Bio SAQ Retake Flashcards
Describe one technique used to study the brain in relation to behavior.
What is an MRI scan?
the technique is MRI scanning
Magnetic Resonance Imaging/gives a three-dimensional picture of the** brain structures**/
Describe one technique used to study the brain in relation to behavior.
What do MRI scans measure?
through its magnetic field and radio waves, the activity of hydrogen molecules in tissues/grey matter/density
the image can be seen as a slice of the brain or 3 dimensionally
Describe one technique used to study the brain in relation to behavior.
Pros of MRIs?
non-invasive/image is high-resolution
Describe one technique used to study the brain in relation to behavior.
Aim of Draganski
to see if learning how to juggle would have an effect on the brains of the partcipants
Describe one technique used to study the brain in relation to behavior.
Sample of Draganski
21 females 3 males/all non-jugglers/got a baseline MRI scan of grey matter and brain structure
Describe one technique used to study the brain in relation to behavior.
Procedure of Draganski
participants were seperated into jugglers and non juggler groups: those in the juggler group were asked to practice until they mastered it before calling researchers.
After letting researchers know, that group got a second scan.
3 months later after being told not to juggle anymore, the third and final scan occured. The non-jugglers were acting as control group.
Describe one technique used to study the brain in relation to behavior.
Procedure of Draganski continued.
Researchers used voxel based morthology (VBM) to determine if there were significant differences in neural density (grey matter) in the brains of jugglers vs. non-jugglers.
Describe one technique used to study the brain in relation to behavior.
Results of Draganski
From baseline, no significant differences in grey matter between 2 conditions/but then jugglers had a larger amount of grey matter in mid-temporal lobes in both hemispheres than non jugglers/but after stopping juggling, grey matter decreased in jugglers
non-jugglers remained the same throughout the entire study
juggling relies more on visual memory than on “procedural memory” which would more likely show change in the cerebellum or basal ganglia. But we instead saw changes in mid-temporal lobes which associate with visual memory
What’s a True Lab?
Explain the use of one research method in one study using the biological approach to understanding human behavior.
able to see direct causation {IV and DV}/able to randomly allocate participants into groups/standardized
Explain one ethical consideration relevant to one study using a biological approach
in understanding human behavior.
Researchers must follow an ethical code when conducting research w/participants/they have a moral responsibility to protect research participants from physical and psychological harm:protection from undue stress or harm, informed consent, right to withdraw, debriefing
Aim of Troster and Beatty
Explain one ethical consideration relevant to one study using a biological approach
in understanding human behavior.
determine the role of acetylcholine in the formation and retrieval of memory
Participants in T & B
Explain one ethical consideration relevant to one study using a biological approach
in understanding human behavior.
13 men/tested for physical and mental health before procedure
Participants were briefed on the potential side effects of scopolamine (dry mouth, forgetfulness, sedation and hallucinations) and were reminded throughout that they had the right to withdraw from the study.
Procedure of T & B
Explain one ethical consideration relevant to one study using a biological approach
in understanding human behavior.
Each participant underwent all three conditions. There was a placebo group in which they were injected with a saline solution. Then there was an injection of either 0.5 mg or 0.8 mg of scopolamine.
Took 3 memory tests: Free Recall/New Map/ remote memory
Results of Troster and Beatty
Explain one ethical consideration relevant to one study using a biological approach
in understanding human behavior.
Showed that scopolamine inhibited the encoding of new memories, but did not have a significant effect on the recall of long-term memories. It appears that acetylcholine plays a role in the encoding of both semantic and spatial memories.