Biodiversity Flashcards
Gene pool
All of the alleles of all the genes in a population
Gene pool constant
Population is not evolving
Gene pool changing
There are selection pressures and population is evolving
A class of similar organisms that can interbreed freely, producing fertile offspring
Morphologically similar
Look similar
Homologous chromosomes
Have the same genes in the same places (different alleles)
The number and appearance or chromosomes in a cell nucleus
An area in which organisms interact with each other and their environment
Entire set of organisms which coexist in a particular ecosystem at a particular time
The physical and biotic surroundings
The total number of individuals of a species within a community in a particular ecosystem at a particular time
An area within an ecosystem in which a particular organism lives
The way an organism uses its environment and its role in the community
Fundamental niche
Largest niche an organism could occupy if there was no competition
Realised niche
The niche that is actually occupied by the organism
When an organism involves its behavioural, physiological, anatomical features for survival in their habitat
Behavioural adaptations
Actions that help an organism survive within a habitat eg penguins huddle
Physiological adaptations
Features of the cells, tissues, or systems in the body in order for an organism to suit its habitat for survival eh whales thick blubber warm
Anatomical adaptations
Visible, physical features that enable an organism to survive better in their habitat eg Arctic hare small ears lose less heat
Mutual benefit of two or more organisms as a result of a mutual survival adaptation
A change in allele frequency in a population over time (which results in a change behaviour, psyiology, and/or anatomy)