BIO 160: Chapter 7: Bone Tissue Flashcards
What is the skeletal system?
The skeletal system is composed of bones, cartilages, and ligaments joined tightly to form a strong, flexible framework for the body.
Break down: skelet
Skelet= Dried up
Break down: Osteo= _____ logy= _____
Osteo= Bone, logy= study of
What are the functions of the skeleton?
1) Support
2) Protection
3) Movement
4) Electrolyte balance
5) Acid-bace balance
6) Blood formation
What is bone also named?
Osseous tissue. It is a connective tissue in which the matrix is hardened by the deposition of calcium phosphate and other minerals. Osseous tissue is only one of the tissues that make up a bone.
What is the hardening process called?
Mineralization or Calcification (bone is not the hardest substance in the body: that distinction goes to tooth enamel.)
What is also present in bone?
Also present are blood, bone marrow, cartilage, adipose tissue, nervous tissue, and fibrous connective tissue.
What are the general features of bones?
Flat bones, long bones, short bones, irregular bones, compact (dense or lamellar) bone, medullary cavity, or marrow cavity, spongy bone, diaphysis, epiphysis, articular cartilage, nutrient foramina, periosteum, perforating fibres.