bio: immune system Flashcards
Epithelial membranes
produce protective chemicals (antimicrobials) that destroy microorganisms Ex. skin acidity, sebum/ear wax, saliva and tears
cellular and chemical devices
phagocytes, antimicrobials, NK, inflammatory response
chemical secreted by leukocytes, RBC and macrophages when wxposed to bacteria and other foregin substances
cheif phagocytic cells-wander throughout a region looking for cellular debris
become phagocytic when encountering infections material-help destroy pathogens by breaking them down with enzymes-kill one cell then die, can kill normal healthy cells, collection of dead neutrophils is called pus, most abundant WBC
first line denfense
secure the borders - prevent a problem from happening in the first place; skin and mucus protection prevent entry of microorganisms
second line defense
Mobilize quickly to block breach: antimicrobial proteins, phagocytes, and other cells localize the invasions, inflammation is the most important mechanism, repair the border is the desired solution
third line defense
hunt down succssessful invaders - find/profile enemy, catch and stop invaders in bodily fluids, identify and destroy the infected body cells
upper respiitory tract is cilliated - cillia sweep dust - and bacteria - laden mucus away from lower respitory passages
Mast cell
dilates blood vessels and induces inflammation through relesae of histamines and heparin. Recruits macrophages and netorphils. Involved in wound healing and defense against pathogens but can also be responsible for allergic reactions
- connective tissue, mucous membranes
Phagocytic cell that consumes forein pathogens and cancer cells. Stimulates response of other immune cells
- migrates from blood vessels into tissues
NK cells
Kills tumor cells and virus-infected cells
- circulates in blood and migrates into tissues
denditric cell
presents antigens on its surface, thereby triggering adaptive immunity
- presnt in epithelial tissue, skin, lung and tissue of digestive tract. Migrates to lymph nodes upon activation
Differentiates into macrophages and dendtric cells in response to immflammation
first responders at the site of infection and trama, phagocytic cell represents 50-60 percent of all leukocytes. Releases toxins that kill or inhibit bacteria and fungi and recruits oterh immune cells to the site of infection
- migrates from blood vessels to tissues
Responsible for defense against parasites. Releases istamines that cause inflammation and may be responsible for allergic reactions
- circulates in blood and migrates to tissues
Releases toxins that kill bacteria and parasites but also cause tissue damage
- circulates in blood and migrates to tissue
innate immune system
aqquired/adaptive immune system
- you are born with it
- develops as you age
functinal system that recongnizes specific foregin substances;acts to immoblize/destroy them; amplifies inflammatory response and sctivates complement
binding of a signalizing molecule molecule occurs and a signal sent throughout the body to notify them it is time to go into fight mode
a molescule that provides a specific immunt immune response
b-cells and t-cells
have 2 overlapping arms: b-cells, humoral immunity (body fluid) and t-cells, cellular immunity