Bio - Review Flashcards
M - movement
R - reproduction
S - sensitivity
G - growth
R - respiration
E - excretion
N - Nutrition
What does biotic and abiotic mean?
Biotic - living
Abiotic - nonliving
What is a cell
The basic unit of life. All organisms are made up of at least one cell.
Cell theory
All cells have come from pre-existing cells
What does a plant, animal, bacteria and amboebas cells gave in common?
Genetic material, cytosol, ribosomes, a Plasma membrane.
What is genetic material, cytosol, ribosome, Plasma membrane?
Genetic material - hereditary information, container genes that code for proteins.
Cytosol - liquid inside cells, consiting 80% of water, salte and organic molecule.
Ribosome- area of protein synthesis
Plasma membrane - selects what leaves and enters the cell
First organisms on earth
Very common
Prokaryote - doesn’t contain membrane bound organelles, Single celles
Prokaryote and eukaryote
Prokqryote - Single celled organisms with no membrane bound organelles (e.g. ribosome, mitochondria). Prokaryotic organisms ade bacteria and archaea. No nucleus
Eukaryote - Single called or multicellular organisms, container membrane bound organelles. Has nucleus. Examples are fungi, plants and animals.
Single celled organisms va multicellular organism
Single - organisms contain one cell only
Mulit- an organism contains many cells
Membrane bound organelles
Structures either cells that have membranes
Cellular Features of prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Pro - lacks membrane bound organelles
- Contains ribosomes
- Genetic material is one circular DNA chromosomes located in nucleoid
- Contain small rings of double stranded DNA called plasmid
- Plasma membrane is surrounded by a cell wall
- Some bacteria have a capsule around cell wall for extra Protection
- Some have flagella for movement and pili for attaching to surface
Eukaryotic -
- contains membrane bound organelles
- contains ribosomes
- genetic material is linear in nucleus
- Plasma membrane encloses the cytoplasm
- cell wall is present in fingi, plants and Some protists
- flagella or cilia for movement (except fungi cells)
What are organelles
Structures in cells that have specific functions.
- The nucleus
- encloses in a double membrane nuclear envelope
- contains chromatin (dna and protein)
- nucleolus inside contains rna
- nuclear pores Allow RNA &other materiala to leave the nucleus
- stories and executes the genetic code in the dna
- rna carries the code to ribosomes to produced the proteins that co trolls the cells activities
- the dna is passed onto daughter cells during mitosis and meiosis
What it contains
- nuclear envelope
- chromatin
- nucleolus
- nuclear pore
Endoplasmic reticulum
- membrane bound, with a system of tubules
- rough ER is studied with ribosomes
- Smooth ER has no ribosomes
- Smooth ER : produces and transport of lipids
- rough ER: transports proteins in vehicles to the golgir apparatus
What it contains
- Smooth ER
- rough ER
- nucleus
- ribosomes
Structure :
- non membrane and made up of protein and ribosomal RNA
- synthesis of proteins, process known as translatioj
- ribosomes in cytosol make proteins useful for inside the cell, ribosomes on rough ER make proteins useful for outside of cell.
- Rna carries the code to make proteins
What it contains
- large subunit
- small subunut
- mRNA