Ancient bacteria; One of the two kingdoms of kingdom Monera.
Binomial Nomenclature
“two names”; Organisms are named based on their genus and species.
Carl Linnaeus
The father of modern taxonomy; proposed a system in 1758
for classifying living things, which we still build on today.
A kingdom that contains all procaryotes except archaebacteria.
One of the kingdoms, includes mushrooms, yeasts and certain types of mold.
The first and largest category to classify organisms.
Levels of Taxonomy
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Genus, Species.
Prokaryotic, unicellular organisms made up of various kinds of bacteria.
Any microscopic organism not part of kingdom bacteria,
fungi, plant, or animal is part of the Protista kingdom.
The formation of new and distinct species in the course
of evolution, according to the Evolutionary Theory.
A group of similar organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring.
The discipline of naming and classifying organisms.
Made of a single cell.
Who was Aristotle?
He was the most well-known man among the ancients
who attempted to classify living creatures.
Whats the difference between a millipede and a centipede?
Millipedes have two pairs of legs, while Centipedes have only one pair of legs.
The definition of species:
A group of organisms that resembles each other in shape and size and can potentially interbreed naturally.
Homologous structures
Homologous structures are anatomical features that inherit the basic structure from common ancestors.
Compounds that block the growth and reproduction of bacteria.
Binary fission
A form of asexual reproduction in which one cell divides to form identical cells.
protein shell
outside cell wall; keeps the cell from drying out.
chemosynthetic bacteria
bacteria which are autotrophs which don’t use the sun, but instead use chemicals within their environment to produce energy
Smaller hoops of extra DNA some bacteria have that give them special characteristics.
Many bacteria are decomposers or organisms that
break down the dead remains of other organisms.
Long thread like structures that help bacteria move.
Host cell
Living cell in which a virus replicates.
Lysogenic cycle
A viral reproductive cycle in which the viral DNA is added to the
host cell DNA and is copied along with the host cells DNA.
Lytic cell
A viral reproductive cycle in which copies of a virus are within the
host of a cell, which then bursts open, releasing new viruses.