A protozoan which moves using pseudopodia
A protozoan which moves using the flagellum
Diseases caused by viruses
Symptoms of HIV
The study of viruses
Bacterium that causes tuberculosis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Ways in which HIV is transmissited
●blood transfusion
●sexual intercourse
●sharing needles
How to avoid HIV
●wear gloves when attending a bleeding person
●Use a condom
●practice abstinence
Name the vector that spreads malaria
Anophelae mosquitoes(only female)
Name 3 organs that mycobacyerium tuberculosis attacks
Effects of TB
●extreme tiredness
●loss of appetite and height
●chest pains
●fever and sweating at night
●coughing up blood
Causes the disease malaria
Symptoms of malaria
●sweating,flu like symptoms
●neusea and vomiting
Causes of malaria
●brains disease
●severe anemia
●kidney failure
What microorganisms can manufacture their own food by photosynthesis
●autotrophic bacteria
Role of Bacteria in the nitrogen cycle
• Free living bacteria can convert atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia and nitrates.
• Higher plants can only use nitrogen when it is in the form of nitrates, so they
rely on bacteria for the conversion.
• Some plants form special relationships with nitrogen fixing bacteria.
• When plants and animals die, de-nitrifying bacteria return nitrogen to the
atmosphere by a process called denitrification.
refers to the living together of two or more species of organism
Name the form of nitrogen which higher plants use
Describe THREE ways in which nitrogen becomes available to higher
●Nitrogen Fixation
What is the ecological role of algae A as producers in the ecosystem?
As autotrophic organisms, algae convert water and carbon dioxide to sugar through the process of photosynthesis.
What is the role of oxygen in maintaining ecological balance
Living organisms, including plants, breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide during respiration.
Escherichia coli
Where do u find e coli
E coli lives I the large intestines of humans
Two types of immunity
• Natural immunity – it is present at birth
• Acquired immunity - develops after exposure to pathogens or after
Passive response
Plants use passive response to prevent pathogens from entering
Active response
Plants use active response to fight pathogens when infected
Vaccinations or immunisation is the process of giving a vaccine either by
injection or orally (by mouth) to prevent disease.
• The antibodies stay in the blood and give long lasting protection against
disease. e.g. vaccination of corona Virus to prevent COVID-19
It is the use of micro-organisms to make products which are useful to humans.
These include medicines such as antibiotics and insulin and foods such as
maas (fermented milk), bread, wine/beer and cheese
●Antibiotics - are drugs that fight infections caused by bacteria.
- cannot fight infections caused by viruses.
- Example of antibiotic is penicillin which is produced from fungus
called Penicillium