Bio required pracs Flashcards
Describe a method to investigate the effect of antiseptics or antibiotics on bacterial growth using agar plates and measuring zones of inhibition
- Wash hands before and after
- Sterilise work surfaces before and after
- Use sterile petri dish and culture medium (agar gel) to ensure no microoganisms already present
- Place antibiotic discs onto medium (with one paper disc with no antibiotic to act as a control)
- (if using) inoculating loop to transfer culture to medium; sterilise it by holding it in bunsen burner until it glows red, thus killing the microorganisms on loop
- Use loop/swab used to streak/spread microorganism across medium
- The lid of the petri dish should be secured with adhesive tape, to prevent unwanted microorganisms entering and micro-organism leaving, but not fully as anaerobic conditions encourage growth of pathogens
- Incubate to allow growth of pathogen, upside down (to prevent condensation falling) and at 25°C, lower than optimum conditions for pathogen growth
- Leave for a few days, measure zone of inhibition and compare
Describe a method to investigate the effect of pH on the breakdown of starch by amylase
- use range of 3 values/buffer solution
- keep concentration of amylase and iodine the same and use water bath to maintain constant temperature
- start timer
- do iodine test to make qualitative observations every 10 seconds by adding it to a food sample on spotting tile
- When colour does not change, stop the timer
- Calculate the rate of reaction
- repeat at different pHs and compare
Describe a method to the investigate effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis using an aquatic organism such as pondweed
- Place a piece of pondweed in a large beaker of water.
- Shine a light at it using a lamp at a specific distance away.
- Record the number of bubbles of gas coming out of the pondweed in one minute (or other constant time).
- Repeat this with the lamp at different distances from the pondweed
- Make sure to leave time for the pondweed to adjust to the new light intensity and reach a steady rate of photosynthesis
- calculate rate of photosynthesis/oxygen production (number of bubbles / time) and compare
- CVs are type of pondweed used and the limiting factors
Describe a method for an investigation into the effect of a factor on human reaction time.
- subject should drink decaffeinated drink and wait for 5-10 mins for internal conditions to adjust
- subject should sit with lower arm resting on table to keep arm steady during test
- investigator should hold ruler vertically above subject’s thumb and forefinger at same distance each time and let go without warning with no force
- subject should catch the ruler as soon as possible
- measure distance on ruler caught at
- repeat 5 rimes for repeatability
- calculate mean reaction time
- re-do experiment but with caffeinated (stimulant) drink (and allow 5-10 mins for adjustment to internal conditions
- make sure ruler is the same weight
- compare
2 needed
Why might a computer system be better at calculating reaction time than a ruler?
- no indication before hand whether colour will change
- measurement of time more precise / resolution (of computer timer) is higher
Describe a method to investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of decay of fresh milk by measuring pH change.
- Add lipase to a test tube and place in a water bath at 20oC.
- In another test-tube add milk and 5 drops of Cresol red solution and sodium carbonate (to make it alkaline)
- Leave for 5 minutes to allow the solutions to reach the same temperature.
- Add the lipase to the milk and start the stopwatch immediately.
- Stir the mixture continuously and stop the stopwatch when the colour of the solution changes to yellow. Record time taken.
- Repeat this for different temperatures of water bath.