- boyle law (1662)
- inverse relationship between the pressure and volume of a gas at constant temperature.
Robert Boyle (1627- 1691)
-Father of modern chemistry
-Establish law of conservation of mass
-Named oxygen and hydrogen, showed how they combine to form water.
Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794)
- synthesized urea, challenging vitalism and suport the idea of organic arising from inorganic sources. (1828)
Friedrich Wohler
-proposed that plants are compose of cells
- cell is the basic unit of plant structure
Matthias Schleiden (1838)
-proposed animal are also composed of cells
Formulated first two tenet of cell theory with Schleiden.
Theodor Schwann (1839)
-introduced third tenet of cell theory “All cells come from pre existing cells” (omnis cellula e cellula)
- importance of cell divusion in the growth and development of organisms
Rudolf Virchow (1855)
Three fundamental tenets
- All living organisms are composed of one or more cells.
- The cell is the basic unit of structure and organization in organisms.
- All cells come from pre- existing cells
-coined term “biochemistry” in 1903
- study of chemical processes in living organisms, understand enzymes and carbohydrate metabolism
Carl Neuberg
- discover of cell-free fermentation and;
- demostrated the existence of enzymes and challenged vitalistic views.
Eduard Buchner
-Identified components of RNA.
- Introduced term “nucleotide” and contributes to understanding of nucleic acids
Phoebus Levene (1919-1920s)
- Discovered insulin in 1921
- made a breakthrough in diabetes treatment.
Frederick Banting and John Macleod
-proposed the concept of “vitamines” (1910)
-particularly B-vitamins
Casimir Funk
- works on vitamic C and citric acid cycle
Albert Szent- Gyorgi
- elucidated the ctirc acid cycle (Krebs cycle) in 1937.
- inderstanding energy production in cells.
Hans Adolf Krebs
-Chargaffs rule-amount of cytosine
- provides crucial insights into DNA structure.
Erwin Chargaff